Meu caso de uso é: preciso utilizar skins diferentes (TXD, DFF) no mesmo veiculo ou se possivel criar um novo ID de veiculo para alocar a skin.
O motivo é: Quero ter mais carros customizados do que os disponiveis no GTA.
Com esse novo update é possivel de alguma forma aumentar o numero de carros no GTA e poder dar replace em mais skins?
Vejo que ja existia algumas perguntas em relacao a isso mas faz um bom tempo, entao com esse ultimo update talvez teria algo que suprisse essa necessidade.
I created a Discord bot that convert a YouTube link to .mp3. That was the only way i found to use musics from YouTube on MTA. You can invite my bot to your server.
Bot URL:
Create a channel and use command #transcodechannel on the recently created channel. BOT will listen for conversion just on this channel. You can change the channel using this command again on another channel.
To convert a link use #conveter <link youtube>.
Bot currently don't support +10min videos, private videos, unlisted and age restricted videos.
I don't think OGP has a built-in feature to open ports. I never used OGP but i think you just need to open ports using native CentOS firewall.
Nginx port to download files
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=20080/tcp --permanent
Download files
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=22005/tcp --permanent
Join port
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=22003/udp --permanent
Browse port
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=22126/udp --permanent
Save configs
firewall-cmd --reload
Most of the time its not a crash screen, MTA just freeze and you need to close on task manager, i think this type of crash don't log anything to report files. I just run this command on F8 and MTA started a update, i will keep track if this reduce the number of crashes.
Some players on my server just reported a intermittently crash, we didn't changed anything on server for 5 months, and from 1~2 month ago i'm receiving many crash reports. I crashed today, that's the link for my diag:
I'm using GTA Steam version.
Thanks for your answer!
But, if someone spawn a car i receive a onClientElementStreamIn event, and when i receive this i call setVehicleGhost() function again, when i use getElementsByType("vehicle") shoudnt be returned all online server vehicles?