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خلاص مشان جملتين طلعتني مريض عقليا هو كل موضوع يخش يحط به الكوبي بيست النوب دا عصبني
نكبتنا خلاص يا شيييييييخ اسسسسسسسسسسسسسكت
setGameSpeed ( 0.01 )
local screenW, screenH = guiGetScreenSize() Window_ = guiCreateWindow((screenW - 305) / 2, (screenH - 268) / 2, 305, 268, "# Test _", false) guiWindowSetSizable(Window_, false) guiSetAlpha(Window_, 1.00) Button_GridList = guiCreateGridList(9, 22, 286, 194, false, Window_) Com = guiGridListAddColumn(Button_GridList, "Players", 0.9) Button_Add = guiCreateButton(10, 226, 137, 22, "add Player", false, Window_) guiSetFont(Button_Add, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(Button_Add, "NormalTextColour", "FF00FE29") Button_Remover = guiCreateButton(157, 226, 137, 22, "Remove Player", false, Window_) guiSetFont(Button_Remover, "default-bold-small") guiSetProperty(Button_Remover, "NormalTextColour", "FFFE0000") function aRefreshData_ ( ) guiGridListClear( Button_GridList ) for _,Players in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local Row_ = guiGridListAddRow(Button_GridList) guiGridListSetItemText(Button_GridList, Row_, 1, getPlayerName(Players), false, false) guiGridListSetItemColor(Button_GridList,Row_,Column_,9,255,0) end end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit',getRootElement(),aRefreshData_) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin',getRootElement(),aRefreshData_) addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart',resourceRoot,aRefreshData_) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerChangeNick',getRootElement(),aRefreshData_) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerSpawn',getRootElement(),aRefreshData_) addEventHandler('onClientGUIClick',getRootElement( ), function ( ) local aPlayer_ = getPlayerFromPartialName( guiGridListGetSelectedItemText ( Button_GridList, Com ) ) if ( source == Button_Add ) then fadeCamera( false ) setTimer( function( ) fadeCamera( true ) setElementPosition(aPlayer_, xPos, yPos ,zPos) setElementDimension(aPlayer_,Dimension) setElementInterior(aPlayer_,Interior) end , 4000 , 1 ) elseif ( source == Button_Remover ) then setElementHealth(aPlayer_ , 0 ) end end )
اعتقد ان الكود فيه مشاكل تاكد منه
الشرح جميل لاكن ماستوعبته اكثر
وين الخربيط الكود صح setTimer موجوده
Ped_ = createPed(ID_ , xPos , yPos , zPos ) setPedRotation(Ped_ , Rotation )
Ped_ = createPed(ID_ , xPos , yPos , zPos ) setPedRotation(Ped_ , Rotation ) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function ( ) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(Ped_) local x2, y2, z2 = getElementPosition(localPlayer) if ( isLineOfSightClear(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2, true, true, false, true) ) then local sx, sy = getScreenFromWorldPosition(x, y, z+1.3) if ( sx ) and ( sy ) then if ( getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, x2, y2, z2) < 30 ) then dxDrawText("Test", sx+2, sy+2, sx, sy, tocolor(0,0,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") dxDrawText("Test", sx, sy, sx, sy, tocolor(255,255,0), 2-(distance/20), "arial", "center", "center") end end end end )
انت حاط الفنكشن وين المحاوله حقتك ؟
bindKey ( "الزر", "down", function ( ) if ( isTimer ( TheFadeTimer ) ) then return end local Window_ = not guiGetVisible( Wnd ) showCursor ( Window_ ) guiSetInputEnabled ( Window_ ) guiSetAlpha ( Wnd, 1 ) setTimer ( guiSetAlpha ,50 , 20 , Wnd, guiGetAlpha ( Wnd ) - 0.05 ) setTimer ( guiSetVisible, 500, 1, Wnd, false ) end ) غير مجرب ~_~
ليه بالكود while randomPlayer1 == randomPlayer2 do المفروض ّّّ~= ؟؟
repeat until مافهمته مره من الصفحه 8 حقتك
اذا هي حق الدواره دي ليه الطرح المثال دا بالويكي ليه حطها ؟ function equalTwoRandomPlayersVelocity() if getPlayerCount() < 2 then -- If there's only one player (or no players) this doesn't make sense return false end local randomPlayer1, randomPlayer2 = getRandomPlayer(), getRandomPlayer() -- Get two random players while randomPlayer1 == randomPlayer2 do -- Make sure the two players are different randomPlayer2 = getRandomPlayer() end local speedx, speedy, speedz = getElementVelocity (randomPlayer1) -- Get the velocity of the first random player setElementVelocity(randomPlayer2, speedx, speedy, speedz) -- Copy that velocity to the second random player outputChatBox("Now " .. getPlayerName(randomPlayer2) .. " runs as fast as " .. getPlayerName(randomPlayer1) .. "!", root, 255, 128, 0) return true end اشرحلي اكثر عنها لو سمحت ض
while الـ ماعليه امر يشرحه بشكل مفسر لان على ماعتقد قليل جدا الـ يجيدوه
كودك احمد يحط على Player Ped Vehicle Object Pickup Marker Collision shape Blip Radar area Projectile Team Server console GUI widgets: Button Checkbox Combobox Edit field Gridlist Memo Progress bar Radio button Scrollbar Scrollpane Static image Tab panel Tab Text label Window TXD DFF COL Sound Material Texture Shader DX font GUI font Weapon Camera Effect Browser Light كل البسيرفر شف الويكي وش يقول As element data is synced to all clients, it can generate a lot of network traffic and consume server CPU. Events are much more efficient for sending data from a client to the server only, or from the server to a specific client.
جميل استمر بدايه ممتازه
بس اخوي احمد الويكي يقول ان الالمنت داتا يستهلك من الخادم ليه مانحط الداتا علمود بس انت حاطه علي السيارات كل المودات الاعببين الاوبجكت الوحات الشخصياات التيمات الكول شيب اراضي الاحتلال الاغبين
setRadarAreaFlashing يـ خلي الردار النت مسويه في الخريطه فلاش يضوي و يطفي setRadarAreaFlashing( Radar_ , false )
addEvent ( "RentSystem:onAccept", true ) addEventHandler ( "RentSystem:onAccept", root, function (name,maill,card,text) local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridlist) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist,row,1,getPlayerName(source),false,false) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist,row,2,text,false,false) guiGridListSetItemText (gridlist,row,3,getPlayerSerial(source),false,false) end ) لعبه دا الكود حقك تمام ؟ وش سالفة source ??
takePlayerScreenShot ياخذ صوره للشاشه Server Side
عندي اقتراح بديل عن setElementData(g_root, "KeyToOpenTheWindow", Key) setElementData(resourceRoot, "KeyToOpenTheWindow", Key) -- احسن
اطرح كل الاكواد دي مو كلها