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  1. VoLcAnoMC

    MTA crashing

  2. I have reported a bug but I think in the wrong board here is the link:
  3. Is anyone going to look into this? shall I post it in another board? I am not familiar with MTA forum
  4. It appears that MTA is not detecting on-screen keyboard after the last update, happened before:
  5. Thanks a lot, it's working now.
  6. Start menu > searched for ''On screen" > clicked on the program. By the way, I tried to run as administrator but it didn't help fixing the problem, when I click on the words, it gets typed with some letters missing (which are the letters I clicked on the keyboard)
  7. This is taking forever to get fixed, so you maybe didn't get the issue, I recorded a video, please check it and try to fix the problem, some letters are missing after I choose the word Sorry for double posting.
  8. @ccw I'm sorry for mentioning you, I don't know if it's allowed or not, anyway, did you one find any solution for my issue? I had a similar issue before, and it got fixed the next day.
  9. Hello So, 2 months ago I used to play MTA - CIT server, and use on_screen keyboard, it used to function very well, but now I'm facing a small issue. The problem is, for example: I wanted to type "Assistance" using in screen keyboard, now when I type the first 2 or 3 letters (Like ''As''), of course on_screen keyboard will offer me some suggestions, and ''assistance'' is one of them, and when I click on it, the letters that I typed earlier (As) disappears, and the rest of the word gets added (Which is ''sistance). I'm not a native English speaker, and this is a serious issue for me, it's a communication barrier, please fix it as soon as possible .
  10. It is working now, this was a serious issue for me, I could not even play without on_screen keyboard on, and you guys solved it, I really appreciate your help. You may lock this topic as the problem is solved.
  11. Well, I play MTA everyday, CIT sever specifically, I opened the game today as everyday, with on_screen keyboard on as some keys in my keyboard are broken but could not type anything, I restarted MTA and my PC multiple times but nothing worked, in one of the times, they keyboard worked for secs only. I asked for help at the following site, tried every method given in the replies, still nothing worked: https://cit2.net/index.php?topic=268027.0
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