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![Rank: I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54) I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.](https://forum.multitheftauto.com/uploads/set_resources_22/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_rank.png)
I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)
Thank you very much, I did the way you said and I solved the problem.
Well I did 2 jobs, one of delivering pizza and another of delivering newspaper, in case every time I go to the red mark it appears both jobs being that the markings are in different locations, follow the print down: THERE IS THE CODE THAT I USE IN THE 2 WORKS ONLY CHANGED NAMES AND LOCATIONS IF YOU CAN TELL ME WHERE IT IS WRONG, I USE IMAGES TO GENERATE THE PANELS TO ACCEPT WORK, IT HAS OTHER ARCHIVOS.LUA BUT IT IS NOT THEY THAT ARE CAUSING THAT BUT IF YOU WATCH ME, I PLACE THEM ALSO TO HELP ME. Newspaper Deliverer: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar jornal.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 824 ,-1421,14 }, { 1365,-1432,13 }, { 1413,-1701,13 }, { 1929,-1777,13 }, { 2326,-1717,13 }, { 2495,-1689,14 }, { 2067,-1628,14 }, { 1909,-1598,14 }, } max_pickups_set = 8 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a bicicleta e vá entregar jornal!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou os jornais, sua recompensa é de R$ 100 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 100 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit ) Pizza delivery: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar pizza.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 2225,2520,10 }, { 2102,2484,11 }, { 1889,2408,11 }, { 1934,2306,10 }, { 2065,2290,10 }, { 2279,2341,10 }, { 2258,2289,10 }, { 2497,2239,10 }, { 2519,2335,10 }, { 2301,2507,10 }, { 2318,2516,10 }, { 2347,2506,10 }, } max_pickups_set = 15 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a moto e vá entregar pizzas!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou pizza, sua recompensa é de R$ 250 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 250 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit ) PLZ HELP ME
Bom eu fiz 2 trabalhos, um de entregar pizza e outro de entregar jornal, no caso toda vez que eu vou ao mark vermelho aparece ambos os trabalhos sendo que os marks estão em localizações diferentes, segue o print a baixo. ESSE AQUI É O CODIGO QUE USO NOS 2 TRABS SÓ MUDO NOMES E LOCALIZAÇÕES SE PUDEREM ME DIZER ONDE ESTÁ ERRADO, EU USO IMAGENS PARA GERAR OS PAINEIS DE ACEITAR TRAB, TEM OUTROS ARQUIVOS.LUA MAS PROVAVELMENTE NÃO SÃO ELES QUE ESTÃO CAUSANDO ISSO, MAS CASO SEJA ME AVISEM QUE EU COLOCO ELES TAMBÉM, PARA ME AJUDAREM .-. TRABALHO DE JORNAL: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar jornal.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 824 ,-1421,14 }, { 1365,-1432,13 }, { 1413,-1701,13 }, { 1929,-1777,13 }, { 2326,-1717,13 }, { 2495,-1689,14 }, { 2067,-1628,14 }, { 1909,-1598,14 }, } max_pickups_set = 8 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a bicicleta e vá entregar jornal!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou os jornais, sua recompensa é de R$ 100 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 100 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit ) TRABALHO DE PIZZA: addEvent("openinf_kop", true) screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() function windm () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working") then infowind = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth - 700, screenHeight - 500, 300, 359, "background.png", false) guiMemoSetReadOnly( infotext, true ) --guiSetFont(text2, "default-bold-small") showCursor(true) guiSetVisible ( infowind , true) guiWindowSetSizable(infowind, false) Button_Glose = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 300, 250, 45, "teste.png", false, infowind) Button_Start = guiCreateStaticImage(25, 250, 250, 45, "bu.png", false, infowind) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Start, kit ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", Button_Glose, noshow ) else for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho de entregar pizza.", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end