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  • MTA Contributor & User Guide Contributor

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  1. Hey, no, we wont. Second of all: Have you debugged your code such as printing variables being set ? (AirNewSCR_Veiculo_Slot_0*) ? - Luxy.c
  2. Why would you need the OS Version number ? I mean you could work with country / regions or even by MTA version number which should be more than enough for your use case
  3. Your best solution would be to switch to internal MySQL functions since the MySQL Module is pretty old now and some features might not be supported. (https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/DbConnect) Besides that, is the MySQL Server running on your own vServer / dedicated server ? If so, do you have any timeouts configured ? - Luxy.c
  4. Please bare in mind that anybody knowing map resource name would be able to download ALL script files. I would use resource-cache/http-client-files. - Luxy.c
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