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Ahmed Araby

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  1. Ahmed Araby


    i want to get value of settings from meta when i get it , it gets i debug ( stack overflew ) function get() if get ( "Sett" ) then return get ( "Sett" ) end end --- meta <setting name="*Sett" value="L" />
  2. عاوز المود يعرفه لو كنت بعرفه انا كنت سويت كوبي وخلاص
  3. function Create() local hFile = fileOpen("map1.map") buffer = fileRead(hFile, 100000000) local newFile = fileCreate("map2.map") if (newFile) then fileWrite(newFile, buffer) fileClose(newFile) fileClose(hFile) addResourceMap(":File/map2.map",0) end end addCommandHandler("Create",Create) i have a problem that i have a map in resource that name is " File2 " i want to get text to it and make also map file and put text in at and add this map file to another resource that name is " File " every thing did but the meta file write : <map src="" dimension="0"></map> the meta don't add the map file name ..
  4. function Create() local hFile = fileOpen("map1.map") buffer = fileRead(hFile, 100000000) local newFile = fileCreate("map2.map") if (newFile) then fileWrite(newFile, buffer) fileClose(newFile) fileClose(hFile) addResourceMap(":File/map2.map",0) end end addCommandHandler("Create",Create) هنا لما اضيف الماب الى مود اسمه File و الماب موجود في مود File2 طبعا لما اضيف الماب للمود يجي في الميتا <map src="" dimension="0"></map> ما يعرف الملف معرفش ليه
  5. Ahmed Araby


  6. طيب وش هو الفنكشن اليحط مسار الملف مثلا ابي اغير مكان الملف
  7. fileSetPos ممكن حد يشرح لي الفنكشن
  8. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() local accName = getAccountName ( getPlayerAccount ( source ) ) if isObjectInACLGroup ("user."..accName, aclGetGroup ( "Admin" ) ) then setElementData(source,"Admin",true) end end ) --- client if getElementData(localPlayer,"Admin") then the same previous ex. not at all ..
  9. addEventHandler("onResourceStart",root, function( res ) if res == getThisResource() then for i,v in ipairs(getElementsByType ( "player" )) do AccountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(v)) setElementData(v,"AccountName",tostring(AccountName)) end end end ) but when any player enter server and login he won't take data AccountName with the value of his account name ..
  10. addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root, function() AccountName = getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) setElementData(source,"AccountName",tostring(AccountName)) end) -------------------------- -- client side AccountName = getElementData(localPlayer,"AccountName") that is an easy way when player log in put data on player value is Account name
  11. which function can i download file with ? For Ex. I'll add a command then url of file \download www.mediafire.com...... Helpp
  12. طيب عارف استخدم ايه !!!
  13. اي هو الفنكشن الأقدر من خلاله احمل ملف من علي النت مثلا عن طريق كلمه باف 8 بعدها الرابط
  14. Ahmed Araby


    i tried to use webstats to get stats on my website but i failed https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Resource:Webstats when i enter the link ip:port For Ex. ( not true only examble ) get a message error link isn't true.. any slove please
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