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Posts posted by SunArrow

  1. New Objects, when?

    Thats not SwA-MP, here you can replace object for all that you want

    Yes, but replacing objects isn't really a good idea as they might interfeer with the GTA SA map itself, hence why it would be nice for us to have an ability to add additional objects as additional IDs instead of replacing the already existing ones.

    Maybe in a couple of years...

  2. Malwarebytes is not an antivirus product, but antimalware product.

    However, I think that antimalware products should also be considered as antiviruses(on MTA) since it does pretty much the same thing.

    Although malware and virus are [sort of] interchangeable terms, SunArrow is still right. Typically, anti-virus software actively scans for a variety of computer viruses and threats. Malwarebytes only scans when you want it to, hence the protection is not active as such.

    Sorry, i just have to say this:

    Malwarebytes has real time protection, it's not scan only type of software(it was scan only like in 2008 i believe)

  3. Then you need to trigger server side to decreases player health/armor and that's kinda wired players with bad connection gonna see the health updating abit slow

    You're just asking server for 1 simple info from client, i don't know if this affects player's connection, but if it does even if its rly rly slow it would take like 0.0000000001% of it

  4. Your code has errors, and it's basically useless as there's cache attribute in meta already.

    (also your script would only protect scripts when a player would login)

  5. Is it possible that one modded hydra model will spawn for a specific team only? Otherwise, if player isnt in that specific team it will spawn the default hydra?

    Can someone put an example?

    function replaceModel() 
    local team = getPlayerTeam(source) 
    if team and getTeamFromName("Warriors") then 
    --engine replace thingy-- 
    return false 
    addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", root, replaceModel) 

    Should it be like this? Please help.

    OMG Bilal this its not cloning no,noo. ITs just copying goam and stealing his ideas :P

    Says the guy who named his server 'Blueroam'

  6. Malwarebytes is not an antivirus product, but antimalware product.

    However, I think that antimalware products should also be considered as antiviruses(on MTA) since it does pretty much the same thing.

  7. Trenutno smo svi malo zauzeti (škola,itd) ali na serveru radimo.

    Kada dođe ljeto, svi ćemo dobiti na vremenu, i usavršavat ćemo naš server.

    Radimo na vlastitom multigamemode-u već neko vrijeme, i vjerojatno ćemo ga preko ljeta završiti zajedno sa svim 'sobama' u multigamemode-u koje smo isplanirali napraviti.

    Rekao bih da bi server mogao biti spreman za igrace negdje oko srpnja :D

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