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  1. Zmienić komputer najskuteczniej. Znaczy teoretycznie się da, ale wątpię żebyś go dostał/a.
  2. Nie można dostać bana na MTA, prawdopodobnie dostałeś/aś bana na jakimś z serwerów.
  3. Zapomniałbym, to jest zly dział opisz swój problem (najlepiej, po angielsku) w dziale Support.
  4. Cześć! Pomogę Ci, ale najpierw popraw ortografię i interpunkcję w poście (Caps-Look, Błędy etc). Poza tym to jest forum, na którym powinno się pisać w języku angielskim, ale mniejsza. Pozdrawiam Face12.
  5. OK I understand. Anyway, if you add a link to the map with VC and LC in one (maybe with broken water) I will be very grateful.
  6. Besides, you said yourself that SA occupies about 70% of the limit. Vice City and Liberty City would fit together in this limit because their surface is less than 30% of the total limit.
  7. It leaves free space on the sides, I checked, for example, adding a large island It leaves free space on the sides, I checked, for example, adding a large island over the map. https://imgur.com/a/V92HoVY In addition, the streamer SA is strong enough to support the entire GTA Underground.
  8. Only that I would like to connect Vice City and Liberty City to San Andreas as land. Prototype project https://zapodaj.net/d6397ae3ddcaf.png.html It is located in the 6000x6000 limit.
  9. But my map fits the maximum map size.
  10. But making such a map, as in my drawing is technically possible, with no other dimensions like this?
  11. Can I ask for this map with VC and LC together? And if you could add SA and VC and LC on one map (For test) , I will be really grateful.
  12. Better version of this map https://imgur.com/a/83Gi5DxM Map of San Andreas have 30km2 = 70% 17,5km2 = ~30% Liberty City have 4km2 Vice City have 6km2 In my opinion, this is possible but I do not know what you think?
  13. Ok, thanks. I have anoter idea. https://imgur.com/a/YrggYBr What do you think? This is possible to do?
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