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Posts posted by Dope88

  1. Hello, I want to remodel my vehicles when the Players join on my server. Code works with the command but the game crashes with the onPlayerJoin Event. Thanks for Help


    --[[resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())
    function fahrzeugErstellen(id)
    	local fahrzeug = createVehicle(544, -1993.19, 209.32, 27.39  )
    	setElementModel(fahrzeug, id)
    	--triggerClientEvent(resourceRoot, "fahrzeugAnfrage", resourceRoot, fahrzeug)
    addEvent('fahrzeugErstellen', true)
    addEventHandler('fahrzeugErstellen', resourceRoot, fahrzeugErstellen)
    resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())
    fahrzeug = createVehicle(544, -1993.19, 209.32, 27.39)
    function fahrzeugErstellen(playerSource)
    	triggerClientEvent('fahrzeugModellieren', resourceRoot, fahrzeug)
    addCommandHandler('fahrzeugErstellen', fahrzeugErstellen)
    function onPlayerJoin(playerSource, commandName)
    	setTimer ( function()
    		executeCommandHandler ( "fahrzeugErstellen", playerSource )
    	end, 60000, 1 )
    addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", getRootElement(), onPlayerJoin)


    resourceRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource())
    function fahrzeugModellieren(fahrzeug)
      --if ( fileExists ( "pdBus.txd" ) then
        --if ( fileExists ( "pdBus.dff" ) then
          local txd = engineLoadTXD('pdBus.txd')
          local dff = engineLoadDFF('pdBus.dff')
          local id = engineRequestModel('vehicle', 544)
          engineImportTXD(txd, id)
          engineReplaceModel(dff, id)
          setElementModel(fahrzeug, id)
    addEvent('fahrzeugModellieren', true)
    addEventHandler('fahrzeugModellieren', resourceRoot, fahrzeugModellieren)


  2. 14 hours ago, thisdp said:

    The "relative" is calculated according to "parent". For example

    local labelA = guiCreateLabel(100,100,400,200,"",false)
    local labelB = guiCreateLabel(0.1,0.2,0.5,0.5,"",true,labelB)

    for labelB, it's

    x = 0.1 * 400
    y = 0.2 * 200
    width = 0.5 * 400
    height = 0.5 * 200

    In this way, we can know that:

    x = relativeX * parentWidth
    y = relativeY * parentHeight
    width = relativeWidth * parentWidth
    height = relativeHeight * parentHeight

    If there's no parent, parentWidth and parentHeight will be screenWidth and screenHeight.

    Thank you that helped a lot :)

    Is there any function like guiGetSize() to get the Width and Height of an gui Element?

  3. Hello I'am working on a gui system with absolute values:


    customKnopfErstellen = function(x, y, breite, laenge, ueberschrift, relative, parent)
    	local knopfUntergrundOben = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y, breite, 1, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
    	local knopfUntergrundRechts = guiCreateStaticImage(x+breite-1, y, 1, laenge, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
    	local knopfUntergrundUnten = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y+laenge-1, breite, 1, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
    	local knopfUntergrundLinks = guiCreateStaticImage(x, y, 1, laenge, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
    	local knopfObergrund = guiCreateStaticImage(x+1, y+1, breite-2, laenge-2, "images/pixel_weiss.png", relative, parent)
    	local label = guiCreateLabel(0, 0, breite-2, laenge-2, ueberschrift, relative, knopfObergrund)
    	guiSetFont(label, "default-bold-small")
    	guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(label, "center", false)
    	guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(label, "center", false)
    	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    	guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    	guiSetProperty(knopfObergrund, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfFarbe.." tr:"..knopfFarbe.." bl:"..knopfFarbe.." br:"..knopfFarbe)
    	addEventHandler("onClientMouseEnter", label, function(mx, my)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfSchrift.." tr:"..knopfSchrift.." bl:"..knopfSchrift.." br:"..knopfSchrift)
    		guiLabelSetColor(label, 135, 135, 135)
    	end, false)
    	addEventHandler("onClientMouseLeave", label, function()
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundOben, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundRechts, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundUnten, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    		guiSetProperty(knopfUntergrundLinks, "ImageColours", "tl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." tr:"..knopfRandFarbe.." bl:"..knopfRandFarbe.." br:"..knopfRandFarbe)
    		guiLabelSetColor(label, 255, 255, 255)
    	end, false)
    	return label	
    standartKnopfErstellen = guiCreateButton
    guiCreateButton = customKnopfErstellen

