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About Mann56

  • Birthday 06/10/1999


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  1. MTA Team has been doing a wonderful work with the mod out there and yeah, MTA still has a big playerbase even after the big amount of games out there. It's a great achievement. Hats off to the MTA Team!
  2. You mean the animation thing in DayZ 0.6?
  3. Busy with studies.

  4. Mann56

    Car Rotators

    There is a very negligible difference in the computation speed of both the loops. For example, if there were 100 elements in a table to be iterated, pairs was faster than ipairs by 3.41E-07 seconds that's 0.0000000341 seconds roughly. So, the speed doesn't really matter till you have many thousands of values. Also as @KariiiM said, it's good to use ipairs in the above example.
  5. Nvm the error is fixed now . Thanks for reading.
  6. Hey guys, I am making a script which teleports a guy away from area 51 to random cords but when i used processLineOfSight to detect whether the land is aboveor below the player ( after the teleport , since i didnt change the z cord on teleport) but it just doesn't detect the hit. I want it to detect a world model but it doesn't detect leaving my player either below the world object or far above it after teleport. Can someone help me to detect world objects using processLineOfSight? function detectProperPos(thePlayer) local x,y,z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local hit,hitX,hitY,hitZ = processLineOfSight(x,y,z,x,y,z + 300,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,thePlayer,true) if hit then setElementPosition(thePlayer,hitX,hitY,hitZ) setElementFrozen(thePlayer,false) else local shit,hitX,hitY,hitZ = processLineOfSight(x,y,z,x,y,z - 300,true,true,true,true,true,false,false,false,thePlayer,true) if shit then setElementPosition(thePlayer,hitX,hitY,hitZ) setElementFrozen(thePlayer,false) outputChatBox(hit) else outputChatBox("Fail") end end end Thanks, Mann
  7. It works now, thank you very much...
  8. Hello guys, I was making a group system where i encountered this error. Whenever i open the gui, it shows for everybody even on my pressing the bound key... I am not able to figure out the reason of this thing. Here's da code SERVER function checkIfMember(thePlayer) local inGroup = dbPoll(dbQuery(connection,"SELECT Name FROM Members WHERE Name = ?",getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(thePlayer))),-1) if #inGroup > 0 then if state == false then state = true triggerClientEvent("showTheGui",thePlayer,thePlayer,state) else state = false triggerClientEvent("showTheGui",thePlayer,thePlayer,state) end end end addEvent("memberCheck",true) addEventHandler("memberCheck",root,checkIfMember) function bindPanelKey() bindKey(source,panelOpenKey,"up",checkIfMember) end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,bindPanelKey) CLIENT function triggerGui(player,state) guiSetVisible(mainWindow,state) showCursor(state) state = false end addEvent("showTheGui",true) addEventHandler("showTheGui",root,triggerGui) Hope someone can help me in this... ( I hope this extract of the code is enough, if not please inform me, i'll give the gui part) Mann.
  9. We have a value -> {"Wood Pile",1463,0.4,0,13}, 0.4 , 0 and 13 can't be co-ordinates since mostly the second last value is mostly zero.
  10. Hello guys, I am editing the DayZ gamemode, the old one by Marvin. There is an item table like - {"Wood Pile",1463,0.4,0,13}, Here can i get the meaning of the third value? Wood Pile = object 1463 = model id 0.4 = ? 0 = rotation? (Maybe) 13 = Spawning probability. I'd like someone to give me the meaning of the third and fourth value, thanks!
  11. Mann56

    LUA [HELP]

    Well I think this is the best topic to start. Also see Dealman's Naming Conventions Lua Operators Lua Tables Auto Syntax Highlighting for Notepad++ These might help you...
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