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Everything posted by stevensalvaro
Hello, Player give me some option of features , because i am so confused what i need to create again now The features that be related of roleplay gamemode Thanks
Hello, Can i make a double mods on 1 object ? How if i make script with item id then for example : 1. Item id 1 = Object ID 1 2. Item id 2 = Object ID 1 nb: different item id but one object ID So , how if i make : 1. if (itemID == 1) then Replace Mods Function 1 << just example, i may trigger for the function end 2. if (itemID == 2) then Replace Mods Function 2 << just example, i may trigger for the function end so with one object id , but different item id, then MTA replace the object from item id ? can i ?
okay thanks bro
actually this client didnt import from mysql , local motd = getElementData(source, "account:motd") or "" first argument "getElementData(source,"account:motd") doesnt work , it's gone to or "" but on server side , local motd = getElementData(source, "account:motd") or "" work fine
okay thank you so much all for your respond
Hello , Why i just got nill text , but i can save it on mysql .. i think the problem is on get this text Client local motd = getElementData(source, "account:motd") or "" addEvent("motdAjah", true) addEventHandler("motdAjah", root, function () local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() triggerEvent("noticeMP", root) as = guiCreateStaticImage (screenWidth/4.5,screenHeight/1.2,600,70,"img/box.png", false) InfoIcon = guiCreateStaticImage ( 15 , 15 , 40, 40 ,"img/icon/motdi.png", false , as) Notice1 = guiCreateLabel( 70, 20, 600, 60, motd, false, as ) guiSetFont(Notice1, text12) guiLabelSetColor(Notice1,221,137,39) setTimer ( function() destroyElement(as) end, 10000, 1 ) end ) Server triggerClientEvent("motdAjah", source)
hmm how about if i make function to set maxVelocity of the vehicle , And then using getElementHealth vehicle if <500 then trigger maxVelocity event ? it's work ?
whether I Had to make One by One every model ?
Then i am a paid scripter , btw it's valhalla based
Hello, How to make , when the vehicle damage <50% then set the vehicle speed 50% of the vehicle speed. and if the vehicle damage < 20% then set the vehicle speed 20% of the speed , What function i need to make this script ?
okay thanks for the information
So how aboud object id ? what object id i will got for new object ? not gta object , like in SA-MP
Hello, here is vehicle panel and neon system that attach to item id for the neon colour
Hello, May i add some custom object to MTA ? And how to add custom object ? What function i need to add it ?
Hello, Any suggestion to make this camera phone function ? List of function please ?
if i want the script always check the vehicle inventory table , is this correct function to use ?
but why i can't find it on mta wiki ?
by drag item to outside of the vehicle , plant B , can i use event onVehicleEnter to check if the vehicle has item id 137 ? like this... function neonFunction(thePlayer, seat, jacked) local theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( localPlayer ) if (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 137)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", idModel[1] ) elseif not (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 137)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", 0 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onVehicleEnter", getRootElement(), neonFunction)
I got an error too , when the vehicle has been set for example to neon 1 , then i remove item id 137 , and why the vehicle still set to neon 1 ? without item
You mean , add this to my own item system script ? for item id 137 then set element data for neon ?
can you give me some example ? or function link on wiki ?
hello, Why if i put item to vehicle , i must to restart the script before it's working .. ? Why cant this script looping when i put the item so it's automaticlly update element data of the vehicle ? SCRIPT if (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 137)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", idModel[1] ) elseif (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 138)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", idModel[2] ) end
hello, Why if i put item to vehicle , i must to restart the script before it's working .. ? Why cant this script looping when i put the item so it's automaticlly update element data of the vehicle ? SCRIPT if (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 137)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", idModel[1] ) elseif (exports.global:hasItem(theVehicle, 138)) then setElementData( theVehicle, "neon", idModel[2] ) end