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  1. yup, but gameplayVariables are still same gameplayVariables, checked all of them,there is not a single mistake on the letter or something other.. anyway, i fixed it.. I recently added more spawnpoints in editor_server and then this problem arrived...
  2. So, i have done nothing today with survivorsystem.lua. And then it shows up a error, which cause to survivorsystem.lua doesnt work. ERROR:[dayz-mta]/dayz/survivorsystem.lua:608:attempt to index global "gameplayvariables" ERROR:[dayz-mta]/dayz/survivorsystem.lua:630:attempt to index global "gameplayvariables" ERROR:[dayz-mta]/dayz/survivorsystem.lua:621:attempt to index global "gameplayvariables" I looked up at these lines and in the 608 line it shows > value = gameplayVariables.temperaturewater In the 630 > value = gameplayVariables.loseThirst and in the 621 > value = gameplayVariables.loseHunger How can i fix it? ERROR is in these lines, but it seems to be everything okay with these lines, but it shows me some kind of errors.. Please help me to fix:) !
  3. So, i added new vehicle to mta dayz server , but something is wrong... In debugscript its showing ERROR [DayZ-MTA]/dayz/vehicle_spawns.lua:1337 line: bad argument #1 to 'ipars' What to do? Whats the problem? How to fix it? i did go to vehicle_spawns.lua and manage to find 1337line. Here is the code . for i, veh in ipairs(freewaySpawns) do local x, y, z = veh[1], veh[2], veh[3] veh = createVehicle(463, x, y, z) vehCol = createColSphere(x, y, z, 1.5) attachElements(vehCol, veh, 0, 0, 0) setElementData(vehCol, "parent", veh) setElementData(veh, "parent", vehCol) setElementData(vehCol, "vehicle", true) setElementData(vehCol, "MAX_Slots", 2) local tires, engine, parts = getVehicleAddonInfos(getElementModel(veh)) setElementData(vehCol, "Tire_inVehicle", math.random(0, tires)) setElementData(vehCol, "Engine_inVehicle", math.random(0, engine)) setElementData(vehCol, "Parts_inVehicle", math.random(0, parts)) setElementData(vehCol, "spawn", { 463, x, y, z }) setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", 10) end setElementData(vehCol, "fuel", 10) < this is the 1337line's code.. with this problem i cant spawn vehicles with /svp ( my friend created a /sveh /rveh script, which replaces /svp). I can spawn them, but there are some of the vehicles, not all. And in debugscript, when i enter in any car, its showing that error. how to fix? My english is not too good. ;D Close the topic, found out about the problem and fixed it. The problem was, the for i, veh in ipairs(freewaySpawns) Whoever created this DayZ gamemode, did a mistake and puted sanchezSpanws, not sanchezSpawns. I did edit the spanws, and then the problem apeared. Restored back to sanchezSpanws and it works now.. ;D
  4. Use modloader, ( changeme folder it will be named ) and then draw into "vehicles" folder the new car models. Thats all. Car.txd will be added to meta automatically.
  5. Not showing anything in debugscript 3. Not showing any problems about survivor_system, inventory or stuff like that, only about login. E: Fixed it, house_system resource did that thing, idk why. Deleted it. Problem solved.
  6. So, i have uncompiled mta dayz gamemode, when you die, you cant equip anything anymore. When u press right click in your inventory on some item ( Food, drink, whatever ) nothing happens. I can copy all inventory.lua, pickups or whatever i need to copy and u will see whats the problem. ty how to fix? And whats the problem?
  7. So, i didnt find any tutorials how to add a new backpack to mta DayZ gamemode. So, how to do it? I dont know anything about scripting, yes, i know, i am dummy, but help me out guys, please. Steps what i need to do, ok? Like, go to inventory.lua, find some thing, copy that, replace backpack name u want. So, i need all steps to add backpack to DayZ gamemode sucerrfully, and btw, with lootpoints too. I know how to get possition of something. So that will not be a problem. Please guys, explain with caution, i mean as i said i dont know anything about scripting, what is .lua, idk, i know something, but not that much, 5% i think. Help me guys out , please! Be a true bro!
  8. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    Never mind, fixed it, i actually did a backup off DayZ gamemode, files. I replaced them and know cars are spawning. Nothing was wrong with some kind of lua /lua, that code dont even need it, works great now. Close this topic.
