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BranD last won the day on June 1 2023

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About BranD

  • Birthday 19/11/1997


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    Trident Sky
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  1. [EN] Hello everyone! I’d like to share a suggestion that I believe could improve the experience for both players and server admins in MTA:SA. Currently, when we add a server to our favorites list, it saves the numeric IP address of the server. While this works fine, what if we could use web domains or URLs instead? Why is using domains better than numeric IPs? Easier to remember: It’s much simpler to recall a name like mta.mydomain.com than an IP address like 123.456.789.0. Flexibility for changes: If the server changes its IP (due to migration, hosting changes, etc.), players don’t need to update anything. The admin just redirects the domain to the new IP, and that’s it. Better for promotion: A domain looks more professional and appealing. Imagine promoting your server with something like join.mtaserver.net instead of a string of numbers. Sounds much cooler, right? Current compatibility: It’s already possible to connect to servers using domains in MTA, but the issue is that when saving the IP, it converts it into a numeric address. This removes all the benefits mentioned above. Domains can be used now, but they aren’t saved! Automatically converted to IP. My suggestion is that, when adding a server to favorites, the domain (if used) should be saved instead of automatically converting it to a numeric IP. This would make the experience more similar to games like Minecraft, where domains are the standard. I hope this idea is considered, as it would benefit both players and server admins. Thanks for reading, and I look forward to your feedback! [ES] ¡Hola a todos! Quisiera compartir una sugerencia que creo podría mejorar la experiencia de los jugadores y administradores en MTA:SA. Actualmente, cuando agregamos un servidor al listado favorito, este guarda la IP numérica del servidor. Esto está bien, pero... ¿qué tal si pudiéramos usar dominios web o URLs en su lugar? ¿Por qué es importante usar dominios en lugar de IPs numéricas? Facilidad de recordar: Es mucho más fácil recordar un nombre como mta.midominio.com que una dirección IP como 123.456.789.0. Flexibilidad para cambios: Si el servidor cambia de IP (por migración, cambio de hosting, etc.), los jugadores no necesitan actualizar nada. Solo el administrador redirige el dominio a la nueva IP, y listo. Mejor publicidad: Un dominio es más profesional y llamativo. Imagina promocionar tu servidor con algo como join.mtaserver.net en lugar de una serie de números. ¡Suena mucho mejor, verdad? Compatibilidad actual: Ya es posible conectarse a servidores usando dominios en MTA, pero el problema es que al guardar la IP, se convierte en la dirección numérica. Esto elimina las ventajas mencionadas. Mi sugerencia es que, al agregar un servidor a favoritos, se guarde el dominio (si se usó uno) en lugar de convertirlo automáticamente a una IP numérica. Esto haría que la experiencia sea más similar a juegos como Minecraft, donde los dominios son la norma. Actualmente se puede usar dominios, ¡pero no se guarda! Se cambia a IP automáticamente. Espero que esta idea sea considerada, ya que beneficiaría tanto a los jugadores como a los administradores. ¡Gracias por leer, y espero sus comentarios!
  2. In the current situation of MTA:SA the entire client-side is completely exposed even the addDebogHook events can be neutralized by hackers, I recommend you to do more checks on the server-side
  3. [Español] Quiero compartir con ustedes un nuevo sistema de Ammunation bastante minimalista y un código bien estructurado. También estoy usando la nueva biblioteca (dxLibrary) que está mucho mejor optimizada. IMPORTANTE: Debes utilizar la exports de Clawsuit dxLibrary, de lo contrario no será compatible, dejaré dos enlaces Links dxLibrary (2 opciones): 1- https://www.mediafire.com/file/mht0o4c6gh1icww/dxLibrary.zip/file 2- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary Recuerden renombrar el script y colocar de nombre (dxLibrary) para que funcione correctamente, y deben iniciar primero el script dxLibrary antes que el AmmunationDX o de lo contrario no funcionara correctamente. [English] I want to share with you a new, fairly minimalist ammunition system and a well-structured code. I'm also using the new library (dxLibrary) which is much better optimized. IMPORTANT: You must use Clawsuit dxLibrary export, otherwise it will not be supported, I will leave two links Links dxLibrary (2 options): 1- https://www.mediafire.com/file/mht0o4c6gh1icww/dxLibrary.zip/file 2- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary Remember to rename the script and name it (dxLibrary) for it to work correctly, and you must first start the dxLibrary script before AmmunationDX or else it will not work correctly. download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18924
  4. This is very interesting, but currently cheaters can inject malicious code without any type of restriction. They can also pause detectors such as addDebugHook to avoid anti-cheat.
  5. English Simple system, a loading screen animation is created using HTML and CSS, at the end of the download it closes within a few seconds, in addition, high startup priority was added so that it is one of the first resources to load. It is a fairly basic system but very nice for its servers Spañish Sistema simple, se crea una animación de la pantalla de carga usando HTML y CSS, al finalizar la descarga se cierra a los pocos segundos, además se agregó alta prioridad de inicio para que sea uno de los primeros recursos en cargar. Es un sistema bastante básico pero muy bonito para sus servidores. download script https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18917
