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Posts posted by DiGiTal

  1.  spacer.png




    Hola, après des années d’expérience sur le monde du script, j’ai la chance de créer ce script.

    Être fatigué de voir vos modèles (dff, txd,col) volé après des semaines ou des mois qui prend aux modlers pour les créer??? 

    En utilisant des caractères ASCII dont la longueur est de 128 {accepte les caracteurs spéciaux comme @#./'[|  } et la clé utilisée pour sécuriser la longueur de vos modèles est de 16 qui est stockée du côté serveur, les joueurs du serveur ne peuvent pas obtenir cette clé parce qu’ils sont des clients et les clients ne peuvent pas obtenir des fichiers serverside .

    Avec les probabilités, nous obtenons 128^16 = . Ce grand nombre est combien d’essais doivent être un pirate pour obtenir la bonne clé, n’oubliez pas qu’il est très facile de changer la clé si vous avez des doutes quelque chose.

    [+] Ce script permet  de mettre la version compilé or securise non déchifrable au joueur.

    Testons-le combien de temps prend pour casser ce mot de passe avec  l’ordinateur puissant de 2020 u.]W%\I2;$l=1~,3    sa donne  infinity xD



    ASCII caracters are:











    CONTACT: Ridden#2028

    S’il vous plaît ne répondez pas sur ce sujet pour parler du prix parce que vous serez ignoré, il suffit de me contacter sur la discorde et si vous n’avez pas la discorde PM moi




    Je ne dirai pas que vos modèles sont 100% sûr et impossible de les pirater, mais ce script rendra vos modèles très très très très difficile de le pirater.

  2.  spacer.png




    بعد سنوات من الخبرة في عالم البرمجة النصية، لقد فرصة لإنشاء هذا السيناريو.

    مع الاحتمالات نحصل على 128 ^ 16 = 5,192,296,858,534,827,628,530,496,329,220,096 . هذا العدد الكبير هو كم من يحاول يجب أن يكون القراصنة للحصول على المفتاح الصحيح ، لا ننسى أنه من السهل جدا لتغيير المفتاح إذا كان لديك شيء شك.

    [+] السكريبت يقوم بتحميلها على لاعب ينضم إلى السرفر مع سكريبتات مشفرة و لا يمكن سرقتها .

    دعونا اختباره كم من الوقت يستغرق للقضاء على هذا الحدث كلمة المرور باستخدام الكمبيوتر من 2020  xD



    ASCII caracters are:











    CONTACT: Ridden#2028

    من فضلك لا ترد على هذا الموضوع للحديث عن السعر لأنه سيتم تجاهلك ، فقط اتصل بي على الشقاق وإذا لم يكن لديك خلاف




    أنا لن أقول أن النماذج الخاصة بك هي 100% آمنة ومستحيل الإختراق لهم ولكن هذا السيناريو سيجعل نماذجك جدا جدا جدا جدا من الصعب جدا الإختراق.

    • Like 1
  3. spacer.png




    Hola,after years of experience on the world of scripting , i've the chance to create this script.

    Being tired to get your models(dff,txd,col) stolen after weeks or months that takes to the modlers to create them??? 

    Using ASCII characters which length is 128 {accepts the special caracters like @#./`\[|  } and the key used to secure your models length is 16 which is stored on server side , the players of the server cannot get that key because they are clients and clients cannot get serverside files .

    With probabilities we get  128^165,192,296,858,534,827,628,530,496,329,220,096 . This big number is how much of tries must be a hacker to get the right key , don't forget that it's very easy to change the key if you have doubt something.

    [+] The script compiles the wanted files and load them on player Joins the server with the compiled version .

    [+] I can add IFP files if needed , to compile animations.

    Let's test it HOW MUCH time takes to crack this password Event with using the POWERFULL computer of 2020 u.]W%\I2;$l=1~,3    gives infinity xD



    ASCII caracters are:











    CONTACT: ov!Ridden#2028

    Please don't reply on this topic to speak about the price because you will be ignored, just contact me on discord and if you don't have discord PM me




     I'll not  say that your models are 100% safe and impossible to hack them but this script will make your models very very very very hard  to hack it.

    • Like 1
  4. p.s If you play MTA on a vertical screen, then we developers do not like you at all, sorry.

    U killed me xDD


    -Why the scale works only with Y  


    local scaleValueY = screenY / devScreenY

    local scaleValueX = screenX / devScreenX

    Why not like this???

    and what About this scale trick??

    local sx_, sy_ = guiGetScreenSize()
    local sx, sy = sx_/1440, sy_/900
    dxDrawText("$123456789", 140*sx, 648*sy, 0*sx, 0*sy, tocolor(0,0,0,255), 0.8*sy,"bankgothic")
  5. On 19/01/2020 at 20:31, gubi said:


    I was testing fetchRemote function and decide to create script that's gonna load map from cloud / URL. I added some settings soo you can create the whole system out of this few lines of code.

    Also this resource is gonna need access to 'fetchRemote' function, simply add it in ACL and you can use it. There are 2 maps added so you can test it out.



    local customMapsRawData = {
    	["Trash on Grove Street"] = {
    		["active"] = true, -- is map enabled or not
    		["link"] = "http://www.gubi.studio/tut/mta/trash-on-grove-street.txt", -- link to text file which contain whole data of your .map file
    		["visibleTo"] = getRootElement(), -- element which should see the map, can be player/getRootElement()
    		["annoucment"] = true, -- if set to true will annouce on chat that map has been loaded
    	["Shop on Grove Street"] = {
    		["active"] = false,
    		["link"] = "http://www.gubi.studio/tut/mta/shop-on-grove-street.txt",
    		["visibleTo"] = getRootElement(),
    		["annoucment"] = false,
    local function createMapFromRawData(data, error, mapName, annoucment, visibleTo)
    	if error == 0 then
    		loadMapData(xmlLoadString(data), visibleTo)
    		outputDebugString("Map "..mapName.." has been loaded!")
    		if annoucment == true then
    			outputChatBox("Map "..mapName.." has been loaded!", root, 0,255,0)
    		outputDebugString("Map "..mapName.." failed while loading! Check if link is valid!", 3)
    local function loadCustomMaps()
            if not hasObjectPermissionTo(getThisResource(), "fetchRemote", true) then
    			outputDebugString("This resource needs access to \"fetchRemote\" in ACL!", 1)
    	for mapName, mapData in pairs(customMapsRawData) do
    		if mapData["active"] == true then
    				fetchRemote(mapData["link"], createMapFromRawData, "", false, mapName, mapData["annoucment"], mapData["visibleTo"])
    addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadCustomMaps)


    Awesome tutorial keep it Up

  6. Need a scripter to debug or create your scripts ?

    A scripter since 2017 , created many projects like RPG/RACE/DM and more. Doing a clean job with a cheap price with minimum time for making them.

    Feel free to PM me if you are interested and if you want to see my previous scripts

    DISCORD: Ridden#2028

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