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    Dogs ?
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    Andromeda Galaxy ?
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    Free as butterfly ?
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    NGC 224 ? , asian culture ? and software engineering ?

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  1. Trochę spóźniona odpowiedź, ale Windows 11 lubi się wykrzaczać w dziwnych momentach. Podczas włączania czystego GTA SA również dostajesz blue screen?
  2. Spróbuj powyłączać po kolei zasoby na swoim serwerze, możliwe (nawet bardzo możliwe), że jakiś skrypt po prostu blokuje połączenie się z serwerem.
  3. Of course, I'm not saying anything about you, I respect your commitment to helping people. And about the code, I have quite a lot of evidence (Comparing the code straight from the server - my friend was working on some scripts, and it's just the same, but without bugs and backdoors)
  4. I guess, you're using InsideMTA gamemode? Someone put a bugged package on the internet, it has backdoors. So check the whole code before you decide to use it.
  5. Try change if getPlayerWantedLevel (player) > 0 then image.i = dgsCreateImage (0, 20, 200, 20, "assets/images/wantedLevel/"..getPlayerWantedLevel (player)..".png", false, GUI.i) table.insert (image, image.i) end into if (getPlayerWantedLevel (player) > 0) and (player ~= localPlayer) then image.i = dgsCreateImage (0, 20, 200, 20, "assets/images/wantedLevel/"..getPlayerWantedLevel (player)..".png", false, GUI.i) table.insert (image, image.i) end
  6. They're just bad shooters ? However, doing stuff like that is just asking for global ban.
  7. Guy from video just replaced his skin in GTA, only him can see it. Changing model in your files are not working on server, so you can't do something like that. Edit: There was some trick with collisions where u can delete them and you could drive through walls.
  8. Spróbuj dodać: iprint(performLogin) pomiędzy (82-83 linijki): if performLogin and performLogin[1] then if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then powinno to wyglądać tak: if performLogin and performLogin[1] then iprint(performLogin) if passwordVerify(password, performLogin[1]["password"]) then Podaj co ci wyskoczyło w DB3. (W razie czego zmaż sobie hasło, byle było widać w jakim miejscu się ono znajduje wraz z przecinkami, nawiasami itd.)
  9. Pisząc "jakiś" masz na myśli każdym serwerze?
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