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I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody.

I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody. (2/54)



  1. I have been banned early this year for partaking in activities that I did not think I would ever have to resolve to but whatever happened I wish to leave it in the past. I do not agree that my ban should be indefinite, thus I am applying for the 2nd time. That being said, I am not saying that I do not plead guilty for whatever I did. Mistakes have been made, I learned, I believe that I did my time, and I apologize for putting my fellow peers and the rest of the people that have been involved in risk. It shall never happen again. In the end, it’s up to you guys to decide but I’d be happy to be able to contribute once again for the better.
  2. Hi. So I'm requesting this unban mostly because I wish to make a map on a local server and I noticed that I can't do that when I got banned initially. We discussed everything and I completely acknowledge my mistakes that I have made before. I'm completely sorry for that. I'm also taking part of an ex Twisted Gamers clan that I wish to help with it's further development. I know that you're handling all of these unban requests, Dutchman, and I privately said in our conversation that I'm not going to request an unban but here I am. If there's no chance to unban me globally, I at least wish to make some maps on my local map editor, as I kind of miss playing DM gamemode and I recently found out some creative material that I want to transform into an MTA DM map. Serials: 58FB6BB1D331D3CCDFFB9C0C33A307E4 and 78B429C451E4B52EF8643873CF257FB2 Regards. xSimas
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