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oliversilva's Achievements


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  1. Tá em SQL, queria remover do SQL a parte de reset de senha
  2. Tenho um script de painel de login que a parte de resetar senha não funciona, provavelmente é o guimessages, alguém pode me ajudar ?
  3. Alguém pode me ajudar a arrumar esse mod ? https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=13610
  4. Para tentar desbugar / arrumar esse painel de login com defeito, não está funcionando corretamente, alguém consegue me ajudar a encontrar e corrigir o erro? local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize () local x, y = sX / 1366, sY / 768 local fontsize = sX / 1920 local lp = { hasAccount = true, blur = { shader = dxCreateShader ("img / blur.fx"), screensource = dxCreateScreenSource (sX, sY), --update = true, }, login = { showpass = false, savepass = falso, }, registrar = { }, teoria-se = { }, } function init () triggerServerEvent ("server: init", localPlayer) end function showLogin (nome de usuário, senha) showChat (false) setPlayerHudComponentVisible ("all", false) showCursor (true) lp.gridlist = guiCreateGridList ((sX / 2 - (400 * x) / 2) + (430 * x) + ( 12 * x), sY / 2 - (250 * y) / 2 + 12 * y, 226 * x, 226 * y, falso) guiGridListAddColumn (lp.gridlist, "Nome", 0,5) guiGridListAddColumn (lp.gridlist, " Cargo ", 0,4) lp.login.button = dxCreateButton (sX / 2 - (150 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (380 * y) / 2) + (260 * y), 150 * x, 40 * y, "Entrar", tocolor (0,0,0,255)) lp.login.username = dxCreateEdit (sX / 2 - (270 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (480 * y) / 2) + 105 * y, 270 * x, 30 * y, 1.5 * tamanho da fonte, "Nome") --dxSetEditEnabled (lp.login.username, false) se nome de usuário e # nome de usuário> 0 então dxSetEditText (lp.login.username, username) else lp.hasAccount = false end lp.login.password = dxCreateEdit (sX / 2 - (270 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (410 * y) / 2) + (105 * y) + (30 * y) + 7 * y, 270 * x, 30 * y, 1.5 * tamanho da fonte, "Senha") dxSetEditMask (lp.login.password, true) se senha e #password> 0 então dxSetEditText (lp.login.password, senha) lp.login.savepass = true end lp.register.button = dxCreateButton ((sX / 2 - (400 * x) / 2 - 280 * x) + (250 * x) / 2 - (100 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (250 * y) / 2) + (200 * y), 135 * x, 30 * y, "Registrador", tocolor (0,0,0,255 )) lp.register.username = dxCreateEdit ((sX / 2 - (400 * x) / 2 - 280 * x) + (250 * x) / 2 - (170 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (250 * y) / 2) + (60 * y), 170 * x, 30 * y, 1,5 * tamanho da fonte , "Nome") lp.register.password = dxCreateEdit ((sX / 2 - (400 * x) / 2 - 280 * x) + (250 * x) / 2 - (170 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (250 * y) / 2) + (100 * y), 170 * x, 30 * y, 1,5 * fontsize, "Senha") dxSetEditMask (lp.register.password, true) lp.register.repassword = dxCreateEdit ((sX / 2 - (400 * x) / 2 - 280 * x) + (250 * x) / 2 - (170 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (250 * y) / 2) + (140 * y), 170 * x, 30 * y, 1,5 * tamanho da fonte , "senha novamente") dxSetEditMask (lp.register .repassword, true) lp.forgotpass.fpass = dxCreateButton (sX / 2 - (200 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (410 * y) / 2) + (330 * y), 200 * x, 20 * y, "Esqueceu sua senha?", tocolor (, 1 * tamanho da fonte) lp.forgotpass.pass = dxCreateEdit ((sX / 2 - (230 * x) / 2), sY / 2 + (410 * y) / 2 + 8 * x + 22 * x + 20 * y, 230 * x, 30 * y, 1,5 * tamanho da fonte , "Nova senha") lp.forgotpass.button = dxCreateButton ((sX / 2 - (100 * x) / 2), sY / 2 + (410 * y) / 2 + 8 * x + 22 * x + 70 * y, 100 * x, 20 * y, "Resetar senha", tocolor (0,0,0,255), 1 * tamanho da fonte) setTime (0,0) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, blurRender ) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, drawLogin) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, drawRegister) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, drawAdmins) triggerServerEvent ("server: getOnlineAdmins", localPlayer) end addEvent ("client: init: callBack", true) addEventHandler ("client: init: callBack", root, function (username, password) showLogin (username, password) end ) addEvent ("cliente: registrado", verdadeiro) addEventHandler ("cliente: registrado", raiz, função (nome de usuário) se nome de usuário então removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", raiz, blurRender) removeEventHandler ("onClientRender", raiz, drawLogin) removeEventHandler (" onClientRender ", root, drawRegister) removeEventHandler (" onClientRender ", root, drawAdmins) removeEventHandler (" onClientRender ", root, drawForgot) destroyElement (lp.blur.screensource) destroyElement (lp.blur.shader) destroyElement (lp.blur.shader) destroyElement (lp.blur.shader) (falso) showChat (verdadeiro) else dxSetButtonEnabled (lp.login.button, true) end fim ) addEvent ("client: Registered", true) addEventHandler ("client: Registered", root, function (username) if username then dxSetEditText (lp.login.username, username) lp.hasAccount = true else dxSetButtonEnabled (lp.register.button , verdadeiro) fim fim ) addEvent ("client: Forgotpass: callBack", true) addEventHandler ("client: Forgotpass: callBack", root, function (username) addEventHandler ("onClientRender", root, drawForgot) end ) addEvent ("client: getOnlineAdmins: callBack", true) addEventHandler ("client: getOnlineAdmins: callBack", root, function (admins) outputChatBox (#admins) para k, v em ipairs (admins) do local row = guiGridListAddRow (lp. gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText (lp.gridlist, row, 1, v.name, false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor (lp.gridlist, row, 1,0,255,0) guiGridListSetItemText (lp.gridlist, row, 2, v.rank, false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor (lp.gridlist, row, 2.0,255,0) end end ) addEvent ("onClientdxButtonClick", true) addEventHandler ("onClientdxButtonClick", root, function (plr) if plr == localPlayer then if source == lp.login.button then local username = dxGetEditText (lp.login.username) local password = dxGetEditText (lp.login.password) if #username> 0 e #password> 0 then triggerServerEvent ("server: login", plr, username, password, lp.login.savepass) dxSetButtonEnabled (lp.login.button, false) else exporta ["guimessages"]: outputServer ("* Entre com nome e senha!", 255, 128, 0) end elseif source == lp.register.botão então local username = dxGetEditText (lp.register.username) local password = dxGetEditText (lp.register.password) local repassword = dxGetEditText (lp.register.repassword) if #username> 0 e #password> 0 então se password == repassword então triggerServerEvent ("servidor: registrar", plr, nome de usuário, senha) dxSetButtonEnabled (lp.register.button, false) end else extensions ["guimessages"]: outputServer ("* Entre com nome e senha!", 255, 128, 0 ) end elseif source == lp.forgotpass.fpass then triggerServerEvent ("servidor:esqueceu-se ", plr) elseif source == lp.forgotpass.button then local username = dxGetEditText (lp.login.username) if #username> 0 then local password = dxGetEditText (lp.forgotpass.pass) if #password> 0 then triggerServerEvent ("server: changePassword ", plr, nome de usuário, senha, lp.login.savepass) removeEventHandler (" onClientRender ", root, drawForgot) else extensions [" guimessages "]: outputServer (" * Coloque a senha! ", 255, 128, 0) end else exporta ["guimessages"]: outputServer ("* Coloque o nome!", 255, 128,0) fim fim fim fim ) addEventHandler ("onClientClick", root, function (bttn, state) if bttn == "left" e state == "down" então se isMouseInPosition (sX / 2 - (62 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - ( 410 * y) / 2) + (190 * y), 62 * x, 26 * y) then lp.login.showpass = not lp.login.showpass dxSetEditMask (lp.login.password, não lp.login.showpass) elseif isMouseInPosition (sX / 2 - (62 * x) / 2, (sY / 2 - (410 * y) / 2) + (190 * y) + 31 * y, 62 * x, 26 * y) depois lp. login.savepass = not lp.login.savepass end end end ) function blurRender () if ( lp.blur.shader ) then --if lp.blur.update then dxUpdateScreenSource(lp.blur.screensource) dxSetShaderValue(lp.blur.shader, "ScreenSource", lp.blur.screensource); dxSetShaderValue(lp.blur.shader, "UVSize", sX, sY); dxSetShaderValue(lp.blur.shader, "BlurStrength", 9 ); --lp.blur.update = false --end dxDrawImage(0, 0, sX, sY, lp.blur.shader) end end function drawLogin() dxDrawText2("Conectar-se",sX/2 - (400*x)/2,0,400*x,160*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),5*fontsize,"arial","center","bottom") dxDrawRectangle(sX/2 - (400*x)/2,sY/2 - (410*y)/2,400*x,410*y,tocolor(255,255,255,20)) dxDrawEmptyRectangle(sX/2 - (400*x)/2,sY/2 - (410*y)/2,400*x,410*y,tocolor(0,0,0,100),8*x) --dxDrawRectangle(sX/2 - (270*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + 105*y,270*x,30*y,tocolor(231,231,239,255)) dxDrawEdit(lp.login.username) dxDrawImage(sX/2 - (270*x)/2 - 35*y,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + 105*y,30*y,30*y,"img/username.png") --dxDrawRectangle(sX/2 - (270*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (105*y) + (30*y) + 7*y,270*x,30*y,tocolor(231,231,239,255)) dxDrawEdit(lp.login.password) dxDrawImage(sX/2 - (270*x)/2 - 35*y,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (105*y) + (30*y) + 7*y,30*y,30*y,"img/password.png") dxDrawText2("Mostrar senha",sX/2 - (62*x)/2 - 105*x,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (190*y),62*x,26*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5*fontsize,"arial","left","center") dxDrawImage(sX/2 - (62*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (190*y),62*x,26*y,lp.login.showpass and "img/on.png" or "img/off.png") dxDrawText2("Salvar senha",sX/2 - (62*x)/2 - 105*x,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (190*y) + 31*y,62*x,26*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.5*fontsize,"arial","left","center") dxDrawImage(sX/2 - (62*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (190*y) + 31*y,62*x,26*y,lp.login.savepass and "img/on.png" or "img/off.png") --dxDrawRectangle(sX/2 - (150*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (260*y),150*x,30*y,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) --dxDrawText2("Login",sX/2 - (150*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (260*y),150*x,30*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),2,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawButton(lp.login.button) --dxDrawRectangle(sX/2 - (200*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (330*y),200*x,20*y,tocolor(41,130,206,255)) --dxDrawText2("Forgot your password?",sX/2 - (200*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (330*y),200*x,20*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawButton(lp.forgotpass.fpass) dxDrawEmptyRectangle(sX/2 - (200*x)/2,( sY/2 - (410*y)/2 ) + (330*y),200*x,20*y,tocolor(0,0,0,255),1) end function drawRegister() dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 30*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 25*y,22*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 30*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 125*y,22*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 30*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 225*y,22*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawText2("Criar conta",(sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 280*x,0,250*x,250*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3*fontsize,"arial","center","bottom") dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 280*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2,250*x,250*y,tocolor(255,255,255,20)) dxDrawEmptyRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 280*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2,250*x,250*y,tocolor(0,0,0,100),1) if not lp.hasAccount then --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (60*y),170*x,30*y,tocolor(231,231,239,255)) dxDrawEdit(lp.register.username) dxDrawImage(((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2) - 35*y,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (60*y),30*y,30*y,"img/username.png") --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (100*y),170*x,30*y,tocolor(231,231,239,255)) dxDrawEdit(lp.register.password) dxDrawImage(((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2) - 35*y,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (100*y),30*y,30*y,"img/password.png") --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (140*y),170*x,30*y,tocolor(231,231,239,255)) dxDrawEdit(lp.register.repassword) dxDrawImage(((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (170*x)/2) - 35*y,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (140*y),30*y,30*y,"img/password.png") --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (100*x)/2,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (200*y),100*x,30*y,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) --dxDrawText2("Register",(sX/2 - (400*x)/2 - 280*x) + (250*x)/2 - (100*x)/2,( sY/2 - (250*y)/2 ) + (200*y),100*x,30*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),2,"default-bold","center","center") dxDrawButton(lp.register.button) else dxDrawText2("Você só pode se registrar uma vez",(sX/2 - (400*x)/2) - 