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Posts posted by gabrielcosta

  1. Bom, como eu desativei o modo play, o player novo, quando loga pela primeira vez, ele nasce em baixo da terra bugado (porque provavelmente não tem spawn setado pra ele)
    Então eu gostaria que alguém me ajudasse a resolver esse problema, se alguém tem algum script que possa resolver este problema
    Quem puder ajudar ficarei muito grato!

  2. Bom, se alguém puder me ajudar neste problema, gostaria muito.
    Ele se resume em, quando um jogador entra no servidor e é redirecionado a tela de login,
    ele consegue apertar F1, F2, F3 e ai vai.
    Gostaria de retirar isso, alguém poderia ajudar?

  3. Bom, não está reconhecendo o id do jogador quando digita num chat, está dando N/A.

    Print: https://prnt.sc/u6ikjl

    Código do chat: 

    ComandoDoChatGlobal =                "cp" ----COMANDO PARA UTILIZAR NO CHAT Ex:( /cp OI )
    function adminchat ( thePlayer, _, ... )
        local message = table.concat ( { ... }, " " )
        local ID = getElementData(source, "ID") or "N/A"
        if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer ) ) then
        for _, player in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "player" ) ) do
        if ( isPlayerOnGroup ( player ) ) then
    	conta = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))					
    	if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Policial" ) ) then ----ACL DE QUEM VAI VER/USAR O CHAT
    	outputChatBox("#ffFFFF| #FFA500COPOM #ffFFFF|#FFA500  "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "  #ffffff["..ID..")  » :#FFA500 "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true)
    	elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Policial" ) ) then ----ACL DE QUEM VAI VER/USAR O CHAT
    	outputChatBox("#ffFFFF| #FFA500COPOM #ffFFFF|#FFA500  "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).. "  #ffffff["..ID..")   » :#FFA500 "..message, player, 255, 255, 255, true)
    	setElementData ( thePlayer, "Chat:Avisado", true )
    	setElementData ( thePlayer, "Chat:Delay1",true )
        setTimer ( setElementData, 5000, 1, thePlayer, "Chat:Delay1", false )
    addCommandHandler ( ComandoDoChatGlobal, adminchat )
    function isPlayerOnGroup ( thePlayer )
        local account = getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer )
        local inGroup = false
        for _, group in ipairs ( { "Policial" } ) do ----ACL DE QUEM VAI VER/USAR O CHAT
        if isObjectInACLGroup ( "user.".. getAccountName ( account ), aclGetGroup ( group ) )   then
        inGroup = true
        return inGroup


  4. 23 hours ago, DNL291 said:

    O dx-text de sombra você precisa remover os códigos. O atributo colorCoded=true será nos dx-texts abaixo.

    Tente isto:

    local displayWidth, displayHeight = guiGetScreenSize();local notificationData = {};local notificationFont = dxCreateFont('font/roboto.ttf', 12 * 2, false);local iconsFont = dxCreateFont('font/icons.ttf', 12 * 2, false);addEventHandler('onClientRender', root,	function()		for k, v in pairs(notificationData) do			if (v.State == 'fadeIn') then				local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650;				local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear');								if (alphaAnimation) then					v.Alpha = alphaAnimation;				else					v.Alpha = 255;				end								if (alphaProgress > 1) then					v.Tick = getTickCount();					v.State = 'openTile';				end			elseif (v.State == 'fadeOut') then				local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650;				local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear');								if (alphaAnimation) then					v.Alpha = alphaAnimation;				else					v.Alpha = 0;				end								if (alphaProgress > 1) then					notificationData = {};				end			elseif (v.State == 'openTile') then				local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350;				local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.StartX, 0, 0, v.EndX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');				local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, v.Width, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');								if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then					v.CurrentX = tilePosition;					v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth;				else					v.CurrentX = v.EndX;					v.CurrentWidth = v.Width;				end								if (tileProgress > 1) then					v.State = 'fixTile';										setTimer(function()						v.Tick = getTickCount();						v.State = 'closeTile';					end, string.len(v.Text) * 45 + 5000, 1);				end			elseif (v.State == 'closeTile') then				local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350;				local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.EndX, 0, 0, v.StartX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');				local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(v.Width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');								if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then					v.CurrentX = tilePosition;					v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth;				else					v.CurrentX = v.StartX;					v.CurrentWidth = 0;				end								if (tileProgress > 1) then					v.AlphaTick = getTickCount();					v.State = 'fadeOut';				end			elseif (v.State == 'fixTile') then				v.Alpha = 255;				v.CurrentX = v.EndX;				v.CurrentWidth = v.Width;			end						roundedRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25 + v.CurrentWidth, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150 * v.Alpha / 255), _, true);			dxDrawRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255 * v.Alpha / 255), true);						if (v.Alpha == 255) then				dxDrawText(removeHex(v.Text), v.CurrentX + 25 + 10, 20, v.CurrentX + 25 + 10 + v.CurrentWidth - 20, 20 + 25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.40, notificationFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);			end						if (v.Type == 'error') then				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(215, 90, 90, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true, true);			elseif (v.Type == 'warning') then				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(220, 180, 80, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true, true);			elseif (v.Type == 'info') then				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(85, 180, 245, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true, true);			elseif (v.Type == 'success') then				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(235, 154, 13, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true, true);			end		end	end)addEvent('addNotification', true);function addNotification(text, type)	if (text and type) then		if (notificationData ~= nil) then			table.remove(notificationData, #notificationData);		end				table.insert(notificationData,			{				StartX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2),				EndX = (displayWidth / 2) - ((dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20 + 25) / 2),				Text = text,				Width = dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20,				Alpha = 0,				State = 'fadeIn',				Tick = 0,				AlphaTick = getTickCount(),				CurrentX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2),				CurrentWidth = 0,				Type = type or 'info'			}		);				playSoundFrontEnd(11);	endendaddEventHandler('addNotification', root, addNotification);function roundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI)	if (x and y and w and h) then		if (not borderColor) then			borderColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200);		end				if (not bgColor) then			bgColor = borderColor;		end						dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI);						dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y - 1, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); 		dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y + h, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); 		dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); 		dxDrawRectangle(x + w, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); 	endendfunction removeHex (s)    if type (s) == "string" then        while (s ~= s:gsub ("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")) do            s = s:gsub ("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "")        end    end    return s or falseend


