Putting together a small team to create a hosting provider for SA-MP and MTA. Possibly expand into Teamspeak 3 and other game servers. While the hosting provider will provide paid services, it'll more or less be not for profit to just pay the server bills. The hosting provider will just be a hobby of mine and a hobby of the volunteers, we obviously don't expect to make any real profit. It'll be a very hands on type hosting provider with a family orientated type informal approach. I already have a couple guys interested.
Volunteers won't be required to contributed towards the expenses and unfortunately they won't be paid. But volunteers will be rewarded with a free server of their choice and a hosting account. Other benefits is experience for your resume and the ability to keep current in technology through server administration, customer service and such forth.
Ideal volunteers will be mature easy going individuals with some knowledge of hosting and MTA/SA-MP servers. We'll work with CentOS, cPanel, Webhost Manager, GameCP and probably WHCMS. Backbone will be medium-high end dedicated boxes backed by a high quality network.
You can either send me a private messages or reply here with your experience and what you'd be interested in helping out with. You'd be expected to have Skype, and other contact methods. A microphone and/or webcam would be ideal too.