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  1. I know this, but how to make them the same
  2. How fix shade or brightness wheel or light,? On the left light color and right dark color. shaders didn't help
  3. ilnaz

    How to do it

    how to do it??? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pPPR0kHmEg what function or shader used?? HELP please
  4. How get cursor postion on vehicle UV map(so that draw sticker on vehicle where cursor) when cursor click?
  5. dxDrawImage reduces memory! I used the image drawing function and checked when memory is decreasing. setTimer(function() local st = dxGetStatus() local m1 = st.VideoMemoryFreeForMTA if not c or c ~= m1 then print(m1) c = m1 end end,10,0) When using dxDrawImage in sizes larger than 1024x1024 this is especially noticeable. Memory crashes but with a new load. How can this be avoided so that an unused image is deleted from memory. Sorry for bad English
  6. i remove "\" and save next symbol
  7. i use [[ ]] for replace symbol "\" in text 'example\example'
  8. local text = [[text]] how insert in this "text" other words?
  9. How replace this symbol "\" ? local text = 'aaa\bbb' text = text:gsub('\\','') -- don't work text = text:gsub('%\\','') -- don't work text = text:gsub('\','') -- don't work and an error in debugscript text = text:gsub('%\','') -- don't work and an error in debugscript
  10. How get info from transfer box?
  11. table_example = { [1] = {'example1'}, -- How move this table.move ↑↓ ?? [2] = {'example2'}, }
  12. function NameFunc (text) if string.find(text, "46.") then return true else return false end end NameFunc ("460") -- returned true, wtf!?
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