Hey! Thanks for your answer! I can play on the majority of the servers but not my favorite ones. Im sure its not a virus thats blocking my AC components.
Hi! I want to play MTA:SA on linux, but everytime i want to join a server, im getting kicked, with the reason:
(SD #16 021A)
Ensure no other program is modifying MTA:SA
Also what about the servers that doesnt allow Wine? Because as far as i know there are some.
People told me to add salt to my passwords, but I don't really know what it does. Could you help me with that? So the simple hash("sha512", ...) will not be enough?
Hi, right now i am storing passwords in my database, that i use hash("sha512", ...) for the passwords on client side, and then send it to server side, and update the database with it. I have no other protection on passwords. Many told me that it's not safe, what can i do?