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Everything posted by F13MTA

  1. I'm in map editor and I press F and nothing is happening if I quit, I will lose 2 hours of mapping.. suggestions?
  2. Hello, I need to disable the engine sounds completely just for one car model. How would I go about this? Thanks
  3. F13MTA

    MTA = Soundless

    Okay so we've made one step.. it looks like MTA has volume in the mixer (it did not before) but I just can not hear it, but I hear everything else. http://prntscr.com/jam39r @Dutchman101 Also my sound devices http://prntscr.com/jam7kq I know it does not say Realtek as my headset is 3.5mm to USB, then I plug the USB into the PC. It was working fine a few weeks ago then all of a sudden stopped.
  4. F13MTA

    MTA = Soundless

    I re-installed GTA and MTA, still nothing..
  5. F13MTA

    MTA = Soundless

    MTA has no sound I have checked all of the volume mixers, but still nothing. Already did the Windows Troubleshooter too. Newest MTA, and I have sound in GTASA itself. I am using Windows 10 MTADiag: https://pastebin.mtasa.com/280006064 Everything was working fine two weeks ago.. but now nothing..
  6. We're in Development stages currently, we're progressing and have most of the core features done.
  7. Hello! Information I am the Community Owner/Founder of an upcoming server called Friday The 13th: MTA Edition. We are currently in development stage, but are working all-day around the clock to complete this gamemode as quickly as possible, but still making sure it is complete. Friday The 13th: Multi Theft Auto Edition was initially started as a small-scale project that was not aimed to become a leading server, we just did it for fun.. but then Jason Voorhees came. We had to run from him, which kicked us into gear and to make something beyond what we even imagined. We wanted to bring something new, and unique to MTA:SA.. and that we did my friends.. that we did. Server Briefing Well if you know anything about the real game, you'd know the main parts of the game mode, however.. our server is a bit different. When you join, you're greeted with our lobby menu to allow you to select a lobby (you can play with your friends easier this way by joining the same lobby). From there, you join the lobby of your wishes, then wait until it fills up. Once it fills, a player will be chosen at random to become Jason Voorhees, and the rest are Camp Counselors. Now.. not Counselors for any camp.. for Camp Long Lake. Camp Long Lake has been abandoned for years and years, even used to have its own Grave Yard.. but due to too many complaints and reports of missing people, it was forced to close camp. Now it's time for people to return and check things out. After being dropped off.. well, the rest is history. It's just up to you how it goes down. The Screenshots are just the beginning, as we've got tons more on the way! Video coming soon! Extended Information Well it's basically what we said before/above, but I guess we can go in more detail.. Counselor - You spawn in with two options. Kill Jason, or Survive. Jason is one tough cookie to kill though, be warned.. if you want to Survive you better work and I mean.. work. Only up to four counselors will be able to escape, so either you better start working to get the car fixed and ready to go, or to kill him. The car requires keys, a battery, and gasoline in order to make it out. No worries.. everything is accessible somewhere in the play area, but finding them is the hard part. Jason - You don't have an option. Kill, or be killed. Jason is equipped with a few perks, but they're very powerful. The Counselors are going to either kill you, or survive.. and this can not happen. Camp Long Lake is, and always has belonged to you. They're here to cause problems and stir up a mess. Remember.. they're the ones that caused you and your mother this harm. They killed her right in front of you! What are you going to do? Stand there? No! You're going to kill, and not stop until you reclaim what is yours.Jason's Perks 1. Speed - You'll be able to run x10 the speed of anyone else plus be invisible, but only for five seconds. (45 Second Cooldown) 2. Highlight Players - You can highlight players on the minimap for 10 seconds. (60 Second Cooldown) 3. Warp - Teleport to any cabin location available in the map. (90 Second Cooldown) Stay Caught Up! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/KsGuqdV Our Main Website: https://f13mta.com Community Forum: https://f13mta.com/community
  8. If in the same country, send them a "package" aka a thank you letter for donating.
  9. I was wondering if anyone knew how to make items spawn randomly at differenct coordinates I supply. (IE: I want there to be 4 possible items spawn at 123.1, 123.1, 123.1) Also.. if I have 10 people in one dimension, how can I select one of the 10, and set them to their own team. I know how to set them to the team and all, but selecting one person at random. If you know of any resources on the community or anything I can use for reference or use, it'd be much appreciated <3
  10. Hello, I am in the works of creating a custom game mode and have a plan set and made. Currently it is just myself, so having a small team would be ideal. I am creating something unique and new to MTA, and need people to help out! Mappers and Developers needed. This is will be a server made from scratch. I will be needing a good team, people that are devoted and work well with others. It'd be a position within the community (so yes, you'd have an official rank within our server) I am looking for people who are looking to be devoted to one project, and loyal as well. I can't say it'd be a fix-rate of pay, however it will be a bonus here and there depending on how much works is done. Keep in mind you'd be joining for the position in the community, not for the pay. Message me if interested!
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