  9. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    Still dont understand.. Maybee u can make a screenshoots, where i need to add that lua or whatever is it. Like, wat.. Where i am supouse to add that lua, WHERE? I dont get it anyway. How its gonna help? ok. I am gonna explain again. In dayz gamemode i spawned some cars with admin panel, it destroyed database, and cars wont spawn anymore using that code. I think its database fault or vehicle_spawns.lua, because how is it gonna help adding some lua?? I was having that code long time ago, without any lua/ lua, and it worked great, without any problems.I just writed /sveh and all spawnpoints where cars spawns, it respawns them in that spawnpoints. Using command /rveh will remove them , if i want them back, i just write back /sveh. How is it gonna fix it the problem, that cars wont spawn anymore using that commands/code? I spawned cars with admin panel, IT DESTROYED the database of cars.. Whats the deal with the .lua adding , if maybee the database is broken. And how to get new? Maybee somoene can invite me to skype, or send me PM doing simple steps how to fix it. Dealing with skype will be faster, because i can share my screen and u can guys tell me what i need to do, that cars are in server. I know u maybee are hard to get it what i am talking about, cuz i dont speak english very well. My skype > lolyou.banans1
  10. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    Just what? Where i need to press edit? Where i need to add lua? Cant anyone simply write where to actually go.. Preview. Go to dayz folder, right click on vehicle_spawns.lua.. Whatever, i dont understand anything what are u saying guys. Press where edit, on what file, in where, whatever.
  11. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    Can you explain correctly? Like, go to DayZ folder, open that thing, rename that thing, remove that, go to that thing, add some script. Whatever. I didnt make that script, my friend did, i obviosuly doesnt know anything about scripting, so i am asking just for help.
  12. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    What? i dont know anything about scripting . Can you explain correctly what i have to do?
  13. bundiiE

    How to fix?

    So i have DayZ gamemode, i spawned some cars throught "admin panel", and i did mistake, i spawned too througt f6vehicle panel. I know i destroyed the database internal.db that way, but how to fix it? Vehicles doesnt respawn anymore. I removed and respawned cars with these commands /sveh and /rveh. My friend created this script> In vehicle_spawns.lua > --spawnDayZVehicles() function spawnVehiclePack(ps, cmd) if getElementData(ps, "Admin") then spawnDayZVehicles() outputChatBox("[MTD] Masinas tika nospawnotas.", ps, 255, 0, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler("sveh", spawnVehiclePack) function destroyVehiclePack(ps, cmd) if getElementData(ps, "Admin") then vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle") for i,v in ipairs(vehicles) do local col = getElementData(v, "parent") destroyElement(col) destroyElement(v) end end end addCommandHandler("rveh", destroyVehiclePack) function notifyAboutExplosion() local col = getElementData(source,"parent") local x1,y1,z1 = getElementPosition(source) id,x,y,z = getElementData(col,"spawn")[1],getElementData(col,"spawn")[2],getElementData(col,"spawn")[3],getElementData(col,"spawn")[4] setTimer(respawnDayZVehicle,1800000,1,id,x,y,z,source,col,getElementData(col,"MAX_Slots")) setElementData(col,"deadVehicle",true) setElementData(source,"isExploded",true) createExplosion (x1+4,y1+1,z1,4) createExplosion (x1+2,y1-4,z1,4) createExplosion (x1-1,y1+5,z1,4) createExplosion (x1-4,y1,z1-2,4) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), notifyAboutExplosion) function respawnVehiclesInWater (vehiclesInWater) for i,veh in ipairs(vehiclesInWater) do if getElementModel(veh) == 473 then break end local col = getElementData(veh,"parent") id,x,y,z = getElementData(col,"spawn")[1],getElementData(col,"spawn")[2],getElementData(col,"spawn")[3],getElementData(col,"spawn")[4] respawnDayZVehicle(id,x,y,z,veh,col,getElementData(col,"MAX_Slots")) end end addEvent("respawnVehiclesInWater",true) addEventHandler("respawnVehiclesInWater",getRootElement(),respawnVehiclesInWater) function checkVehicleInWater () local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer() triggerClientEvent("checkVehicleInWaterClient",randomPlayer) end setTimer(checkVehicleInWater,1800000,0) --1800000 function respawnDayZVehicle(id,x,y,z,veh,col,max_slots) if id == 497 then local item_id = math.random(table.size(hunterSpawns)) x,y,z = hunterSpawns[item_id][1],hunterSpawns[item_id][2],hunterSpawns[item_id][3] end if id == 487 then local item_id = math.random(table.size(maverikSpawns)) x,y,z = maverikSpawns[item_id][1],maverikSpawns[item_id][2],maverikSpawns[item_id][3] end destroyElement(veh) destroyElement(col) veh = createVehicle(id,x,y,z+1) vehCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,4) attachElements ( vehCol, veh, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(vehCol,"parent",veh) setElementData(veh,"parent",vehCol) setElementData(vehCol,"vehicle",true) setElementData(vehCol,"MAX_Slots",max_slots) --Engine + Tires local tires,engine = getVehicleAddonInfos (getElementModel(veh)) setElementData(vehCol,"Tire_inVehicle",math.random(0,tires)) setElementData(vehCol,"Engine_inVehicle",math.random(0,engine)) --vehicle_indentifikation setElementData(vehCol,"spawn",{id,x,y,z}) --others setElementData(vehCol,"fuel",10) if id == 433 then for i,items in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local randomNumber = math.random(1,10) if randomNumber == 5 then setElementData(vehCol,items[1],math.random(1,2)) end end elseif id == 470 then for i,items in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local randomNumber = math.random(1,10) if randomNumber == 5 then setElementData(vehCol,items[1],math.random(1,2)) end end end end Which spawns and respawns the car, and removes. So, how to fix database, that cars respawn and i can use again /sveh command to spawn vehicles. Vehicles dont apread on server, i cant respawn them anymore,. ( i did respawn them with that script and code. ) Help me please, how to fix? Do i need new database or something fu**** up in vehicle_spawns?