280*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2,250*x,250*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),1.3*fontsize,"default-bold","center","center") end end function drawAdmins() dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 405*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 25*y,25*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 405*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 125*y,25*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 405*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 225*y,25*x,2,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawText2("Adiministração",(sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 430*x,0,250*x,250*y,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3*fontsize,"arial","center","bottom") dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 430*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2,250*x,250*y,tocolor(255,255,255,20)) dxDrawEmptyRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 430*x,sY/2 - (250*y)/2,250*x,250*y,tocolor(0,0,0,100),1) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + (430*x) + (10*x),sY/2 - (250*y)/2 + 10*y,230*x,230*y,tocolor(57,52,57,255)) end function drawForgot() dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (400*x)/2) + 200*x,sY/2 + (410*y)/2 + 8*x,2,22*x,tocolor(0,0,0,150)) dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (250*x)/2),sY/2 + (410*y)/2 + 8*x + 22*x,250*x,100*y,tocolor(255,255,255,20)) dxDrawEmptyRectangle((sX/2 - (250*x)/2),sY/2 + (410*y)/2 + 8*x + 22*x,250*x,100*y,tocolor(0,0,0,100),1) --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (230*x)/2),sY/2 + (410*y)/2 + 8*x + 22*x + 20*y,230*x,30*y) dxDrawEdit(lp.forgotpass.pass) --dxDrawRectangle((sX/2 - (100*x)/2),sY/2 + (410*y)/2 + 8*x + 22*x + 70*y,100*x,20*y) dxDrawButton(lp.forgotpass.button) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() init() end ) function dxDrawEmptyRectangle(startX, startY, endX, endY, color, width, postGUI) dxDrawRectangle(startX-width,startY-width,endX+width,width,color,postGUI) -- top dxDrawRectangle(startX-width,startY+endY,endX+width,width,color,postGUI) -- bottom dxDrawRectangle(startX-width,startY,width,endY,color,postGUI) -- left dxDrawRectangle(startX+endX,startY-width,width,endY+width+width,color,postGUI) -- right end function dxDrawText2(t,x,y,w,h,...) return dxDrawText(t,x,y,x+w,y+h,...) end function isMouseInPosition ( x, y, width, height ) if ( not isCursorShowing ( ) ) then return false end local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize ( ) local cx, cy = getCursorPosition ( ) local cx, cy = ( cx * sx ), ( cy * sy ) if ( cx >= x and cx <= x + width ) and ( cy >= y and cy <= y + height ) then return true else return false end end local function getn(table) local a7 = 0 for k,v in pairs(table) do a7 = a7+1 end return a7 end ----- ALw7sH dxlib 1.0.0 --- dx button local button = { data = {} } function dxCreateButton(x,y,w,h,text,color,textSize,postGUI) local theButton = createElement("dxButton") if getn(button.data) < 1 then addEventHandler("onClientClick",root,buttonClick) end button.data[theButton] = {x=x,y=y,w=w,h=h,text=text,color=color,textSize=textSize,postGUI=postGUI or false,alpha=0,hover=false,enabled=true} return theButton end function dxDrawButton(Button) if isElement(Button) and getElementType(Button) == "dxButton" then local d = button.data[Button] if isMouseInPosition(d.x,d.y,d.w,d.h) and d.enabled then button.data[Button].hover = true else button.data[Button].hover = false end dxDrawRectangle(d.x,d.y,d.w,d.h,d.color,d.postGUI) dxDrawText(d.text,d.x,d.y,d.x+d.w,d.y+d.h,tocolor(255,255,255,255),d.textSize or 2,"default-bold","center","center",true,false,d.postGUI) end end function dxSetButtonEnabled(Button,bool) if isElement(Button) and getElementType(Button) == "dxButton" then button.data[Button].enabled = bool end end function dxDestroyButton(Button) if isElement(Button) and getElementType(Button) == "dxButton" then button.data[Button] = nil destroyElement(button) end end function buttonClick(bttn,state) if bttn == "left" and state == "down" then local buttons = getElementsByType("dxButton") if #buttons > 0 then for i=1,#buttons do if button.data[buttons] then local hover = button.data[buttons].hover if hover == true then triggerEvent("onClientdxButtonClick",buttons,localPlayer) button.data[buttons].hover = false break end end end end end end --- edit local edit = { data = {} } function dxCreateEdit(x,y,w,h,textSize,defaulttext,icon,maxlength,mask,postGUI) local