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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. Sorki, nie było mnie przez weekend. Nie pomaga nic
  2. W dalszym Ciągu mam ten problem nie pomogło.
  3. Więc jak w temacie TAB nie pokazuje listy graczy, jest zbindowane, byl reconnect, reinstalacja. Dopiero kiedy wlasciciel zmienił tablice na podstawową to zadziałało. Oczywiscie innym graczom działa normalnie. prawdopodobnie po prostu moje mta nie czyta skryptu czy coś to są (chyba logi z błędu): [2019-05-12 23:22:25] ERROR: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2019-05-12 23:22:31] WARNING: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: Bad argument @ 'dxGetFontHeight' [Expected dx-font at argument 2, got boolean] [DUP x72] [2019-05-12 23:22:31] ERROR: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [DUP x72] [2019-05-12 23:22:35] WARNING: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: Bad argument @ 'dxGetFontHeight' [Expected dx-font at argument 2, got boolean] [2019-05-12 23:22:35] ERROR: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [2019-05-12 23:22:41] WARNING: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: Bad argument @ 'dxGetFontHeight' [Expected dx-font at argument 2, got boolean] [DUP x29] [2019-05-12 23:22:41] ERROR: community-scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:1190: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value [DUP x29]
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