    Não deu certo, continuou com aquela sombra em baixo

  5. On 23/08/2020 at 14:41, Boechat said:

    dá uma olhada na página da Wiki dessa função aqui. Ou você coloca a cor no 6° argumento (color) ou você coloca true no 14° argumento, q é o coloredCode. Por padrão esse argumento é false, ou seja, o código hexadecimal é considerado texto, colocando true, o código que você escreve na sua string do 1° argumento é convertido em cor, não em texto.

    Aonde eu coloco true neste código para deixar em cor em vez de texto?

  6. Bom, quando eu coloco o código para mudar a cor no dx message, ele não muda, ele só aparece o código
    gostaria se tem como resolver isso, print do erro:

    Script do DX MESSAGES: 

    local displayWidth, displayHeight = guiGetScreenSize();
    local notificationData = {};
    local notificationFont = dxCreateFont('font/roboto.ttf', 12 * 2, false);
    local iconsFont = dxCreateFont('font/icons.ttf', 12 * 2, false);
    addEventHandler('onClientRender', root,
    		for k, v in pairs(notificationData) do
    			if (v.State == 'fadeIn') then
    				local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650;
    				local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear');
    				if (alphaAnimation) then
    					v.Alpha = alphaAnimation;
    					v.Alpha = 255;
    				if (alphaProgress > 1) then
    					v.Tick = getTickCount();
    					v.State = 'openTile';
    			elseif (v.State == 'fadeOut') then
    				local alphaProgress = (getTickCount() - v.AlphaTick) / 650;
    				local alphaAnimation = interpolateBetween(255, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, alphaProgress, 'Linear');
    				if (alphaAnimation) then
    					v.Alpha = alphaAnimation;
    					v.Alpha = 0;
    				if (alphaProgress > 1) then
    					notificationData = {};
    			elseif (v.State == 'openTile') then
    				local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350;
    				local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.StartX, 0, 0, v.EndX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');
    				local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(0, 0, 0, v.Width, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');
    				if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then
    					v.CurrentX = tilePosition;
    					v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth;
    					v.CurrentX = v.EndX;
    					v.CurrentWidth = v.Width;
    				if (tileProgress > 1) then
    					v.State = 'fixTile';
    						v.Tick = getTickCount();
    						v.State = 'closeTile';
    					end, string.len(v.Text) * 45 + 5000, 1);
    			elseif (v.State == 'closeTile') then
    				local tileProgress = (getTickCount() - v.Tick) / 350;
    				local tilePosition = interpolateBetween(v.EndX, 0, 0, v.StartX, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');
    				local tileWidth = interpolateBetween(v.Width, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, tileProgress, 'Linear');
    				if (tilePosition and tileWidth) then
    					v.CurrentX = tilePosition;
    					v.CurrentWidth = tileWidth;
    					v.CurrentX = v.StartX;
    					v.CurrentWidth = 0;
    				if (tileProgress > 1) then
    					v.AlphaTick = getTickCount();
    					v.State = 'fadeOut';
    			elseif (v.State == 'fixTile') then
    				v.Alpha = 255;
    				v.CurrentX = v.EndX;
    				v.CurrentWidth = v.Width;
    			roundedRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25 + v.CurrentWidth, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 150 * v.Alpha / 255), _, true);
    			dxDrawRectangle(v.CurrentX, 20, 25, 25, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255 * v.Alpha / 255), true);
    			if (v.Alpha == 255) then
    				dxDrawText(v.Text, v.CurrentX + 25 + 10, 20, v.CurrentX + 25 + 10 + v.CurrentWidth - 20, 20 + 25, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 0.40, notificationFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);
    			if (v.Type == 'error') then
    				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(215, 90, 90, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);
    			elseif (v.Type == 'warning') then
    				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(220, 180, 80, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);
    			elseif (v.Type == 'info') then
    				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(85, 180, 245, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);
    			elseif (v.Type == 'success') then
    				dxDrawText('', v.CurrentX + 5, 20, v.CurrentX + 5 + 25 - 10, 20 + 25, tocolor(235, 154, 13, v.Alpha), 0.50, iconsFont, 'center', 'center', false, false, true);
    addEvent('addNotification', true);
    function addNotification(text, type)
    	if (text and type) then
    		if (notificationData ~= nil) then
    			table.remove(notificationData, #notificationData);
    				StartX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2),
    				EndX = (displayWidth / 2) - ((dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20 + 25) / 2),
    				Text = text,
    				Width = dxGetTextWidth(text, 0.40, notificationFont) + 20,
    				Alpha = 0,
    				State = 'fadeIn',
    				Tick = 0,
    				AlphaTick = getTickCount(),
    				CurrentX = (displayWidth / 2) - (25 / 2),
    				CurrentWidth = 0,
    				Type = type or 'info'
    addEventHandler('addNotification', root, addNotification);
    function roundedRectangle(x, y, w, h, borderColor, bgColor, postGUI)
    	if (x and y and w and h) then
    		if (not borderColor) then
    			borderColor = tocolor(0, 0, 0, 200);
    		if (not bgColor) then
    			bgColor = borderColor;
    		dxDrawRectangle(x, y, w, h, bgColor, postGUI);
    		dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y - 1, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); 
    		dxDrawRectangle(x + 2, y + h, w - 4, 1, borderColor, postGUI); 
    		dxDrawRectangle(x - 1, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); 
    		dxDrawRectangle(x + w, y + 2, 1, h - 4, borderColor, postGUI); 