  6. In the end I saw your code and I liked it, but there is a small error that you could correct, when you use the gameSpeed above 1 the head will bug, the solution is simple, put the following: setPedLookAt(player, vx, vy, z, -1, 0) Anyway, I appreciate your contribution to the community.
  7. I recommend that you test the system with more than 30 players, you will notice that it does not produce any negative effect on the server, the synchronization is client to client, not client to server and server to client. Previously, the solution for some was to use triggers, but that has an impact on the server's CPU.
  8. I understand the criticism, but the elementData is not synchronized on the server-side, it is only client-side, it will not affect the performance of the server, plus it only takes the visible elements of the player.
  9. [English] You will be able to see where the players are looking in real time, and this system is optimized to only process the players who are in your visual range. [Español] Podrás ver hacia dónde miran los jugadores en tiempo real y este sistema está optimizado para procesar solo a los jugadores que están dentro de tu rango visual. NOTE: It is synchronized with setElementData and getElementData all client-side to avoid using unnecessary triggers since they consume more CPU resources. Post Link: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18881
  10. This happened to me, what I did was remove from the scripts the functions that use redirectPlayer
  11. But most of my systems have anti-spam in the triggers, also the hacker executes a trigger that doesn't exist on the server-side I used the Winrar search engine to see if some of my codes had that sequence and it's as if he executed an event from your client but from server clients that event does not exist.
  12. This is a worrying issue because attackers can inject triggers from the client, causing the server to lag until it crashes. I am 100% sure that it is not just any system on my server because it is precisely the same pirates that have been playing. with aimbot, speedhack, being able to fly and among other things. When they are kicked, the lag disappears. do you think a possible solution is to compile all the client files ? I have several in protected mode, it's something similar to cache but I think it's safer, I still have to compile all my clients because some clients are from the community and are not compiled, do you think they have a way to use those decompiled files and execute functions from the client?
  13. Good morning, sorry for the inconvenience, I own an MTA server and we have spent several days investigating a possible vulnerability in the MTA anti-cheat system, as you can see several servers are being affected by cheating players, I have demonstrable evidence where the player has a life infinite, can shoot missile launchers and even vehicles appear out of thin air, but what is more worrying is that the hacker can even inject lua from the client, which is why we recently got a massive console spam attack that flooded the CPU and the server is late, please contact me privately to provide information and find a solution to this serious problem. Similar servers like SX have fallen victim to these cheats.
  14. Thank you very much, I will continue making contributions with the dxLibrary system, well-optimized systems and very well done. By the way, I added a new version because the isPedInVehicle was in a bad position, if you used the dxLibrary and clicked on another panel it would send you the message that you were inside a vehicle, I corrected it by placing it inside the buttons of the Neon panel
  15. commands: /walk or /walkstyle comandos: /walk o /walkstyle [Español] Sistema para cambiar el estilo de caminar, recuerda descargar la dxLibrary para que funcione correctamente, este sistema está súper bien optimizado y bastante probado. Advertencia: Este sistema usa un exports llamado dxLibrary el cual debe ser ejecutado primero para que el panel funcione correctamente, todo el sistema es descompilado para su verificación Descarga las exports aquí, tienes 2 opciones 1- Descárgala de la página oficial de la dxLibrary pero una vez descargada debes renombrar el Script a "dxLibrary" ambos enlaces sirven para descargar la biblioteca dx, usa la que más te convenga: 1- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary (renombrar el script a "dxLibrary") 2- https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgdheud81rwoy0c/dxLibrary.zip/file (opción 2 por si el primer link no sirve) [English] System to change the style of walking, remember to download the dxLibrary to make it work correctly, this system is super well optimized and quite tested. Warning: This system uses an exports called dxLibrary which must be executed first for the panel to work correctly, the whole system is decompiled for verification Download the exports here, you have 2 options 1- Download it from the official page of the dxLibrary but once downloaded you must rename the Script to "dxLibrary" both links are used to download the dx library, use the one that suits you best: 1- https://github.com/clawsuit/dxLibrary (rename the script to "dxLibrary") 2- https://www.mediafire.com/file/sgdheud81rwoy0c/dxLibrary.zip/file (option 2 in case the first link does not work) download: https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=18839
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