local Markertrab = createMarker(2275.962890625, -1766.6162109375, 13.546875 -1, "cylinder",2.0 ,1, 255, 0, 255)
local veh = {}
function Trab(ThePlayer, md)
if getElementType(ThePlayer) == "player" and isPedInVehicle(ThePlayer) ~= true and md then
if veh[ThePlayer] and isElement( veh[ThePlayer] ) then destroyElement ( veh[ThePlayer] ) end
local x,y,z = getElementPosition(ThePlayer)
setElementData(ThePlayer, "Trabalho", true, false)
veh[ThePlayer] = createVehicle(431, x, y, z + 1)
setElementModel ( ThePlayer, 146 )
outputChatBox("#00ff00=========================================",ThePlayer,0,0,0,true )
outputChatBox("#ff00ffLeve O Véiculo Até o Blip Em Seu Radar!!!",ThePlayer,0,0,0,true )
outputChatBox("#00ff00=========================================",ThePlayer,0,0,0,true )
addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", Markertrab, Trab )
<script src="ggg.lua" type="server"/>