    But how to make it when the values from guiCreateButton are relative values? How to convert them to absolute values that this script works? thank you :)

  4. 13 minutes ago, The_GTA said:

    I have received your resource files for full evaluation and have detected an alpha-based image configuration combined with append-layer based shader attachment. Based on the provided files, here is my defect report:

    • By creating and attaching multiple shaders onto the same "head_diff_000_a_whi" texture of the player model you are inducing depth-fighting between the bart and the face textures. It looks like a coding error in your script due to COPY & PASTE. In order to focus your eyes for critical reading, take a look at line 348 of example.lua:
            engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,clothes_ID[7]["face"][1],thePlayer, true)

    In this line you are using the "face" texture. Are you meaning to use the "beard" texture instead? If you are, then you can fix easily fix this issue by chaging the string and making sure that each shader points to only one texture. In case you are not, there is a fundamental flaw in your design that is caused by misunderstanding how the GPU works and how MTA is utilizing it. By using append-layers and enabling depth-testing, the GPU is attempting to redraw the beard onto the original model BUT this is not stable because of mathematical inprecision. Your textures will start to flicker or one will hide another.

    So how to fix this defect? Instead of creating two shaders that draw onto one texture, I recommend you to off-screen combine the textures and then apply them to a shader. You can use the dxCreateRenderTarget, dxSetRenderTarget, dxCreateTexture and dxDrawImage functions to create a drawing surface (render target), layer the face + beard onto each other and then use the resulting render-target as texture in your shader. Do not forget to enable alpha for the render-target!

    Here is how a combine-stage of two textures might look like:

    local function renderCombinedTexture(tex1, tex2)
      local tex1w, tex1h = dxGetMaterialSize(tex1)
      local tex2w, tex2h = dxGetMaterialSize(tex2)
      local cw, ch = math.max(tex1w, tex2w), math.max(tex1h, tex2h)
      local rt = dxCreateRenderTarget(cw, ch, true)
      dxDrawImage(0, 0, tex1w, tex1h, tex1)
      dxDrawImage(0, 0, tex2w, tex2h, tex2)
      return rt

    You should use renderCombinedTexture in the onClientRender event handler to adhere to MTA's recommendations.

    • You seem to use weird global variables across your script. Take a look at the following line which repeats itself but seems to imply a contradiction:
            hat[thePlayer] = shader

    The global table is called "hat" but the function it is used in is called addFace or addBart. Could this be a variable misuse?

    I am looking forward to hearing back from you! ?

    Wow! Thank you very much for taking the Time to help me with my Problem. I will take a look at it and try toedit it the next days. I will tell you when im done! :) Thank you!

  5. 3 hours ago, The_GTA said:
    1. Please take a look at the engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture wiki documentation. Are you properly setting the appendLayers parameter to true or leaving it out?
    2. It might help to support you if we had insight into your shaders themselves. They could be designed in a way that does not allow layering. Could you share them with us?

    Thanks for the Answer! I just set appendLayers to true but now nothing seems to happen.


    Client Side:

