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Everything posted by Y_MAN

  1. function displayVehicleLoss(loss) if getVehicleOccupant(source) then cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onVehicleDamage", getRootElement(), displayVehicleLoss)
  2. I wrote this morning detected the 1.4 error. I deleted 1.4 folder. I installed the 1.3.5 folder was 1.4. I save the mod folder. I uninstalled 1.4 MTA. I installed the 1.4 I installed 1.3.5 I unstalled 1.4 MTA. I installed 1.4 is a separate folder. I played version 1.3.5 server. Back to copied version 1.3.5 MTA saved into mods folder. The trouble isvain I saved the mods folder 1.4 is not detected, why?
  3. I think it is an excellent idea is to change the texture of an object. Such a function is not yet in MTA. setObjectMaterial(object theObject, int materialindex, int modelid, string txdname, string texturename, int r = 0, int g = 0, int b = 255, int a = 255)
  4. Well, I do not understand. In what is wrong? What is the solution? Write your example!
  5. What error? Client silde script: lua:22: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] lua:42: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil] addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot,ObjectCreate) function ObjectCreate() local counter = 1 for i = 1,50000 do createObject (3334,10,10+value,10+value) counter = counter + 1 end outputConsole(string.format("%d object created",counter),resourceRoot) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart", getRootElement(),hideHUD) function hideHUD() showPlayerHudComponent("all", false) end
  6. Stunt / Freeroam 10-20 thousand object server a is not enough!
  7. Where can I find it well written lua streamer? Exists is not any.
  8. Is much more effective when there are 80 thousand objects. Is much more effective when there are 80 thousand objects. Why is it difficult to understand? MTA freezes the item you have 30 to 40 thousand. Why not be a function createDynamicObject by default? Is much more effective when there are hundreds of thousands of objects.
  9. I see you do not understand. Why is they can not operate the treatment of object than the SAMP Incognito streamer plugin's?
  10. But it is only in C + + running on an appropriate rate.
  11. Not be serious that this will work in lua appropriate speed. This should be implemented on the server.
  12. I really do not want to understand. This can be solved much more! I do not want to appear at the same time 65 thousand objects. The problem is that the MTA client to download all coordinate. If you have a 65k object, then it takes quite a while! Objects stored in the server side with the coordinates. Retrieves a the coordinates of the player, the server side. If an object is close to a player can create her subject. When the player is away from from the object and then deleted. This, of course, all the server side!
  13. If there are more than 65,365 object we create freeze the MTA. I I would ask that the when there will be the inflating number of objects? Because 65365 is very little!
  14. Y_MAN

    1.4 Beta Release

    Why freeze the MTA over ~ 65k object? When this error is corrected? Increase the total number of objects'?
  15. Y_MAN

    [REL] C-panel

    Nice. Where can I find the source code?
  16. Because there can only be raised drastically limit the object. I do not care about that as far as possible be displayed. But that the more able to stream objects.
  17. This is really serious? Up to 65,536 objects? My idea realization requires at least 200,000 objects. SAMP streamer can be in any number of plugins in the number of objects depends on the amount of RAM on the server machine. I thought that this was also true MTA.
  18. Number of MTA in the amount of the maximum stream the objects? In my experience, over 10 thousand objects dramatically reduced the speed. This goes against what can be done? I would like to build a server where one million objects are.
  19. I would make a suggestion. Allow to stream objects server side. Similarly as with the SAMP. Why? Because, in principle, over 10 thousand lagging the MTA object, and it is server-side object streamer can be improved.
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