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Square (6/54)



  1. waleedgh


    how to get last attacker before the player died ??
  2. how can i remove the arrow that show on the player head when aiming at him?
  3. waleedgh


    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",heal, function () health = getElementHealth() walo=getPlayerMoney() if (walo<=3000) and (health<=100) then outputChatBox("you Don't have enough money",200,0,0) return end if (health>=100) and (walo>=3000) then outputChatBox("your health is already full",30,200,0) return end if (walo>=3000) and (health<=100) then setElementHealth(root,20) takePlayerMoney(3000) outputChatBox("you have bought medicine",20,30,200) end end) ??
  4. waleedgh


    addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",heal, function () health = getElementHealth(source) walo=getPlayerMoney(player) if (walo<=3000) and (health<=100) then outputChatBox("you Don't have enough money",200,0,0) return end if (health>=100) and (walo>=3000) then outputChatBox("your health is already full",30,200,0) return end if (walo>=3000) and (health<=100) then setElementHealth(root,20) takePlayerMoney(3000) outputChatBox("you have bought medicine",20,30,200) end end) attempt to compare number with boolean healp (walo means money)
  5. waleedgh

    set timer

    i have set timer in client-side how can i kill timer on resource stop i can't onresurcestop cuz it doesnt work on client-side (sorry for my bad english)
  6. waleedgh

    help plz

    function jump(player) if isTimer (timer) then toggleControl (player, "jump", false ) else toggleControl (player, "jump", true ) end end function time(thePlayer) timer=setTimer(jump,5000,1) end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage",getRootElement(thePlayer),time) expected player at argument 1,line 3,4 help plz
  7. if i want to make multigamemode in the same server like arenas what function should i use??
  8. i have deleted it, how can i retrieval it?
  9. hello , is there a script or program to make a scoreboard i mean the design not the script
  10. thnx, thats just what i needed
  11. now i mad this function wio(player) health = getElementHealth (player) if (health>100) then setElementHealth(player,health+1) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerDamage",root,wio) function oiu(player) timer=setTimer(wio,400,30) end addEventHandler("onPlayerDamage",root,oiu) and then (bad argument @ 'getElementHealth expexted element at argument 1, got nil]) can you fix it and tell me why is this happening
  12. oh, my bad its working perfectly ,thnx but i don't know why it heals +5 like 3 times in the same sec , can you help me?
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