    local shaderData = [[
    	texture tex;
    	technique replace {
    		pass P0 {
    			Texture[0] = tex;
    face = {}
    bart = {}
    function addFace(thePlayer, ID, color)
        if (face[thePlayer]) then
            -- to remove any existing hair before applying new one.
            for i, v in ipairs(clothes_ID[7]["face"]) do
                engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture ( face[thePlayer], v, thePlayer)
            local shader = dxCreateShader(shaderData, {}, 0, 0, false, "ped")
            local texture = dxCreateTexture("clothes/7/face/1/"..color..".png")
            dxSetShaderValue(shader, "tex", texture)
            engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,clothes_ID[7]["face"][tonumber(ID)],thePlayer, true)
            hat[thePlayer] = shader
            local shader = dxCreateShader(shaderData, {}, 0, 0, false, "ped")
            local texture = dxCreateTexture("clothes/7/face/"..ID.."/"..color..".png")
            dxSetShaderValue(shader, "tex", texture)
            engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,clothes_ID[7]["face"][1],thePlayer, true)
            hat[thePlayer] = shader
    addEvent("client:sync:face", true)
    addEventHandler("client:sync:face", root, addFace)
    function addBart(thePlayer, ID, color)
        if (face[thePlayer]) then
            for i, v in ipairs(clothes_ID[7]["face"]) do
                engineRemoveShaderFromWorldTexture ( face[thePlayer], v, thePlayer)
            local shader = dxCreateShader(shaderData, {}, 0, 0, false, "ped")
            local texture = dxCreateTexture("clothes/7/bart/1/"..color..".png")
            dxSetShaderValue(shader, "tex", texture)
            engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,clothes_ID[7]["face"][tonumber(ID)],thePlayer, true)
            hat[thePlayer] = shader
            local shader = dxCreateShader(shaderData, {}, 0, 0, false, "ped")
            local texture = dxCreateTexture("clothes/7/bart/"..ID.."/"..color..".png")
            dxSetShaderValue(shader, "tex", texture)
            engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader,clothes_ID[7]["face"][1],thePlayer, true)
            hat[thePlayer] = shader
    addEvent("client:sync:Bart", true)
    addEventHandler("client:sync:Bart", root, addBart)

    Server Side:

    function testface(thePlayer, _, ID, color)
    triggerClientEvent(root, "client:sync:face", thePlayer, thePlayer, ID, color)
    addCommandHandler("testface", testface, false, false)
    function testbart(thePlayer, _, ID, color)
    triggerClientEvent(root, "client:sync:bart", thePlayer, thePlayer, ID, color)
    addCommandHandler("testbart", testbart, false, false)


    clothes_ID = {
    	[7] = {
    			["face"] = {"head_diff_000_a_whi"},
    			["bart"] = {"head_diff_000_a_whi"},


  6. Hello im searching a Model creator to edit my skin for a customization system I just need to cooy and paste the face region to put eyes eyebrows and beard. These textures fit perfectly with the normal face region but deletes the face when I activate a beard shader image for example. Thats why it must be duplicadet. I pay for the service☺️

  7. Hey Iam looking for a Model creator. Iam interested in MLO Maps like in FiveM. I want to have enterable buildings in San Fierro for example burger shots... I pay for your work. Thank you

  8. 10 minutes ago, XaskeL said:

    It is worth testing. And the key is what you encrypt your file and decrypt, it is advisable to come up with it yourself. After that, you need to encrypt the models and in the client-side decrypt in RAW and load.

    Thank you I made all in Client File but now I get Errors in line 49: Corrupt DFF File data or file path too long

  9. 1 hour ago, XaskeL said:


    function string_padding_dword(s)
    	local l = 4 - string.len(s) % 4
      	return s .. string.rep(string.char(l), l)
    function string_unpadding_dword(s)
    	return string.sub(s, 0, string.len(s) - string.byte(s, string.len(s)))
    function FileProtection(path, key)
    	local file = fileOpen(path)
    	local size = fileGetSize(file)
    	local FirstPart = fileRead(file, 65536)
    		fileSetPos(file, 65536)
    	local SecondPart = fileRead(file, size - 65536)
    	file = fileCreate(path..'rw')
    		fileWrite(file, encodeString('tea', string_padding_dword(FirstPart), { key = key })..SecondPart)
    	return true
    function FileUnProtection(path, key)
    	local file = fileOpen(path)
    	local size = fileGetSize(file)
    	local FirstPart = fileRead(file, 65536 + 4)
    		fileSetPos(file, 65536 + 4)
    	local SecondPart = fileRead(file, size - (65536 + 4))
    	-- file = fileCreate(path..'rw')
    		-- fileWrite(file, string_padding_dword( decodeString('tea', FirstPart, { key = key }) )..SecondPart)
      	-- fileClose(file)
    	return string_padding_dword( decodeString('tea', FirstPart, { key = key }) )..SecondPart
    -- example
    FileProtection('infernus.dff', 'GT4BAE')
    -- FileUnProtection(path, key)
    local txd = engineLoadTXD('infernus.txd')
    engineImportTXD(txd, 401)
    local dff = engineLoadDFF( FileUnProtection('infernus.dff', 'GT4BAE') )
    engineReplaceModel(dff, 401)


    Thank you very much :) Do I just have to change infernus.dff and infernus.txd to my files? and what do I have to do with the key? (GT4BAE) 

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