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![Rank: Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54) Punk-@ss B*tch](https://forum.multitheftauto.com/uploads/set_resources_22/84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_rank.png)
Punk-@ss B*tch (12/54)
Quando cerchi di cambiare i testi nei file criptati devi utilizzare lo stesso numero di caratteri
Più giocatori. Easy. E poi MTA fa veramente poca pubblicità.
Nice one !
allora: 1) calcola quanti sono i giocatori on-line 2) appena uno muore avvia un ciclo che calcoli quanti giocatori sono ancora vivi (all'inizio 0, poi 1, poi 2) così evitti il problema che avresti con due giocatori che muoiono contemporaneamente. 3) termina il ciclo quando il numero di giocatori vivi sarà uguale a 0 4) (non ho ben capito cosa intendi) re-spawna i giocatori e "riavvia" la partita. (Non il server!!!)
Itis probably a Cleo script
Have you ever tried,to use a cheat on mta? Console may auto-kick you.
Very nice!
Always good!
Thank you guys
so this is correct... -- Robbery in progress setElementData( client, "rob", true ) money = math.random( 500, 30000 ) local robtime = math.random(120000, 240000)
In the chat the message reports "nil" instead of the amound of money stolen. client: -- Player aims at another player or objcet cooldown = {} function targetingActivated ( target ) -- Check so the team is criminals, that the criminal -- is aiming and that the location is interior local theTeam = getPlayerTeam ( localPlayer ) if not isTimer(cooldown[localPlayer] ) and getControlState("aim_weapon") and getElementInterior( localPlayer ) > 0 and isElement( target ) and ( getPlayerTeam( localPlayer ) == getTeamFromName( "Criminals" ) or getPlayerTeam( localPlayer ) == getTeamFromName( "Civilians" ) or getPlayerTeam( localPlayer ) == getTeamFromName( "Gangsters" ) or getPlayerTeam( localPlayer ) == getTeamFromName( "Unemployed" )) then -- Stores may only be robbed every 5 minutes outputChatBox( "You have robbed this store, stay inside until you get the cash!", 255, 0, 0 ) triggerServerEvent( "onRob", localPlayer, target ) cooldown[localPlayer] = setTimer(function() end, 200000, 1 ) end end addEventHandler ( "onClientPlayerTarget", getRootElement(), targetingActivated ) function showTimeLeft( ) if getElementData( localPlayer, "rob" ) then local endTime = tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "robTime" )) local currentTime = tonumber( getElementData( localPlayer, "robTime2" )) local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize( ) dxDrawText ( "Time left: "..tostring(math.floor((endTime-currentTime)/1000)), sx-300, sy-50, 0, 0, tocolor( 0, 255, 0, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold" ) end end addEventHandler( "onClientRender", root, showTimeLeft ) server: ped = { } peds = { --x, y, z, dimension, interior, rotation, skinID [1]={ 161, -81, 1001.8046875, 3, 18, 180, 93 }, [2]={ 161, -81, 1001.8046875, 2, 18, 180, 93 }, [3]={ 161, -81, 1001.8046875, 1, 18, 180, 93 }, [4]={ 161, -81, 1001.8046875, 0, 18, 180, 93 }, [5]={ 204.7978515625, -7.896484375, 1001.2109375, 2, 5, 270, 93 }, [6]={ 204.7978515625, -7.896484375, 1001.2109375, 1, 5, 270, 93 }, [7]={ 204.7978515625, -7.896484375, 1001.2109375, 0, 5, 270, 93 }, [8]={ 203.4, -41.7, 1001.8046875, 2, 1, 180, 93 }, [9]={ 203.4, -41.7, 1001.8046875, 1, 1, 180, 93 }, [10]={ 203.4, -41.7, 1001.8046875, 0, 1, 180, 93 }, [11]={ 204.2080078125, -157.8193359375, 1000.5234375, 0, 14, 180, 93 }, [12]={ 206.3759765625, -127.5380859375, 1003.5078125, 1, 3, 180, 93 }, [13]={ 206.3759765625, -127.5380859375, 1003.5078125, 0, 3, 180, 93 }, [14]={ 206.3349609375, -98.703125, 1005.2578125, 3, 15, 180, 93 }, [15]={ 206.3349609375, -98.703125, 1005.2578125, 2, 15, 180, 93 }, [16]={ 206.3349609375, -98.703125, 1005.2578125, 