theEdit = createElement("dxEdit") if getn(edit.data) < 1 then addEventHandler("onClientCharacter", getRootElement(), addCharacterToEdit) addEventHandler("onClientKey", root, backspace) end edit.data[theEdit] = {x=x,y=y,w=w,h=h,textSize=textSize,dt=defaulttext,icon=icon,ml=maxlength,mask=mask or false,postGUI=postGUI or false, text="",hover=false,clicked=false,selectAll=false,enabled=true} return theEdit end function dxDrawEdit(Edit) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then local d = edit.data[Edit] d.text = tostring(d.text) local text = (d.clicked and (d.mask and string.rep("*",#d.text) or d.text)) or (string.len(d.text) > 0 and (d.mask and string.rep("*",#d.text) or d.text)) or (d.dt ~= nil and d.dt or d.text) if getKeyState("mouse1") then if isMouseInPosition ( d.x, d.y, d.w, d.h ) and d.enabled then if not d.clicked then edit.data[Edit].clicked = true guiSetInputEnabled(true) end else if d.clicked then edit.data[Edit].clicked = false guiSetInputEnabled(false) end end end if d.clicked then if not guiGetInputEnabled() then guiSetInputEnabled(true) end end dxDrawRectangle(d.x,d.y,d.w,d.h,tocolor(231,231,239,255),d.postGUI) local tX = type(d.icon) == "string" and d.x+d.h+(d.h/3) or d.x+(d.h/3) local tXx = d.x+d.h-((d.h/2)*3) dxDrawText(text,tX,d.y,(tXx)+d.w,d.y+d.h,tocolor(0,0,0,255),d.textSize or 1,"default-bold","left","center",true,false,d.postGUI) if d.selectAll then local tW = dxGetTextWidth(text,d.textSize or 1,"default-bold") local tH = dxGetFontHeight(d.textSize or 1,"default-bold") dxDrawRectangle(tX,d.y+(tH/2),tW,tH,tocolor(63,63,63,100),d.postGUI) end end end guiSetInputEnabled(false) function dxDestroyEdit(Edit) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then edit.data[Edit] = nil destroyElement(Edit) end end function dxSetEditEnabled(Edit,en) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then edit.data[Edit].enabled = en end end function dxSetEditMask(Edit,m) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then edit.data[Edit].mask = m end end function dxSetEditText(Edit,text) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then edit.data[Edit].text = text end end function dxGetEditText(Edit) if isElement(Edit) and getElementType(Edit) == "dxEdit" then return edit.data[Edit].text end end function addCharacterToEdit(character) if character == " " then return end if string.byte(character) < 32 or string.byte(character) > 127 then return end local Edit = getElementsByType("dxEdit") for i=1,#Edit do if edit.data[Edit] then if edit.data[Edit].clicked == true then if edit.data[Edit].selectAll == true then edit.data[Edit].selectAll = false edit.data[Edit].text = "" end if edit.data[Edit].ml ~= nil then if #edit.data[Edit].text < edit.data[Edit].ml then edit.data[Edit].text = edit.data[Edit].text..character end else edit.data[Edit].text = edit.data[Edit].text..character end end end end end function backspace(key,sm) if sm then local Edit = getElementsByType("dxEdit") for i=1,#Edit do if edit.data[Edit] then if edit.data[Edit].clicked == true then if string.len(edit.data[Edit].text) > 0 and key == "backspace" then if edit.data[Edit].selectAll == false then edit.data[Edit].text = string.sub(edit.data[Edit].text,1,string.len(edit.data[Edit].text)-1) else edit.data[Edit].selectAll = false edit.data[Edit].text = "" end elseif getKeyState("lctrl") and key == "a" or getKeyState("rctrl") and key == "a" then edit.data[Edit].selectAll = not edit.data[Edit].selectAll end end end end end end local admins = { "Admin", "Moderator", "Console", } local outputChatBox_ = outputChatBox function outputChatBox(player,text,r,g,b,color) return outputChatBox_(text,player or root,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255,color or false) end addEvent("server:init",true) addEventHandler("server:init",root, function() executeSQLQuery("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `a7_accounts` (`account_name` TEXT, `account_password` TEXT,`account_serial` TEXT)") local account = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `a7_accounts` WHERE `account_serial`=? LIMIT 1",getPlayerSerial(client)) local username local password if #account > 0 then username = account[1].account_name password = account[1].account_password end triggerClientEvent(client,"client:init:callBack",client,username,password) end ) addEvent("server:getOnlineAdmins",true) addEventHandler("server:getOnlineAdmins",root, function() local a = {} for k,group in ipairs(admins) do for k,v in