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Everything posted by lunix

  1. Turf system 10 euro work fine ( classic one ) if want develope it the valut ( 10 euro ) rise a lotof scriptes ready for sell if you have RPG server just pay the host and i will add my resources and i will develope it all scripte V5 if want any resources just pm me
  2. lunix

    Group save

    bro go to your server.lua side of Group system in first lines check this Function
  3. lunix

    Group save

    function() local data = data() exports.board:addScoreboardColumn("Group", root, 23) db = dbConnect("sqlite", "database.db") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS groups (group_name, group_members INT, members_limit, group_info, group_history, group_bank INT, turf_color)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_ranks (group_name, group_rank_name, group_rank_permission, rank_type)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_members (group_name, member_account, member_name, member_status, member_rank, last_online, WL)") dbExec(db, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS group_invite (group_name, player_account, byy)") check This Function in your Server.lua side For ( Group system)
  4. function createGroupBlips() for k, v in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do if getElementData(v, "Group") == getElementData(localPlayer,"Group") then GroupBlip = createBlipAttachedTo(v, 41) setElementData(GroupBlip, "GroupBlips","True") end end end This in server side make function and dont forget identfier sides of this Function
  5. yes thanks just stats ur problem in this project ( lets me Fix bugs )
  6. everyone who want pro scripter to your server ( For freeee ) i am here army and dealman happy now?
  7. really Funny i am scripter in LUA i have my own scriptes just i am here For help i can develope server with my own resources for free in addition C++ , java
  8. Hello everyone i am Lunix i am here To help everyone For Free if you have resources Bugged ?? or you wanna develope your resources ?? Pm me here Just For RPG servers Good luck
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