addEventHandler("openinf_kop", root, windm ) function noshow () if ( source == Button_Glose ) then destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end function kit () if ( source == Button_Start ) then startWorking() destroyElement ( infowind ) showCursor ( false ) end end addEvent ( "pay", true ) function giving () outputChatBox ( "Você coletou e pegou - 50$ ", getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true ) end addEventHandler("pay", resourceRoot, giving ) addEvent ( "get", true ) function peremen (plr) plr = getLocalPlayer () end addEventHandler("get", resourceRoot, peremen ) pickupSpawns = { { 2225,2520,10 }, { 2102,2484,11 }, { 1889,2408,11 }, { 1934,2306,10 }, { 2065,2290,10 }, { 2279,2341,10 }, { 2258,2289,10 }, { 2497,2239,10 }, { 2519,2335,10 }, { 2301,2507,10 }, { 2318,2516,10 }, { 2347,2506,10 }, } max_pickups_set = 15 -- Número de entregas maximo createdPickups = {} max_pickups = max_pickups_set if max_pickups_set > #pickupSpawns then max_pickups = #pickupSpawns end function startWorking () if not getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then createdPickups = {} triggerServerEvent ( "picku_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", true ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", 0 ) outputChatBox ( "Você começou o trabalho.\nPegue a moto e vá entregar pizzas!!", 255, 255, 255, true ) for i, v in ipairs ( pickupSpawns ) do local pick = createMarker ( v[1],v[2],v[3], "checkpoint", 4.0, 0, 0, 255 ) local pick2 = createPickup ( v[1],v[2],v[3], 3, 1582, 10000 ) setElementData ( pick, "taken", false ) setElementData ( pick, "pick2", pick2 ) setElementData ( pick, "kop_pickup", true ) setElementData ( pick, "id", i ) if i == 1 then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( pick, 41, 2 ) setElementData ( pick, "icon", icon ) end table.insert (createdPickups, pick) end end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleExit", getRootElement(), function(thePlayer, seat) if thePlayer == getLocalPlayer() then if getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working" ) then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho", 255, 255, 255, true ) end end end ) function clientPickupHit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if thePlayer == localPlayer and getElementData ( source, "kop_pickup" ) and not getElementData ( source, "taken" ) then setElementData ( source, "taken", true ) setElementVelocity ( getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), 0, 0, 0 ) toggleAllControls ( false, true, false ) setTimer ( finishBoarding, 5000, 1 ) outputChatBox("Entrega está em andamento", 0,153,51) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_pickup", 2 ) local hitted = getElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit" ) or 0 hitted = hitted+1 local pick2 = getElementData ( source, "pick2" ) if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( source, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement(source) setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working_hit", hitted) if hitted >= max_pickups then for i, v in ipairs ( createdPickups ) do if isElement ( v ) then local pick2 = getElementData ( v, "pick2") if isElement ( pick2 ) then destroyElement ( pick2 ) end local icon = getElementData ( v, "icon" ) if isElement ( icon ) then destroyElement ( icon ) end destroyElement ( v ) end end setElementData ( localPlayer, "kop_working", false ) triggerServerEvent ( "finitoWork_kop", localPlayer ) outputChatBox ( "Você terminou o trabalho, espere", 255, 255, 255, true ) return true end if createdPickups[hitted+1] then local icon = createBlipAttachedTo ( createdPickups[hitted+1], 41, 2 ) setElementData ( createdPickups[hitted+1], "icon", icon ) end end end function finishBoarding () toggleAllControls ( true, true, true ) outputChatBox ( "você entregou pizza, sua recompensa é de R$ 250 ", 255, 100, 100, true ) triggerServerEvent ( "giveMoneyFromClient_kop", localPlayer, 250 ) --VALOR MONEY PRA DAR setElementPosition ( trailer, bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][1], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][2], bases[getElementData ( localPlayer, "nearestBase" )][3] ) end addEventHandler ( "onClientMarkerHit", getRootElement(), clientPickupHit )