1, 15, 180, 93 }, [17]={ 206.3349609375, -98.703125, 1005.2578125, 0, 15, 180, 93 }, } cancelTimers = {} function loadPeds() for k=1, #peds do -- Create the ped ped[k] = createPed ( peds[k][7], peds[k][1], peds[k][2], peds[k][3] ) setElementDimension( ped[k], peds[k][4] ) setElementInterior( ped[k], peds[k][5] ) setPedRotation ( ped[k], peds[k][6] ) setTimer( setElementHealth, 100, 0, ped[k], 100 ) end end addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), loadPeds) -- Robbery time function CounterTime( crim ) if isElement( crim ) then local time = getTickCount( ) setElementData( crim, "robTime2", time ) end end -- Define law lawTeams = { [getTeamFromName("Police")] = true, [getTeamFromName("SAPD")] = true, [getTeamFromName("SWAT")] = true, [getTeamFromName("FBI")] = true, [getTeamFromName("Army")] = true, [getTeamFromName("Emergency service")] = true } -- Antispam timer robTimer = { } -- Do the rob function robStore( target ) if getElementType( target ) == "ped" and not isTimer(robTimer[target]) then -- Robbery in progress setElementData( client, "rob", true ) local money = math.random( 500, 30000 ) local robtime = math.random(120000, 240000) -- Allow count down timer setElementData( client, "robTime", robtime+getTickCount( )) setElementData( client, "robTime2", getTickCount( )) setTimer( CounterTime, 1000, (math.floor(robtime)/1000), client ) -- When the robbery is finished setTimer( payForRob, robtime, 1, client, money ) setTimer( robStatus, robtime, 1, client, target ) cancelTimers[client] = setTimer( cancelRob, (math.floor(robtime)/100), 100, client, target ) -- Set the wanted level if getPlayerWantedLevel( client ) <= 3 then setPlayerWantedLevel( client, getPlayerWantedLevel( client ) + 3 ) else setPlayerWantedLevel( client, 6 ) end setPedAnimation( target, "shop", "shp_rob_givecash", -1, false ) outputChatBox( "You committed the crime of robbery ("..round(money*0.0001,2).." stars)", client, 255, 255, 0 ) -- Send alarm call to all the cops local cops = getElementsByType( "player" ) for theKey,cop in ipairs(cops) do if lawTeams[getPlayerTeam(cop)] then cx,cy,cz = getElementPosition( client ) outputChatBox( "#0000BB(911): #EEEEEERobbery in progress at: "..getZoneName( cx, cy, cz ), cop, 255, 255, 255, true ) outputChatBox( "Robbery in progress at: "..getZoneName( cx, cy, cz ), cop, 255, 0, 0 ) end end -- Set Timer robTimer[target] = setTimer(function() end, 10800000, 1 ) elseif isTimer(robTimer[target]) then outputChatBox( "Get the hell out of here, this store was just robbed!", client, 255, 0, 0 ) end end addEvent( "onRob", true ) addEventHandler( "onRob", root, robStore ) function payForRob( crim, amount ) if isElement( crim ) then if getElementData( crim, "rob" ) then givePlayerMoney( crim, amount ) outputChatBox( "Robbery sucsessfull, you earned: "..tostring(money), crim, 0, 150, 0 ) end end end function robStatus( crim, target, money ) if isElement( crim ) then if getElementData( crim, "rob" ) then outputChatBox( "Rob successfully, now escape before the cops arrive!", crim, 0, 255, 0 ) end setPedAnimation( target, nil, nil ) setElementData( crim, "rob", false ) end end -- Check if the rob should be interrupted function cancelRob( crim, target ) if isElement( crim ) then if getElementInterior( crim ) == 0 or getElementData( crim, "arrested" ) or getElementData( crim, "Jailed" ) == "Yes" then setElementData( crim, "rob", false ) outputChatBox( "Robbery failed because you left the store!", crim, 255, 0, 0) setPedAnimation( target, nil, nil ) if isTimer( cancelTimers[crim] ) then killTimer( cancelTimers[crim] ) end end end end -- Round float values function round(number, digits) local mult = 10^(digits or 0) return math.floor(number * mult + 0.5) / mult end
Looks great! Keep it up!
it should load the on-exit backup.