function MyFunction ( arg1, arg2 ) if ( arg1 and arg2 ) then if ( type ( arg1 ) == "number" and type ( arg2 ) == "number" ) then if ( arg1 > arg2 ) then while ( arg1 > arg2 ) do arg2 = arg2 + 1 end outputChatBox ( tostring ( arg2 ) ) else outputChatBox ( "arg2 is bigger" ) end else outputChatBox ( "One of the two aren't numbers" ) end else outputChatBox ( "Didn't get two arguments" ) end end
debugscript 3
واخي الكريم هيك مايصير كدا اعطيت مود بالكامل ويسمى توزيع أكواد
المرة الجاية شوق الدي بق بالأول واطرح فقط الأسطر اللي فيها مشاكل
I used your code and put it on a client file, and i don't know where do they get all the weapons probably bug , and yes my weapon shop's max ammo buying is 1200 , means imposible to buy more than 1200 ammo of all weapons
Hey Guys,
can i set players max weapons ammo , cause some of them use bugs and set ammo to 99999 , i want to set all the weapon ammo to 1000 my try :
function getPedWeapons(ped)
if ped and isElement(ped) and getElementType(ped) == "player" then
for i=17,39 do
local wep = getPedWeapon(ped,i)
if wep and wep > 1500 then