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  1. i need help my MTA sound missing, when there are so many there sound example vehicle idle engine, but when i play GTAsa everything works fine MTAdiag https://pastebin.mtasa.com/1000001471
  2. can somebody help me? before i tried cmd "killall mtasa" for shutdown my server then i write again "./mtasa -d" for start my server but it wont started can someone help me? it is say "-bash: ./mtasa is a directory"
  3. can someone tell me how to open console from linux vps?, and doing like write "say hello" or "start res" from console like from local server "mtaserver.exe"
  4. can someone help me how to hosting MTA server from this website? https://member.drupadi.com/cart.php?gid=2 thanks you for reply! with this vps Guarantee Ram 512Mb1 Core CPUHardisk 15 GB1 IP AddressUnmetered Data Transfer can i start mta server?
  5. hello i want To Advert Server myfriend, this server Like Gta Offline But it is onlline and full Peds and more feature Server Info IP: Name server:gta San Andreas, [Onlline] Peds/vehicle/train/etc if u have any suggestion rescouse or map u can PM this server Free Donation if u want Team/clan Base with MAP and u will create your base use map editor and send file to me with PM and detail MAP and i will applying it to server Server Updates Date 20-4-2016 -Added A51 Protection like a Rockets and Gate (High Admin) -Added More Peds in Palomino Creek/Dillimore/Blueberry/Fort Carson/Bayside Marina (High Admin) -Added Max Speed Aircraft To 600KM/H (Scripter Server) -Disable Machine Gun In hunter (Scripter Server) -Added Real Rhino Shoot And Vehicle Reload (Request Player) -Changed Minigun Damage To Low 7,5 and disable shoot/aim MG if Fire (Scripter Server) -Added Dual Silinched if Weapon Skill pro/1000 (Scripter Server) -Added Event Panel and Quiz system for admin (Scripter Server)
  6. curt can u give me infomation acc phpmy admin to my email?
  7. when my server will onlline curt? because i need it :c
  8. Username (In control panel):rezki32 Full Name:MTA Server | Freeroam Indonesia Skype:i dont have it :c Email:[email protected] Server Slot:30 Reason that you want a free MTASA Server:i want create freeroam server mta with mod Indonesia like vehicle and build, skin and i want create it for my friend and My country
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