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Everything posted by scaremane

  1. worked perfect , thanks you very much!
  2. I think I didn't explain very well. Problem is script is working but the marker still can be selected when any player hit it. SetElementVisible just hides the marker object or also the functions it has? Or I gotta user another function?
  3. Hey! I am new on Lua and I was wondering if someone can help me with this. Basically I want the markers hidden when hitting the markers, it works perfectly but the marker can still be selected once any player gets in. I want them to dissapear and also nobody would be able to interact with them. local act1Marker1 = createMarker(2445.3193359375,2376.3627929688,12.163512229919, "cylinder", 1.0,0,246,255,50) createBlipAttachedTo(act1Marker1,60) local act1Marker2 = createMarker(2435.3193359375,2376.3627929688,12.163512229919, "cylinder", 1.0,0,246,255,50) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, root, false ) addEventHandler("onMarkerHit",act1Marker1, function(hitElement,matchingDimension) triggerClientEvent("showGui", hitElement, hitElement) end) function startact1Job(thePlayer) outputChatBox("Anda al siguiente marker!", hitElement,100,100,100) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker1, root, false) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, root, true) end addEvent("giveact1Job",true) addEventHandler("giveact1Job", root, startact1Job) function MarkerHit54( hitElement, matchingDimension ) outputChatBox("Ganaste!", hitElement,100,100,100) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker1, root, true) setElementVisibleTo ( act1Marker2, root, false) end addEventHandler( "onMarkerHit", act1Marker2, MarkerHit54 ) Thanks in advance!
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