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About magicplayerc
- Birthday 24/05/2000
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function coletar01(source) if isElementWithinMarker(source, coletardroga1) then setElementVisibleTo(coletardroga1, source, false) setPlayerWantedLevel(source, 6) toggleAllControls (source, false) setElementPosition(source,-1077.54639, -1637.18079, 76.36719) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[maconha] #ffffffvoce esta coletando as folhas de maconha aguarde", source, 255, 255, 255, true) setPedAnimation(source,"bomber", "BOM_Plant_Loop", 30000, true, false, false, false) setTimer( function () destroyElement(arvore1[source]) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[maconha] #ffffffVoce coletou a primeira remessa de folhas #00fa9a60/60 ", source, 255, 255, 255, true) toggleAllControls (source, true) end, 30000, 1) setTimer( function () triggerClientEvent(source, "doShowProgressBarf", source) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("colher1",coletar01)
nada esta adiantando
setPedAnimation(source,false) ?
quero que animaçao do jogador pare quando executar o comando em outro marker function escada(Jogador) if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, balcao2) then setElementPosition(balcao2, 2413.03320, -1494.10571, 24.05586) destroyElement (balcao2) setPedRotation(Jogador, 190) setElementPosition(Jogador, 2413.03320, -1494.10571, 24.05586) setPedAnimation(Jogador,"CARRY", "crry_prtial", 0.0, false, false, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9A[Soldador] #ffffffVoce esta soldando a peça do navio aguarde 1 minuto para terminar", Jogador, 255, 255, 255, true) end,5000,1) setTimer( function () escada1 = createObject ( 1437, 418.099609375, -1349.2998046875, 22.60000038147, 337.99987792969, 0, 217.99072265625) escada2 = createObject ( 1437, 416.2001953125, -1346.900390625, 17.700000762939, 337.99987792969, 0, 217.99072265625) escada3 = createObject ( 1437, 414.400390625, -1344.599609375, 13, 337.99987792969, 0,217.99072265625) triggerClientEvent(Jogador, "doShowProgressBar", Jogador) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("pegar",escada)
dou /trabalhar e vou ate o local do marker de trabalho digito /soldar ele funciona tudo mais quando eu dou function Soldadortrabalhar ( source, cmd ) if not isElementWithinMarker(source, Markersoldador) then return end if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe ja esta trabalhando",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe iniciou o trabalho de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) setElementData(source, "soldador", true) setPedSkin(source, 45) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, true) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, true) setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("trabalhar", Soldadortrabalhar) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador") == true then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair) /sairemprego nao consigo iniciar novamente /trabalhar pois ele nao apareçe marker mais
quando digito /trabalhar inicia os marker quando inicio funçao do marker de trabalho ex: /soldar funciona normalmente mas quando eu digito /sairemprego e novamente volto ao local do /trabalhar o marker nao se inicia mais function Soldadortrabalhar ( source, cmd ) if not isElementWithinMarker(source, Markersoldador) then return end if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe ja esta trabalhando",source,255,255,255,true) else outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoçe iniciou o trabalho de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) setElementData(source, "soldador", true) setPedSkin(source, 45) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, true) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, true) setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("trabalhar", Soldadortrabalhar) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador") == true then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo2, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair)
function msgmarker(source) outputChatBox("#00ff88● #ffffffDigite /soldar para soldar peça do navio", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end addEventHandler("onMarkerHit", criartrampo, msgmarker) function Sair ( source ) if getElementData(source, "soldador", true) then setElementData(source, "soldador", false) setPedSkin(source, 0) setElementVisibleTo(criartrampo, source, false) outputChatBox("#00FA9AVoce saiu do emprego de soldador",source,255,255,255,true) else -- NHE setTimer( function () triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("sairemprego", Sair)
