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  1. ماشاء الله وين ايام قراند ايام قديمه جدا الحين تجوزنا وتوظفنا دنيه يرجل
  2. يوه الشلل قديمين الحين تزوجنا وعندي بزارين كبرك.
  3. سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته انا رابط سكربت الديسكورد باللعبة واشتغل معي function string:monochrome() local colorless = self:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", "") if colorless == "" then return self:gsub("#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)", "#\1%1") else return colorless end end function getPlayerName(player) return player.name:monochrome() end addEvent("onDiscordUserCommand") addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin", root, function () exports.discord:send("player.join", { player = getPlayerName(source) }) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", root, function (quitType, reason, responsible) local playerName = getPlayerName(source) if isElement(responsible) then if getElementType(responsible) == "player" then responsible = getPlayerName(responsible) else responsible = "Console" end else responsible = false end if type(reason) ~= "string" or reason == "" then reason = false end if quitType == "Kicked" and responsible then exports.discord:send("player.kick", { player = playerName, responsible = responsible, reason = reason }) elseif quitType == "Banned" and responsible then exports.discord:send("player.ban", { player = playerName, responsible = responsible, reason = reason }) else exports.discord:send("player.quit", { player = playerName, type = quitType, reason = reason }) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerChangeNick", root, function (previous, nick) exports.discord:send("player.nickchange", { player = nick:monochrome(), previous = previous:monochrome() }) end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerChat", root, function (message, messageType) if messageType == 0 then exports.discord:send("chat.message.text", { author = getPlayerName(source), text = message }) elseif messageType == 1 then exports.discord:send("chat.message.action", { author = getPlayerName(source), text = message }) end end ) addEvent("onInterchatMessage") addEventHandler("onInterchatMessage", root, function (server, playerName, message) exports.discord:send("chat.message.interchat", { author = playerName:monochrome(), server = server, text = message }) end ) addEvent("onDiscordPacket") addEventHandler("onDiscordPacket", root, function (packet, payload) if packet == "text.message" then outputServerLog(("DISCORD: %s: %s"):format(payload.author.name, payload.message.text)) outputChatBox(("#69BFDB[Đ] #FFFFFF%s: #E7D9B0%s"):format(payload.author.name, payload.message.text), root, 255, 255, 255, true) exports.discord:send("chat.confirm.message", { author = payload.author.name, message = payload.message }) elseif packet == "text.command" then triggerEvent("onDiscordUserCommand", resourceRoot, payload.author, payload.message) end end ) addEventHandler("onPlayerMute", root, function (state) if state == nil then return end if state then exports.discord:send("player.mute", { player = getPlayerName(source) }) else exports.discord:send("player.unmute", { player = getPlayerName(source) }) end end ) addEvent("onGamemodeMapStart") addEventHandler("onGamemodeMapStart", root, function (map) local name = map:getInfo("name") or map.name exports.discord:send("mapmanager.mapstart", { name = name }) end ) addEvent("onPlayerFinish") addEventHandler("onPlayerFinish", root, function (rank, time) if rank > 3 then return end exports.discord:send("player.finish", { player = getPlayerName(source), rank = rank }) end ) addEvent("onPlayerToptimeImprovement") addEventHandler("onPlayerToptimeImprovement", root, function (newPos, newTime, oldPos, oldTime, displayTopCount, entryCount) -- Do not show every achieved toptime if newPos > displayTopCount then return end -- We only handle race_toptimes if (not sourceResource or sourceResource ~= getResourceFromName("race_toptimes")) then return end local time = ("%02d:%02d:%03d"):format(math.floor(newTime / 60000), math.floor(newTime / 1000) % 60, newTime % 1000) exports.discord:send("player.toptime", { player = getPlayerName(source), position = newPos, time = time }) end ) هذا السكربت الي اذا تكلمت بالشات المهم انا ابي ذا الكود يطلع بالديسكورد function setPlayerHealth(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, health, ...) if (exports.integration:isPlayerTrialAdmin(thePlayer) or exports.integration:isPlayerScripter(thePlayer)) then if not tonumber(health) or not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then outputChatBox("SYNTAX: /" .. commandName .. " [Player Partial Nick / ID] [Health] [Reason]", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer) if targetPlayer then if tonumber( health ) < getElementHealth( targetPlayer ) and getElementData( thePlayer, "admin_level" ) < getElementData( targetPlayer, "admin_level" ) then outputChatBox("Nah.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) elseif not setElementHealth(targetPlayer, tonumber(health)) then outputChatBox("Invalid health value.", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0) else local reason = table.concat({...}, " ") outputChatBox("Player " .. targetPlayerName .. " has received " .. health .. " Health. ", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0) exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins("AdmWrn: "..targetPlayerName.." has received [ "..health.." ] Health | Reason: "..reason.."") exports.discord:send("AdmWrn: "..targetPlayerName.." has received [ "..health.." ] Health | Reason: "..reason.."") triggerEvent("onPlayerHeal", targetPlayer, true) exports.logs:dbLog(thePlayer, 4, targetPlayer, "SETHP "..health) end end end end end آو هل من طريقة اخلي ذا الاكسبوت يطلع بالديسكورد exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins
  4. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته طبعا انا شفت موضوع للاخ فيصل بالموضوع ذا [Connect MTA:SA With discord] حصريا الربط بين العبة والديسكورد ولكن للاسف الشرح ليس واضح او كاملا باختصار الموضوع سويت البوت واضفته لسيرفر الديسكورد حقي جربته بالسيرفر المحلي شغال والصورة توضح ويوم جيت بجربه على السيرفر العالمي م يتصل بالديسكورد فـ ياليت احد يقدر يحل المشكلة او يذكر لنا متطلبات البوت , هل يحتاج خادم مستقل , علما ان هناك سيرفرات مسوينه بدون خادم وشكرا
  5. انا مسوي آلبوت من الكمبيوتر , زبط معي بالسيرفر المحلي ولكن يوم جيت بربطه مع السيرفر الرسمي م ضبط
  6. @iMr.WiFi..! شكرا لك - عندي استفسآر , هل اذا كان البوت مسويه من كمبيوتر , يشتغل على سيرفر عادي ؟ ولا لازم اشتري خادم vps
  7. { "port": 8100, "passphrase": "key", < + هذي المنطقة "guild": "guild.id", < ذي صرآحة م فهمت لها "bots": [{ "channel": "channel.name", "token": "bot.token" }] }
  8. سلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته آبي آخلي زر معين لما تضغطه م يشتغل الا لما يكون الشخص داخل انترور ودومنشين معين مثلا جيت بسحب فلوس لازم اكون داخل انترور ايدي 1352 و دمنشين 52
  9. i,xAhmed

    Server list spam

    My server name: [WnAsH-Time]●[ وناسة تايم ]●[ هجولة وحرب ]●[W.T]~~[KSA_سعودي]~My server IP:: Fake Server Name : [WnashTime] RolePlay v2.2 [ وناسة تايم, حياة واقعية ] [W.T] KSA @ Wnash.Net Fake server IP: -
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