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Everything posted by Surenos

  1. As of today, I noticed that in many of the servers that I've been playing, none of the players can see their own modifications, including crosshairs etc. Why is that so, is that some new patch or what?
  2. Surenos

    extreme ping change

    Hello, Lately I have noticed that in some of MTA servers my ping have tragically changed. For example, If I used to have 30-40 ping in these servers, then now I have 200 and above. What could have changed? Like literally, a day ago, I had just normal ping. And the strangest things, that some similar servers that are from the same country (for example Moscow), they both have completely different pings (one has 30, and another one has 210). Is there any way how I could change it?
  3. Surenos


    Hey guys, I've been in a struggle for a long time. Basically, I've heard that it's possible to bind things on any key, that are based on server. Like, to bind a key, that uses any thing, for example in MTA:DayZ mod - When you open your inventory and use right mouse click, you can use some item, but I've heard that it's possible without opening the inventory and clicking to use it. I'd say, it's called ''functions'' or maybe I'm mistaken, but still. Does someone can agree with this and explain me how to do it? If I didn't explain enough, say it, I will try somehow else.
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