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  1. A simple sleep() function that can accurately do less than 50ms (cant rely on counting frames or anything like that) I think something could be rigged up with coroutines and os.clock(), but I cant think of a way to condense it to where I just have to call the function once
  2. I want to create objects at points which are not likely to be seen by players in the server. This seems to be the best option for now. Though I'd rather use less bandwidth, not ask the client for variables which the server (seemingly) already has access to
  3. Thus why I am asking if there is a way to get the players' camera matrices as internally used by the server
  4. inspect() shows that the player is ok. It looks like getCameraMatrix() only works after you use setCameraMatrix, so it seems not useful for getting a synced camera. Maybe there's just no way to access the synced camera data from the server?
  5. Can anyone tell me how this works? I'm trying to call from the server: getCameraMatrix( getElementsByType("player")[1] ) But it returns false. Works fine from the client. From the docs I see the camera is updated at 500ms by default.. just not sure how to access it
  6. Sorry for double post, just wanted to update & I already edited. Figured out how to get the .cols out of my gta3 img with the img editor. It's easy to see what models they use, but as for automatically setting the material based on their model texture, I don't see that happening without some serious hacking. I can probably make due manually editing, as there's really only a few problem spots
  7. How to export these world model objects for editing? I'm noticing that MOST of the sidewalk in GTA:SA seems to have material ID 4 for pavement. However some of the world objects don't have their sidewalk tagged as such, even when they appear to have the same texture I know if I were able to export the models I could use the collision editor and manually set the pavement to ID 4. Better yet, if I were able to analyze the texture of all objects WITHIN the model and set them to material 4 that way. Then maybe I could automate the process
  8. Thinking of possible solutions for this problem.. From client side, I need to check if players are within range of a certain point on the map, but this point may be outside the actual collision range of the client. I know rays can't do this, but how about colshapes?
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