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  1. Codes overlap action.lua peds = { {28,29,30}, } pedAnim = { {"crc","crack","crckidle2"}, } function pedArmy() for _,v in ipairs(peds) do local rot,x,y,z = unpack(v); createPed(rot, -1302, 2508, 87) createPed(rot, -1305, 2515, 87) createPed(rot, -1307, 2528, 87) createPed(rot, -1320, 2512, 92) createPed(rot, -1311, 2522, 89) end end addCommandHandler("spawnpeds",pedArmy) function doAnim(source,cmd,anim) if (anim) then for _,v in ipairs(pedAnim) do local animName,animBlock,actualAnimName = unpack(v); if (tostring(anim) == animName) then for _,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do setPedAnimation(p,animBlock,actualAnimName) end end end end end addCommandHandler("action",doAnim) action2.lua peds = { {0}, } pedAnim = { {"crc1","crack","crckidle1"}, } function pedArmy() for _,v in ipairs(peds) do local rot,x,y,z = unpack(v); createPed(rot, -1311, 2508, 87) createPed(rot, -1294, 2514, 87) createPed(rot, -1310, 2516, 87) createPed(rot, -1299, 2522, 87) createPed(rot, -1286, 2505, 87) end end addCommandHandler("spawnpeds1",pedArmy) function doAnim(source,cmd,anim) if (anim) then for _,v in ipairs(pedAnim) do local animName,animBlock,actualAnimName = unpack(v); if (tostring(anim) == animName) then for _,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do setPedAnimation(p,animBlock,actualAnimName) end end end end end addCommandHandler("action1",doAnim) And finally I can not give any other skin to all help pls. bad english
  2. I want to sit down when I click on it Is there such a system? Script name ?
  3. @Gourmet. bind key anim animname Can be done with completely disabled key
  4. anim finale fin_jump_on Dam_JUMP DAM_Land I want to completely remove it
  5. I want to disable some animations
  6. -- all server code peds = { {0}, -- here add as many peds as you want in any location as you please. example: {120,-22122,2355,52} } pedAnim = { {"WALK_fatold"}, -- "command to call animation (can be any)","animation blocks name","animation name itself (has to be 100% correct or else it won't work" } function pedArmy() for _,v in ipairs(peds) do local rot,x,y,z = unpack(v); createPed(rot, 164, 2508, 16) -- this will make peds from table. end end addCommandHandler("spawnpeds",pedArmy) -- this will spawn all peds from table with /spawnpeds function doAnim(source,cmd,anim) if (anim) then for _,v in ipairs(pedAnim) do local animName,animBlock,actualAnimName = unpack(v); if (tostring(anim) == animName) then for _,p in ipairs(getElementsByType("ped")) do setPedAnimation(p,animBlock,actualAnimName) end end end end end addCommandHandler("action",doAnim) -- to call any animation from table do /action (animation name which you named in pedAnim table) I did /action
  7. Thanks <3 Where did I make a mistake? pedAnim = { {"ped","WALK_fatold"}, }
  8. team vehicle spawner necessary I will be glad if you help me
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