ipairs(aclGroupListObjects(aclGetGroup(group))) do if v:find("user.") then local player = getAccountPlayer(getAccount(v:gsub("user.",""),nil)) if player then table.insert(a,{name=getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""),rank=group}) end end end end triggerClientEvent(client,"client:getOnlineAdmins:callBack",client,a) end ) addEvent("server:login",true) addEventHandler("server:login",root, function(username,password,savepass) local account = getAccount(username,password) if account then logIn(client,account,password) triggerClientEvent(client,"client:loggedIn",client,username) local account = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `a7_accounts` WHERE `account_serial`=? LIMIT 1",getPlayerSerial(client)) local pass = savepass and password or "" if #account > 0 then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE `a7_accounts` SET `account_password`=? WHERE `account_serial`=?",pass,getPlayerSerial(client)) else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO `a7_accounts` VALUES(?,?,?)",username,pass,getPlayerSerial(client)) end --exports.GameMod:loadacc(client) else outputChatBox(client, "* A senha ou nome está errada!", 255, 128, 0) end triggerClientEvent(client,"client:loggedIn",client) end ) addEvent("server:register",true) addEventHandler("server:register",root, function(username,password) if addAccount(username,password) then executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO `a7_accounts` VALUES(?,?,?)",username,"",getPlayerSerial(client)) triggerClientEvent(client,"client:Registered",client,username) else outputChatBox(client, "* Essa conta já existe!", 255, 128, 0) end triggerClientEvent(client,"client:Registered",client,false) end ) addEvent("server:forgotpass",true) addEventHandler("server:forgotpass",root, function() local account = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `a7_accounts` WHERE `account_serial`=? LIMIT 1",getPlayerSerial(client)) if account then triggerClientEvent(client,"client:forgotpass:callBack",client) end end ) addEvent("server:changePassword",true) addEventHandler("server:changePassword",root, function(username,password,save) local account = getAccount(username) if account then local account = executeSQLQuery("SELECT * FROM `a7_accounts` WHERE `account_serial`=? AND `account_name`=? LIMIT 1",getPlayerSerial(client),username) if #account > 0 then setAccountPassword(account,password) if save then executeSQLQuery("UPDATE `a7_accounts` SET `account_password`=? WHERE `account_serial`=?",password,getPlayerSerial(client)) end else outputChatBox(client, "* Essa não é sua conta!", 255, 128, 0) end else outputChatBox(client, "* Conta invalida!", 255, 128, 0) end end ) <meta> <!-- FILES --> <file src="img/username.png" /> <file src="img/password.png" /> <file src="img/off.png" /> <file src="img/on.png" /> <file src="img/blur.fx" /> <!-- SERVER --> <script src="server_main.lua" type="server" /> <!-- CLIENT --> <script src="client_util.lua" type="client" /> <script src="client_main.lua" type="client" /> </meta> texture ScreenSource; float BlurStrength; float2 UVSize; sampler TextureSampler = sampler_state { Texture = <ScreenSource>; MinFilter = Linear; MagFilter = Linear; MipFilter = Linear; AddressU = Wrap; AddressV = Wrap; }; static const float2 poisson[16] = { float2(-0.326212f, -0.40581f), float2(-0.840144f, -0.07358f), float2(-0.695914f, 0.457137f), float2(-0.203345f, 0.620716f), float2(0.96234f, -0.194983f), float2(0.473434f, -0.480026f), float2(0.519456f, 0.767022f), float2(0.185461f, -0.893124f), float2(0.507431f, 0.064425f), float2(0.89642f, 0.412458f), float2(-0.32194f, -0.932615f), float2(-0.65432f, -0.87421f), float2(-0.456899f, -0.633247f), float2(-0.123456f, -0.865433f), float2(-0.664332f, -0.25680f), float2(-0.791559f, -0.59771f) }; float4 PixelShaderFunction (float2 TextureCoordinate: TEXCOORD0): COLOR0 { float4 color = tex2D (TextureSampler, TextureCoordinate); para (int i = 0; i <16; i ++) { float2 coord = TextureCoordinate.xy + (poisson / UVSize * BlurStrength); cor + = tex2D (TextureSampler, coord); } retorno (cor / 17); } Técnica BlurShader { Passar pass1 { PixelShader = compilar ps_2_0 PixelShaderFunction (); } }
  5. Não consigo enviar só pra vc ? É minha primeira vez usando isso
  6. Tenho uma HUD de fome-sede -sono, quando morre a HUD desaparece, e pra aparecer dnv, só relogando, a hud só desaparece pro jogador quandoele morre de fome, sede ou sono
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