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  1. Are you kidding? At least write it in PHP OOP EDIT: You also forgot to close the connection.
  2. Azn

    Gamemode ideas

    What need those eyes do? Freeze you and then let those clowns rape you to death with an alienvirus? Probably man, just use the weirdest stuff you can think of. Trust me, the outcome will be awesome.
  3. Azn

    Gamemode ideas

    Make flying UFO's beam down clowns with laser eyes near you.
  4. Show us pictures of your crap. If you're lucky, some random dude with the IQ of a donkey that doesn't know anything of Lua might pay you for the crap you've made. ( PS. Please don't ask Castillo to delete my post because I'm simply leaving feedback ) Kind Regards, Azn
  5. Azn


    explain better ye men make the script client-sided in the meta.xml file, got it?
  6. Wow men dis looks like a jigsaw puzzle, pls use tabbing men. And btw you need the libtext/libanim library.
  7. Azn


    Make it client sided
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