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About deletedacc

  • Birthday 11/03/1997

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  1. deletedacc

    TAG Players

    if <The player was an admin> then -- Show admin/player tag at another position else -- Show the player tag normaly end
  2. that's on server side and i replaced root to resourceRoot. it does'nt worked again. can you tell me why pickups have'nt alpha on MTA map editor??before trying to make pickups with script i tryed to make pickups with MTA map editor. that was worked but it have'nt alpha. pls hlp me, thanks allright allrigh allright ! i maked a pickup with script and it works ! my problem was position but still it have'nt alpha can you help me?
  3. i insert This Codes but it does'nt worked: function weaponTake () createPickup (3334.8000488281, -7807.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 9, 1, 200) createPickup (3332.8000488281, -7805.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 24, 1, 200) createPickup (3330.8000488281, -7803.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 27, 1, 200) createPickup (3328.8000488281, -7801.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 29, 1, 200) createPickup (3326.8000488281, -7799.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 31, 1, 200) createPickup (3324.8000488281, -7797.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 34, 1, 200) createPickup (3322.8000488281, -7895.5, 673.79998779297, 2, 16, 1, 200) end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", root, weaponTake) what can i do?? oh and when i create a pickup on MTA map editor it have'nt alpha help me plz
  4. i got error in console : Line 4 : Bad Argument @ 'isElementWithInMarker' [Expected marker at argument 2, got boolean I mean, when the player is in the back of the police station, it will show up inside. That's it! Like a normal "door" system on MTA! i got error in console : Line 4 : Bad Argument @ 'isElementWithInMarker' [Expected marker at argument 2, got boolean I mean, when the player is in the back of the police station, it will show up inside. That's it! Like a normal "door" system on MTA! i got error in console : Line 4 : Bad Argument @ 'isElementWithInMarker' [Expected marker at argument 2, got boolean I mean, when the player is in the back of the police station, it will show up inside. That's it! Like a normal "door" system on MTA!
  5. It didn't work either. My goal is to get into the PDHQ when the player is in the marker.Can you give me the necessary codes?
  6. AllRight!So What's The Problem Now? function EnterToPD () local x, y, z = getElementPosition ( thePlayer ) if (x == 1554.2001953125) then if (y == 1554.2001953125) then if (z == 15.199999809265) then outputChatBox ("Entered", source, 0, 255, 0, false) spawnPlayer (source, 923.5, -1143.5, 392.79998779297, 180, math.random (0,288), 0, 0, spawnTeam) fadeCamera (source, true) setCameraTarget (source, source) end end end end addCommandHandler("in", EnterToPD) Please Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!And If My Code's Wrong So Tell Me What can I Do? In fact, Just Send Me The Code Thank's
  7. what's the problem in this codes: local x, y, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer); if (x == 1554.2001953125) then if (y == -1675.599609375) then if (z == 15.199999809265) then outputChatBox ("Entered", source, 0, 255, 0, false) spawnPlayer (source, 923.5, -1143.5, 392.79998779297, 180, math.random (0,288), 0, 0, spawnTeam) fadeCamera (source, true) setCameraTarget (source, source) end end end ???????????????????????????????????????????????????
  8. i inserted that the code you say to me but when i go to my server i'm see a black/blank page . what i can do ? i just want say : when player join load the map and spawn the player in the map . please help me thanks
  9. Hi I created a map with the MTA editor map. And now I have the map file with no changes. I want to upload the map player after he logs in and the player where I want to be spawned. Summary of Questions: First question: How do I load the map for the player after login? second Question: How do I determine the player's spawn location?
  10. deletedacc


    yuhuuuu ! no one can help me guys?
  11. Thank you thank you thank you and thank you . You are the best ❤❤❤❤❤❤
  12. deletedacc


    Yeah i know that but i want say to system some think like this : onPlayerLogin Load resource <mapName> . And i dont know how i can do this . I dont know what code can do this . And i want after logging in player spawn to the map. And another quastion : map folder's have much map & script files. I want know when i want do some thinks like gate moving i have to write that to wich file? Like every time so sorry for very bad english and thanks for helping !
  13. Hi ! when i'm Login to my server console automatic send me some think in chat box . some think is this XD : login : Login Succesfuly ... and i dont want this message . what i can do ? sorry for very very bad eng and thanks for helping . . .
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