QUERO QUE ESSES 2 ID DE VEICULO NAO FICA PROCURADO QUANDO PEGA O CARRO SEM ACL AJUDA ACL = "Admin" function giveLevelOnEnterVehicle(source) local accName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) if (isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. accName, aclGetGroup(ACL))) then outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) else local id = getElementModel(source) if id == 411 or id == 468 then outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) return end if getPlayerWantedLevel(source) < 6 then setPlayerWantedLevel(source, getPlayerWantedLevel(source) + 1) end outputChatBox("", source, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addEventHandler("onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), giveLevelOnEnterVehicle)
local playerData = { joinArea = {}, } local colArea = createColRectangle(1721.97595, -1434.01538, 150,150 ) local radarArea = createRadarArea(1721.97595, -1434.01538, 130, 100, 255, 0, 0, 155) local hitArea = 0 function areaEnter(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then if hitArea < 4 then hitArea = hitArea + 1 playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] = true end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeHit", colArea, areaEnter) function areaExit(thePlayer, matchingDimension) if (getElementType(thePlayer) == "player") then if playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] then playerData.joinArea[thePlayer] = nil if hitArea > 0 then hitArea = hitArea - 1 end end end end addEventHandler("onColShapeLeave", colArea, areaExit) settings_Money =1000 function morrer() if playerData.joinArea[source] then takePlayerMoney (source, tonumber(settings_Money)) playerData.joinArea[source] = nil end end addEventHandler("onPlayerWasted", root, morrer)
function caixa1(Jogador) if isElementWithinMarker(Jogador, markers[1]) then setTimer( function () givePlayerMoney(Jogador,5000) ------PEGAR VALOR NOS PICKUP mbag = createPickup( -2412.6999511719, -579.20001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) -----DESTROIR PICKUPS mbag = createPickup( -2414.5,-579.5 ,131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.3000488281, -578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6999511719, -579.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.8000488281,-578.70001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.1999511719,-579, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6000976563, -579.29998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.1000976563,-579.5, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2412.8000488281,-578.20001220703, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.3000488281,-578.40002441406, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.6999511719,-578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.1000976563,-578.79998779297, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2413.1999511719,-577.90002441406, 131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) mbag = createPickup( -2414.5,-579.5 ,131.89999389648, 3, 1212 ) triggerEvent(eventorestart, root) end, 1000, 1) end end addCommandHandler("robarcaixa1",caixa1)
some function that loses money when it dies in the place somebody helps me
function diminuiestrela () for _,jog in ipairs ( getElementsByType ('player') ) do local Serial = getPlayerSerial(jog) if ( getElementData (jog, 'naprisao') or getElementData (jog, 'navtr') or getElementData(ResourceEscolhido,""..Serial.."preso",true) ) then setPlayerWantedLevel (jog, getPlayerWantedLevel(jog)-1) if ( getPlayerWantedLevel (jog) < 1 ) then libera (jog) end end end if ( i == 4 ) then i = 1 else i = i +1 end end setTimer (diminuiestrela, 40000, 10000) function Logar () local Serial = getPlayerSerial(source) if getElementData(ResourceEscolhido,""..Serial.."preso",true) then outputChatBox("Você deslogou Preso, e por isso foi adicionado 6 estrelas", source) setPlayerWantedLevel ( source, 6 ) setElementInterior(source,6) setElementPosition (source, 264.1, 77.9, 1001.0) end end addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', getRootElement ( ),Logar) function onPlayerSpawn() if getElementData(source, "preso") then outputChatBox("Você deslogou Preso, e por isso foi adicionado 6 estrelas", source) setElementInterior(source,6) setElementPosition (source, 264.1, 77.9, 1001.0) end end addEventHandler("onPlayerSpawn", getRootElement, onPlayerSpawn) function onSetTime() for _, jog in pairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if ( getElementData(jog,"naprisao"..getPlayerSerial(jog).."navtr") or ( getElementData(jog, "preso") ) ) then setPlayerWantedLevel(jog, getPlayerWantedLevel(jog)-1) if ( getPlayerWantedLevel(jog) == 0 ) then Liberar(jog) end end end end setTimer(onSetTime, 60000, 0)