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Posts posted by SurvivalMTAZ

  1. I want to increase the distance of the shader, have to get very close to appear the textures, can someone please help me.

    Here have the config example.



    addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),
    shader = dxCreateShader('shader.fx')
    terrain = dxCreateTexture('img/kablolar.png')
    dxSetShaderValue(shader, 'gTexture', terrain)
    engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, 'telewireslong')
    engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(shader, 'telewireslong2')


  2. Hello, I would like to know how much you would charge to create 1 gamemode from the beginning, without being a DayZ 0.5.5 or another version. 
    I want an easily configurable gamemode. 
    System add vehicles, weapons and other things with only 1 line. 
    30 weapons with modified skins, sights and sounds. 
    Headset system 
    Armor system, which protects the body and head. 
    System of Vests and Helmets. 
    Craft system for items. 
    Base craft system can be demolished with C4. 
    VIP Vehicle System that can be used every 2 hours and explodes after 1 hour. 
    VIP Kit System that can be used every 2 hours. 
    Buy vehicles and items system. In the NPC that will be in the safe zone 
    Vehicles purchased in the store last only 30 days. 
    Zombies spawning by map randomly 
    System of armed bots, which give items when dead. 
    Money system. 
    Skill system, gaining XP over time, being able to evolve things like Character damage, stability of the look ... Example 
    Character system, being able to change pants, shirt. 
    Exclusive Characters, who may have their clothes changed. 
    Female character with exclusive clothes if possible. 
    Random vehicle respawn time. 
    Respawn of items every 2 hours, with notice in the chat but without network trouble. 
    Loot Hardcore 
    Safe system with password. 
    Hide tent resource . 
    First person camera without bugs. 
    System of save of vehicles, tents, safes, vehicles bought in the shop, by xml. I do not want to save database. 

    Tell me your price. 
    For a better contact call me discord: Striker#7768

  3. Servidor WorldZ Season III
    Sobrevivência Hard ( Não igual muito DayZ que fala isso e tem arma em casa esquina! )
    Eventos Diferentes dos outros servidores!
    Locais com bots armados. Ilha com Boss, bots e muitos zumbis cheia de loot.
    VIP sem apelação ( apenas 1 kit a cada 2 horas e 1 veiculo a cada 2 horas que some depois de 1 hora ) Sistema de armadura, coletes e capacetes Sem Bug. Diversas armas, skins e etc. Sistema de Top kill/time/zombies
    Painel F3 com diversas finalidades como trocar mira, ver estatísticas suas, preços, regras e muitas outras finalidades.
    Mapa modificado ( Sempre arrumando qualquer queda de FPS ).
    Completamente sem Abusers ( Isso podem entrar gravando que vão perceber que é verdade )
    Diversos tipos de bases Sistema de HS ( Apenas sem capacete ou armadura )
    Muitas outras coisas que só entrando para descobrir.
    Ping de 20 a 40 ms.
    FPS dos jogadors ( a maioria possui de 40 acima )
    Servidor possui quase nada de queda de FPS.
    Equipe WorldZ procurando criar um servidor cada vez melhor para todos.
    Apenas os 3 primeiros clans vão ganhar base! com 5 membros online e ativos!


    Procuramos youtubers para parceria! discord: Striker#7768

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