  7. Alguém me ajuda com este erro?

    Aqui está aonde eu exportei a função do resource Scripts_Dxmessages

    	local vehicle = getVehicleByID(id)
    	if isElement(vehicle) then
    		local data = dbPoll(dbQuery(db, "SELECT * FROM VehicleList WHERE Account = ? AND ID = ?", getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), id), -1)
    		if type(data) == "table" and #data ~= 0 then
    			exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo #00FF66"..(customCarNames[data[1]["Model"]] or getVehicleNameFromModel(data[1]["Model"])).." #c1c1c1foi removido.", source, 38, 122, 216, true)
    			exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ("#c1c1c1Selecione um veiculo.", source, 38, 122, 216, true)
    		exports.Scripts_Dxmessages:outputDx ("#c1c1c1O seu veiculo não foi spawnado.", source, 38, 122, 216, true)

    O erro está se referindo aqui:

    function outputDx(player, text, type)
    	if (player and text and type) then
    		triggerClientEvent(player, 'Server:CallNotifications', resourceRoot, text, type);


  8. On 03/10/2019 at 17:41, Luccas said:
    function MensagemTwitter(source, cmd, ...) 
        local MessagemT = table.concat ( { ... }, "T" )
        local name = getPlayerName(source); 
    for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
      conta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™Twitter ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
    addCommandHandler("Twitter",  MensagemTwitter)
    function MensagemAnon(source, cmd, ...) 
        local MessagemANS = table.concat ( { ... }, "T" ); 
    for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        conta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™DeepWeb ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
    addCommandHandler("DeepWeb",  MensagemAnon)
    function MensagemRP(source, cmd, ...) 
        local MessagemFRP = table.concat ( { ... }, "" ); 
        local name = getPlayerName(source); 
    for _,v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do 
        conta = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) )
        if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Everyone" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
        elseif isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..conta, aclGetGroup ( "Nome do grupo" ) ) then
        outputChatBox("#00BFFF[ BsB™ForaDoRp ] #FFFFFF [Tag] "..name.." #FFFFFF: #00BFFF"..MessagemT,v, 255, 255, 255, true)
    addCommandHandler("forarp",  MensagemRP)
    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(),  
      bindKey(source, "Y", "down", "chatbox", "Twitter")
      bindKey(source, "U", "down", "chatbox", "Deepweb")
      bindKey(source, "i", "down", "chatbox", "forarp")

    OBS: Não testado. Qualquer erro só enviar print do "/debugscript 3".
    OBS: Só mudar a posição do "Nome do grupo" para o "Everyone". Pois quem tem a tag geral não vai aparecer a tag se ela estiver acima.

    Deu o seguinte erro:    [20-06-28 01:30:10] ERROR: [Mods]/[BVN]Chat/Chats.Lua:142: attempt to concatenate global 'MessagemT' (a nil value)

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