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executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS party (party TEXT,leader TEXT)") executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS party_members (party TEXT,serial TEXT,r NUMERIC,g NUMERIC,b NUMERIC)") -- local q = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM serialUsername") -- local q = executeSQLQuery("SELECT username FROM accountUsername WHERE serial=?",s) -- local q = executeSQLQuery("SELECT username FROM accountUsername WHERE serial=?",s) -- executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO party (party,leader) VALUES(?,?)",v,l) executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO party_members (party,serial,r,g,b) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)",v,i,r,g,b) -- local q1 = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM party") -- local q2 = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM party_members WHERE party=?",p) -- executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM party") executeSQLQuery("DELETE FROM party_members") Debug errors: ERROR: Database query failed no such column: serial ERROR: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value) Lines: local n = q[1].username local q = executeSQLQuery("SELECT username FROM accountUsername WHERE serial=?",s)
allowedwps = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, } function disablenodm (p) if getPedWeapon(localPlayer, #allowedwps) then return end if getElementData(localPlayer,"nodm",true) then toggleControl("next_weapon",false) toggleControl("previous_weapon",false) else toggleControl("next_weapon",true) toggleControl("previous_weapon",true) end end بدي اخلي اللاعب يستطيع أن يغير السلاح عندما يكون معه سلاح من الأسلحة الموجودة بالجدول
شباب بدي أخلي البيد لما يكون عليه داتا nodm يقدر يغير الأسلحة بس الموجودة بالتيبل allowedwps = { [1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, } function disablenodm (p) if getPedWeapon(localPlayer, #allowedwps) then return end if getElementData(localPlayer,"nodm",true) then toggleControl("next_weapon",false) toggleControl("previous_weapon",false) else toggleControl("next_weapon",true) toggleControl("previous_weapon",true) end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",root,disablenodm) function changeNodmCheck(bool) guiCheckBoxSetSelected(getControl(wndMain, 'No deathmatch'), bool) end
مشكور جربتهم و اشتغلو و فكرة وصلت و لما بدي أحطهم الإثنين مع بعض في الشات بوكس جربت كذا: outputChatBox(myTable[1][1][2],source,255,0,0) ما اشتغلت و كمان سؤال داخل التيبل أسوي الرموز ذي {} بس لما يكون في أكثر من أرقمنت؟ مثال: myTable = { [1] = {"Hello", "1154"} } يعني ما ينفع myTable = { [1] = "Hello", "1154" }
مشكور بس سويت كثير محاولات عشان أضيف اكثر أشياء للتيبل و لكن فشلت مثل: myTable = { [1] = {"Hello", "1154"} } function text () outputChatBox(myTable[1],source,255,0,0) end addCommandHandler("aa",text) myTable = { [1] = "Hello", "1154", } function text () outputChatBox(myTable[1],source,255,0,0) end addCommandHandler("aa",text) و جربت myTable[1], myTable[2] وما اشتغلت كمان
السلام عليكم شباب مش فاهم وين الخطأ؟ ما في شي بالديبق function powers(c,pw) local val = isValidPower(pw) if val then local ws = not isWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled(val) setWorldSpecialPropertyEnabled(val,ws) local mt = getToggle(ws) outputChatBox("#006400•#ffffff "..val.." #006400has been "..mt.."!",255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("• Power not found",255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler("pw",PW.Toggle) addEvent("tstaffpowers",true) addEventHandler("tstaffpowers",root,PW.Toggle) function checkstaff(thePlayer) local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( thePlayer ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "VIP" ) ) then triggerClientEvent (root, "tstaffpowers", thePlayer) else outputChatBox("لا تستطيع",thePlayer,255,0,0) end end
مشكور والله ما قصرت مشكور بس معي سؤال في إستعمال اللوب ماهو ال 'v' و ماهو ال 'i' iو ليش أحيانا يكون بمكان ال i, v = _, v
السلام عليكم شباب بدي أعرف متى يجب أن أستعمل الجداول؟ بإستثناء اللوب
Dude please focus with me i know that i can change the name of the parametres im talking about #weapons How did my server knew that #weapons is the parametre(weapon) ? (also there is difference between the words, the parametre is weapon) and my table is weapons (The 's')
I will try your code it seems much better but my question is: The word to check the weapon is "weapon",( example: if weapon == 31) but i'm a bit confused how the" #weapons" considered as "weapon" the 2 words dont look the same in case instead of weapons table i didn't put the weapons ids, i put bodyparts ex: bodypartss {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,} elseif weapon == 31 and #bodypartss then How the server will read them? I'm still new in scripting
Guys i've made this code and its working very well weapons = {22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, } function sendHeadshot ( attacker, weapon, bodypart, loss ) local hp = getElementHealth(source) end if attacker == getLocalPlayer() then if bodypart == 9 and weapon == 34 or weapon == 33 or weapon == 24 or weapon == 25 then triggerServerEvent( "onServerHeadshot", getRootElement(), source, attacker, weapon, loss ) setElementHealth ( source, 0 ) setPedHeadless( source, true ) end elseif bodypart == 9 and #weapons then setElementHealth ( source, hp-50 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPedDamage", getRootElement(), sendHeadshot ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerDamage", getRootElement(), sendHeadshot ) The question is: If i want to check if the weapon is M4 so i write: if weapon == 31 then And after using the table, when i wrote #weapons it worked fine but i wonder how did the server knew that #weapons = weapon ? PS: first time i use tables
local Ranks = { "Owner", "Developer", "Admin", "Community Manager", "SuperModerator", "Moderator", "Warden", "Quality Assurance", "Hero", "VIP", } addEvent("IF:GetStaffs",true) addEventHandler("IF:GetStaffs",root, function() local a = {} local tabs = 0 for k,group in ipairs(Ranks) do for k,v in ipairs(aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup(group))) do if v:find("user.") then local main = getAccount(v:gsub("user.",""),nil) if main then local playeracc = getAccountName(getAccount(v:gsub("user.",""),nil)) local nickacc = executeSQLQuery("SELECT username FROM accountUsername WHERE account=?", playeracc) local accn = getAccount(playeracc) if accn then if #nickacc > 0 then local player = nickacc[1].username local pac = getAccountPlayer (accn) if pac then debug: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got boolean)