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Karol998 last won the day on April 24 2024

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Newbie (4/54)



  1. Cześć @PolishTruePlayer069 Przepraszam, że nie odpowiadałem, ale mam ostatnio dużo pracy. Może to Ci pomoże. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3KIYvjgMjs&feature=youtu.be
  2. Cześć, mam problem z edytorem. Nic już nie pomaga, nawet reinstalacja gry. Nie wiem kompletnie co z tym robić. Może ktoś ma jakiś pomysł? = Server name : Map Editor Server = Server IP address: auto = Server port : 22010 = = Log file : ..rver/mods/deathmatch/logs/editor_server.log = Maximum players : 1 = HTTP port : 22011 = Voice Chat : Disabled = Bandwidth saving : None ================================================================== [13] Resource 'acpanel' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list acpanel' [13] Resource 'guieditor' requests some acl rights. Use the command 'aclrequest list guieditor' [13] ERROR: Couldn't find map StadiumMapping.map for resource maps [13] Loading of resource 'maps' failed [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: assault; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'briefcase' as it has duplicates on different paths: Path #1: "resources\briefcase" Path #2: "resources\[gamemodes]\[briefcaserace]\briefcase" [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: briefcaserace; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: cdm; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-bombsite; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-canals; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-hydrastrike; [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-tbd; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctv; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: deathmatch; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor; [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'freecam' as it has duplicates on different paths: Path #1: "resources\freecam" Path #2: "resources\[editor]\freecam" [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: hay; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'ipb' as it has duplicates on different paths: Path #1: "resources\ipb" Path #2: "resources\[admin]\ipb" [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: maps; Couldn't find map StadiumMapping.map for resource maps [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'parachute' as it has duplicates on different paths: Path #1: "resources\parachute" Path #2: "resources\[gameplay]\parachute" [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: race; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Not processing resource 'scoreboard' as it has duplicates on different paths: Path #1: "resources\scoreboard" Path #2: "resources\[gameplay]\scoreboard" [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: scores; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: stealth; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdm; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdma; Failed to link to scoreboard [13] Resources: 336 loaded, 20 failed [13] Starting resources... [13] Server minclientversion is now 1.3.5 [13] ERROR: Couldn't find resource parachute. Check it exists. [13] Server started and is ready to accept connections! [13] To stop the server, type 'shutdown' or press Ctrl-C [13] Type 'help' for a list of commands. [13] CONNECT: Karol998 connected (IP: bla bla bla Serial: nie pokoze Version: 1.5.6-9.16588.5) * Connected! [MTA:SA Server 1.5.6 [Windows]] [13] JOIN: Karol998 joined the game (IP: [13] WARNING: [editor]\edf\scriptreader.Lua:88: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean] Server FPS limit: 50 Server AC info: [Allowed client files: None] [Disabled AC: None] [Enabled SD: None] GUI load time measures (ms): createWorldDetector() : 0
  3. Cześć drogi użytkowniku, piszę na tym forum ze względu na problem ze skryptem na łączenie z bazą danych, a mianowicie: [19-04-09 09:51] WARNING: [EMS]/DB/sql9384571.lua:31: dbPoll failed; Unknown column 'exp' in 'field list' [19-04-09 09:51] WARNING: [EMS]/DB/sql9384571.lua:31: dbPoll failed; Unknown column 'exp' in 'field list' [DUP x2] --[[ Interfejs obsługi bazy danych - nakładka na funkcje db... ]]-- local root = getRootElement() local SQL local function connect() SQL = dbConnect("mysql", "dbname=*******;host=;port=3306","*******","*******","share=0") if (not SQL) then outputServerLog("BRAK POLACZENIA Z BAZA DANYCH!") else zapytanie("SET NAMES utf8") end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart",resourceRoot, connect) function pobierzTabeleWynikow(...) local h=dbQuery(SQL,...) if (not h) then return nil end local rows = dbPoll(h, -1) ------------ LINIJKA 31 return rows end function pobierzWyniki(...) local h=dbQuery(SQL,...) if (not h) then return nil end local rows = dbPoll(h, -1) if not rows then return nil end return rows[1] end function zapytanie(...) local h=dbQuery(SQL,...) local result,numrows=dbPoll(h,-1) return numrows end function nullCallback(qh) dbFree(qh) end function szybkieZapytanie(...) local h=dbQuery(nullCallback,SQL,...) end function insertID() local r=pobierzWyniki("select last_insert_id() lid") return r.lid end --[[ function affectedRows() return mysql_affected_rows(SQL) end ]]-- function fetchRows(query) local result=mysql_query(SQL,query) if (not result) then return nil end local tabela={} while true do local row = mysql_fetch_row(result) if (not row) then break end table.insert(tabela,row) end mysql_free_result(result) return tabela end -- left for compatibility function esc(s) return string.gsub(s,"['\"\]","") end
  4. Cześć, próbuję przerobić skrypt na spawn na skrypt na spawn dla frakcji (pod ACL). Coś tam wykminiłem i nie wiem czy to będzie działało, pierw wole się zapytać doświadczonych osób. Jeżeli by coś nie było tak jak ma być to mógłby ktoś poprawić, aby było dobrze? function CommandHandler( thePlayer ) setElementPosition (thePlayer, -2066.3000488281 ,17.700000762939 ,35.299999237061 ) outputChatBox("Witaj na spawnie!", source) if isObjectInACLGroup("user."..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Straz Pozarna")) then addCommandHandler("psp", CommandHandler)
  5. I updating latest panel admin
  6. Delete script "runcode" or not?
  7. Here you are https://upload.mtasa.com/u/358689092/[admin].rar_
  8. I have a problem with the player, look on video and screenshots. I can't give you a ban. The player joining the server on active ban. The player is hacker or chiter idk. At the end of the film you can see that everything works . I know, my english is bad. I use trasnlator. Video: Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/B8uNi
  9. Dobry wieczór, co można w tej sytuacji zrobić? Gracza nie można zbanować, może się odbanowywać, wbija mając bana, mam jeszcze parę ssów, jak będzie trzeba to wstawie. Cały panel i wszystko działa normalnie.
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