  14. So, my friend of mine created some thing, that it respawns vehicle's and it removes them.. It did worked for 2 months, i did nothing and it stopped working.. In vehicle_spawns.lua > --spawnDayZVehicles() function spawnVehiclePack(ps, cmd) if getElementData(ps, "Admin") then spawnDayZVehicles() outputChatBox("[MTD] Masinas tika nospawnotas.", ps, 255, 0, 0, true) end end addCommandHandler("sveh", spawnVehiclePack) function destroyVehiclePack(ps, cmd) if getElementData(ps, "Admin") then vehicles = getElementsByType("vehicle") for i,v in ipairs(vehicles) do local col = getElementData(v, "parent") destroyElement(col) destroyElement(v) end end end addCommandHandler("rveh", destroyVehiclePack) function notifyAboutExplosion() local col = getElementData(source,"parent") local x1,y1,z1 = getElementPosition(source) id,x,y,z = getElementData(col,"spawn")[1],getElementData(col,"spawn")[2],getElementData(col,"spawn")[3],getElementData(col,"spawn")[4] setTimer(respawnDayZVehicle,1800000,1,id,x,y,z,source,col,getElementData(col,"MAX_Slots")) setElementData(col,"deadVehicle",true) setElementData(source,"isExploded",true) createExplosion (x1+4,y1+1,z1,4) createExplosion (x1+2,y1-4,z1,4) createExplosion (x1-1,y1+5,z1,4) createExplosion (x1-4,y1,z1-2,4) end addEventHandler("onVehicleExplode", getRootElement(), notifyAboutExplosion) function respawnVehiclesInWater (vehiclesInWater) for i,veh in ipairs(vehiclesInWater) do if getElementModel(veh) == 473 then break end local col = getElementData(veh,"parent") id,x,y,z = getElementData(col,"spawn")[1],getElementData(col,"spawn")[2],getElementData(col,"spawn")[3],getElementData(col,"spawn")[4] respawnDayZVehicle(id,x,y,z,veh,col,getElementData(col,"MAX_Slots")) end end addEvent("respawnVehiclesInWater",true) addEventHandler("respawnVehiclesInWater",getRootElement(),respawnVehiclesInWater) function checkVehicleInWater () local randomPlayer = getRandomPlayer() triggerClientEvent("checkVehicleInWaterClient",randomPlayer) end setTimer(checkVehicleInWater,1800000,0) --1800000 function respawnDayZVehicle(id,x,y,z,veh,col,max_slots) if id == 497 then local item_id = math.random(table.size(hunterSpawns)) x,y,z = hunterSpawns[item_id][1],hunterSpawns[item_id][2],hunterSpawns[item_id][3] end if id == 487 then local item_id = math.random(table.size(maverikSpawns)) x,y,z = maverikSpawns[item_id][1],maverikSpawns[item_id][2],maverikSpawns[item_id][3] end destroyElement(veh) destroyElement(col) veh = createVehicle(id,x,y,z+1) vehCol = createColSphere(x,y,z,4) attachElements ( vehCol, veh, 0, 0, 0 ) setElementData(vehCol,"parent",veh) setElementData(veh,"parent",vehCol) setElementData(vehCol,"vehicle",true) setElementData(vehCol,"MAX_Slots",max_slots) --Engine + Tires local tires,engine = getVehicleAddonInfos (getElementModel(veh)) setElementData(vehCol,"Tire_inVehicle",math.random(0,tires)) setElementData(vehCol,"Engine_inVehicle",math.random(0,engine)) --vehicle_indentifikation setElementData(vehCol,"spawn",{id,x,y,z}) --others setElementData(vehCol,"fuel",10) if id == 433 then for i,items in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local randomNumber = math.random(1,10) if randomNumber == 5 then setElementData(vehCol,items[1],math.random(1,2)) end end elseif id == 470 then for i,items in ipairs(lootItems["helicrashsides"]) do local randomNumber = math.random(1,10) if randomNumber == 5 then setElementData(vehCol,items[1],math.random(1,2)) end end end end This is the script, but it does not work anymore. It simply's respawns and removes the cars from server using command /sveh and /rveh. What is wrong? btw, i did actually use f6vehiclepanel, i spawned some cars and drived with them, in this result, that can fu** up the database of spawning cars of some shi**? Can you help me guys please? Vehicles doesnt apear and respawn anymore.
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