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  1. Oh, wait I got it now. For those who have my problems here, Make sure it is here, as false and here, as true.
  2. I barely noticed that the version I am getting from here "https://code.google.com/p/hedit/downloads/detail?name=hedit-beta_rc2-r164.zip" is version r164, where do I get the versions like r185, this is most likely why I have not been able to set hedit to admins only, I can't seem to find the r185 download anywhere.
  3. Still reverts. You must be doing something wrong then mate. I don't know, but it might be because it's MTA 1.3.5?
  4. Well I have just added to "Everyone" and yet anyone can still access it, even with only set for admins. It's doing that thing where it reverts to again, I change it back to what I want it to be but some reason it keeps reverting it.
  5. Yeah I did it in that order, People can still access it.
  6. That's what I did. It reverts when I launch the server, but doesn't show in the ACL, but once I shut down the server and re-open the ACL it shows the revert.
  7. I believe you need to set a value! I think it's something like . So for group "Admin", you put "true", and for "Everyone", you put "false" I believe Admin overrides Everyone. Damn, non-admin players are still able to access it, even with this in the ACL. Everytime I launch the server using "" But when i go back to the ACL, it seems to have been converted to
  8. open notpad add admen check to part where window open isObjectInACLGroup Nope Jesse you're wrong. https://code.google.com/p/hedit/source/detail?r=185 Read log message Erm, I am having trouble with that resource.hedit.access, I tried to put it in the ACL like this and not sure what to do since that doesn't work.
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