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Everything posted by Mr.Loki

  1. Thanks for that tip :D
  2. Thanks, just wanted to know if it was possible because i wanna keep my scripts as small as possible lolz
  3. is there any way to trigger a function in a different file in the same script without using triggerClientEvent or triggerServerEvent I tried using this but i had no luck server function asdf() doStuff end addCommandHandler("cmd", asdf) client function doStuff() stuff end
  4. No, onClientkey > triggerserverevent >triggerclientevent > making the weapin fire
  5. function bless (spurceplayer) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." .. getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(sourceplayer)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(player,"blood", 12000) setElementData(player,"bleeding", 0) setElementData(player,"cold", false) setElementData(player,"temperature", 37) setElementData(player,"pain", false) setElementData(player,"brokenbone", false) setElementData(player,"thirst", 100) setElementData(player,"food", 100) end outputChatBox("#6495ED[DVOORN]#C0C0C0All players were cured.!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("aheall", bless) or for only players who you have added to /add admin player function bless (spurceplayer) if getElementData(playersource,"admin") then for id, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do setElementData(player,"blood", 12000) setElementData(player,"bleeding", 0) setElementData(player,"cold", false) setElementData(player,"temperature", 37) setElementData(player,"pain", false) setElementData(player,"brokenbone", false) setElementData(player,"thirst", 100) setElementData(player,"food", 100) end outputChatBox("#6495ED[DVOORN]#C0C0C0All players were cured.!", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end addCommandHandler("aheall", bless)
  6. It does not work when giving items to other players because its client side. When you click refresh, the item you gave a player just disappears. I've made 1 just like it and made the giving of items serversided.
  7. try using triggerServerEvent then triggerClientEvent
  8. pfff 1) i made that script for LoD, you can ask "Donna" shoe knows my sis Ren who was co-owner of LoD 2) when I made for them didn't have the yellow text showing the fps and ping of the player 3) the layout was totally different when i made it for them so it couldn't have been from them 4) it matches mine exact 5) wuuut? stop trying to hide it dude lol you been caught 6) i know that NightMare dude and his "gang"
  9. why did you change your name? and here's tha proof bro... i never release my scripts ^^ http://imgur.com/96dqeMD
  10. lol you give someone access to your resources for 1 day and they try to sell it ._. wew i need new staff lolz
  11. When the script is on it hides the cross-hair for all weapons and players even those without access to the ACL.
  12. ok i reviweed the script and i added function warpto(source, _, target1, target2) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then if (target1 and target2) then local q1,w1,e1 = getElementPosition(gPPN(target2)) setElementPosition(gPPN(target1), q1,w1,e1+10,true) elseif ( target1 and not target2 ) then local q,w,e = getElementPosition(gPPN(target1)) setElementPosition(source, q+.5,w+.5,e+1,true) end end end addCommandHandler("tp",warpto) and it worked perfectly thank you for your help
  13. thanks its working now but i thought that solving his would help me with another code i had in the script but it didn't function warpto(source, _, target1, target2) if (taget2) then local q1,w1,e1 = getElementPosition(gPPN(target1)) setElementPosition(gPPN(target2), q1,w1,e1+10,true) else local q,w,e = getElementPosition(gPPN(target1)) setElementPosition(source, q+.5,w+.5,e+1,true) end end addCommandHandler("tp",warpto) function gPPN(name) local name = name and name:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() or nil if name then for _, player in ipairs(getElementsByType("player")) do local name_ = getPlayerName(player):gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""):lower() if name_:find(name, 1, true) then return player end end end end i am trying to warp 1 player to the next unless a second player is provided it warps me to the target... but when i try to warp a player to a next player it just warps me to the target1
  14. Ok so i have been working on this warp script for the past hour and i cant seem to get it to work... i get no errors is the debug what am i doing wrong? function letsRoll (source, comm, destination) if isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Admin")) or isObjectInACLGroup("user." ..getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)), aclGetGroup("Moderator")) then if destination == et then setElementPosition ( source, 7310.5,-2082.821,2587.76, true ) elseif destination == island then setElementPosition ( source, 7092.68,-2012.89,1, true ) elseif destination == rr then setElementPosition ( source, 217.34,1822.79,6.41, true ) elseif destination == rrg then setElementPosition ( source, 217.34,1822.79,11.41, true ) elseif destination == area then setElementPosition ( source, 209.19,1934.13,23.24, true ) elseif destination == ic then setElementPosition ( source, 1334.96,2068.11,25.59, true ) end end end addCommandHandler ( "warp", letsRoll )
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