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Posts posted by FirebirdLV

  1. I can confirm that it doesn't work, I tried it and nothing happened.

    What doesn't work? What did you try?

    Created the folder in resources folder, dropped my skin mods (.dff and .txd) in "files", loaded up MTA, pressed numpad numeral 1 and nothing happens.




  2. Switching it on and off is a bit tricky due to technical reasons. I'll look into it though.

    I've made a resource which simulates the effect of local gta3.img moding:

    https://community.multitheftauto.com/in ... s&id=11544

    The server runs that and players can put model files in somewhere like:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\MTA San Andreas 1.4\mods\deathmatch\resources\client_file_loader\files\

    I can confirm that it doesn't work, I tried it and nothing happened.

  3. I've got a similar problem which has forced me to downgrade to an earlier version, on a similar topic I had made earlier about mods and stream fix. Seeing as this person's English is hardly understandable I think what he meant was that in the newest MTA version the skin mods you use are automatically replaced with stock ones, textures and such still work, but skin mods alone get automatically replaced with stock.

  4. Forgive my ignorance, I did not realize it has been updated, because the last time I checked, it was most likely mid 2013 or 2014, with img size of 1.6GB textures began disappearing. I had the infamous SRT 3 mod, weapons mods, HD/HQ skin mods, HQ trees, etc. So I'm going to assume it has been patched up now.

    One completely off-topic question: are we going to be allowed to use the newest ENB shaders, plugins and such in the future?

  5. MTA includes streaming fixes. Please state the exact problem you are having.

    Those streaming fixes are not sufficient for HD modding, textures start to disappear after going over like 1.6GB on gta3.img.

  6. The lack of mod support for MTA is something I find appalling. Quite a few MTA users like to mod their game, add textures and all that, but unfortunately MTA doesn't support .asi type of stream fixes or CLEO stream fixes. Right now the competition, SA-MP, has implemented a system within their client and stream fixes are no longer necessary, so I was wondering when/if those features will be added to MTA as well.

  7. Yep, bumping an old thread. This is still a major issue for those who have their games modded and would like to have the best possible performance and visual looks while they play. If .asi files cannot be used then it would be great if in the next MTA update a "Stream Fix" would be built inside the client file.

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