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Everything posted by ThanaReal

  1. Thank you. I tried creating two server side lua file (I put a variable in first server.lua file, I tried to use it in second file like I tried to use variable without synchronizing in shared side file) and I had to synchronize it in server side too. So, I understood that I have to synchronize variables to use between other script files. But, can you tell me all synchronizing methods? Event Handlers, Commands, and what else? Yes, thank you. Even I tried to use it in shared side: -- shared outputChatBox("Hello MTA World!") And that has been sent to chatbox twice. Because it worked in server and client side, right?
  2. Hello, I didn't understand how shared side works. I tried to do it: -- shared: SCRIPT_activity = true SCRIPT_text = "Random text" -- server if SCRIPT_activity then outputChatBox(SCRIPT_text) end That didn't work, why? But when I did this: -- shared: SCRIPT_activity = true SCRIPT_text = "Random text" -- server addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot,function() if SCRIPT_activity then outputChatBox(SCRIPT_text) end end) That absolutely worked. Why it only works when I use an event handler? I tried to do it with Command Handler and it worked too: -- shared: SCRIPT_activity = true SCRIPT_text = "Random text" -- server addCommandHandler("writeText",function() if SCRIPT_activity then outputChatBox(SCRIPT_text) end end) That works. But why it doesnt work when I use it without any command/event handler? Please explain how shared side works?
  3. https://pastebin.mtasa.com/1000005105 it is the URL.
  4. Hey, I have a problem. I wanted to make my server playable by all people. So, it is possible with ports. I opened my ports in internet, I disabled firewall of my computer, I disabled firewall of my internet. Okay, even I added TCP/UDP as a rule in firewall. So, everything is completed. Even, I wrote "openports", and it said: removed private information by staff Yes. As you see, but my friend can't join and can't browse my server. My server isn't at the internet section. Even, my friend can't join my server. Ports like not working. Ports are opened but not working. Please, help for that problem.
  5. Aaa thanks, it worked. But when hydra doesnt have target, I am giving error text but hydra has 2 projectiles and 2 ERROR MESSAGES Hahahah
  6. Anyway, I tried but it's only for peds. Not cars.
  7. It wasn't working Aaaaaa I tried something with that function and it worked so thanks to you But it has problem
  8. How can I get target of hydra? I hanged out in MTA Wiki and I didn't find a function for it. I need a function like: if getVehicleTarget(hydra) then bla bla blah else bla bla blah end
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