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  1. You can delete Lights also with MEd (MapEditor), you can download it from GTAGarage. You just have to click on the light, then copy the coordinates and then paste it to a map file, where you delete objects. It's pain in a neck, and its a lot of work also.
  2. Hello! I use mysql resource. I want to use setPlayerName to set the name of the player to his/her admin name. Somehow, it isn't work function nevcsere(jatekos) local adminnev = exports.mysql:query_free("SELECT adminnev FROM felhasznalok WHERE " .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer,"account:id"))) setPlayerName(jatekos, adminnev) end addCommandHandler("adminnev", nevcsere) Any idea? ERROR: mysql\connection.lua:210 bad argument #2 to'mysql_escape_string' (string expected, got boolean) ERROR: call: failed to call 'mysql:escape_string' [string"?"] ERROR: admins\s_nevcsere.lua:2: attempt to concatenate a boolean value
  3. Thanks, but i have problem with who can see the message
  4. Hello all! I made a script to communicate with legal teams, but it didnt work For example: i write in PD team, the players can see in PD but in NNI or in NAV they can't...and if i write in NNI then players in other teams can't see it, only NNI but it's got PD tag and not NNI So.. Please, Please help Thank you very much function kozosradio(thePlayer, commandName, ...) local theFrakcio = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if (theFrakcio) then local frakcioID = tonumber(getElementData(theFrakcio, "id")) if (frakcioID==1 or frakcioID==2 or frakcioID==3 or frakcioID == 4 or frakcioID == 5 or frakcioID == 6) then if (...) then local message = table.concat({...}) local PDFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(thePlayer("Rendorség")) local OMSZFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Országos Mento Szolgálat")) local NNIFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Nemzeti Nyomozó Iroda")) local GOVFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Önkormányzat")) local NAVFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Nemzeti Adó Vámhivatal")) local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer) for key, value in ipairs(PDFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#PD] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(OMSZFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#OMSZ] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(NNIFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#NNI] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(GOVFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#GOV] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(NAVFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#NAV] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end end end end end addCommandHandler("d", kozosradio, false, false)
  5. Hi everyone! I have a radio script, but it not works, i got this error message: attempt to call local 'thePlayer' (a userdata value) function kozosradio(thePlayer, commandName, ...) local theFrakcio = getPlayerTeam(thePlayer) if (theFrakcio) then local frakcioID = tonumber(getElementData(theFrakcio, "id")) if (frakcioID==1 or frakcioID==2 or frakcioID==3 or frakcioID == 4 or frakcioID == 5 or frakcioID == 6) then if (...) then local message = trunklateText( thePlayer, table.concat({...}, " ") ) local PDFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(thePlayer("Rendőrség")) local OMSZFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Országos Mentő Szolgálat")) local NNIFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Nemzeti Nyomozó Iroda")) local GOVFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Önkormányzat")) local NAVFrakcio = getPlayersInTeam(getTeamFromName("Nemzeti Adó Vámhivatal")) local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer) for key, value in ipairs(PDFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#PD] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(OMSZFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#OMSZ] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(NNIFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#NNI] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(GOVFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#GOV] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end for key, value in ipairs(NAVFrakcio) do outputChatBox("[#NAV] " .. playerName .. " mondja: " .. message, value, 0, 102, 255) end end end end end addCommandHandler("d", kozosradio, false, false) I hope, someone can help me
  6. Add this line to meta xml: Or try to put the Sound3D where the camera is. And if it's works, need to work the local sound
  7. How can i make it, to for example go down to the center and after 5 secounds, go up to the nothing Soory for bad English
  8. Hi! I make a script and it's warn the players for admin on login If admin login it's write in chatbox by outPutChatBox but i want to use this gui to seeable for everyone thePlayer is the "admin" so if i write this, only the admin saw if he login. Please help
  9. Hello! I want to use this script to advise the players when an admin goes on duty! Its works perfectly but it doesn't want to hide, only for click on it CODE REMOVED Thanks Soory for bad english! !! This script was made By Puma !! Edit1: And i want to see able for everyone
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