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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. MaTrix2

    im new

    the bounty is automatically done... and thats my problem with this massage... the bounty works via humanity like.. u have 2500 humanity and after killing someone like 1300 or something and with -6000 humanity u get this bounty... and i want that this massage pops up if someone reach -6000 humanity
  2. MaTrix2

    im new

    function OutputChatbox(thePlayer) outputChatBox ("Kill "..getPlayerName(thePlayer).." to get 2500 Tokens!") end addCommandHandler ("bounty",OutputChatbox) I run an MTA dayz server and wrote a bounty script which has a bounty on a player who has a certain humanity ... my problem is only that I would like to send a message to the server as soon as a player gets a bounty .. Is there a possibility to write this code so that this message is sent as soon as a player bounty gets? P.S sorry for my bad english
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