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Everything posted by Mr.Gucci

  1. Hi community i've created a new Server Called SASN:RPG The problem is that when you type SASN it doesnt appear maybe there was another server with that name and got black listed so i would like to Know if MTA would allow my new Server SASN to show up whe you type SASN Please. #SASNRPG SeverForum: http://sasnrpg.net/ Am the owner of the server, my email is [email protected]
  2. he appears @FaHaD but only if you type :RPG so in the bottom in the RPG Server list he shows up but not by the first name and i dont know because my server is the only one Named SASN:RPG :C http://sasnrpg.net/
  3. I need help because my new server SASN:RPG doesnt appear in the server list on MTA when you type "SASN"
  4. my server SASN RPG have been under attacks many times and i have the evidence of those attacks by the messages that my Hosting company sends me, but i dont whos attacking...
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