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Everything posted by Anubhav
I found one example at wiki of this.. function handleVehicleDamage(attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre) if (weapon and getElementModel(source) == 601) then -- A weapon was used and the vehicle model ID is that of the SWAT tank so cancel the damage. cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, handleVehicleDamage)
Hmm sorry i edited the post i will give you the code. function timersetup() MissionTimer = exports.missiontimer:createMissionTimer (timersetup,true,"%m:%s",0.5,0.08,true,"default-bold",1,255,255,255) frozen = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFrozen(timersetup,true) RemainingTime = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerRemainingTime(timersetup,true) setMissionTimerHurryTime = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerHurryTime(timersetup,true) setMissionTimerFormat = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFormat(timersetup,true) triggerClientEvent ( "setupNewMissionTimer",root, timer, getMissionTimerTime(timer), data.countdown, data.timerFormat, data.x, data.y,, data.font, data.scale, data.r, data.g, data.b,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime",root, timer, time,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerFrozen",root, timer, frozen,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", timer, time,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerFormat",root, timer, timerFormat,timersetup ) end
Are you sure when you typed /debugscript 3 you restarted/started the resource?
Ye. You missed one in triggerClientEvent ( source, "setNewMissionTimer") And the second argument of triggerClientEvent should be root.
Are you sure mission time is started? And.. You must use exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFrozen or blabla.
addEvent ( "setupNewMissionTimer", true ) addEventHandler ( "setupNewMissionTimer", root, function(duration, countdown, timerFormat, x, y, bg, font, scale, r, g, b ) setupMissionTimer ( source, duration, countdown, timerFormat, x, y, bg, font, scale, r, g, b ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime", root, function(remaining) setMissionTimerTime ( source, remaining ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerFrozen", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerFrozen", root, function(frozen) setMissionTimerFrozen ( source, frozen ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", root, function(time) setMissionTimerHurryTime ( source, time ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerFormat", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerFormat", root, function(timerFormat) setMissionTimerFormat ( source, timerFormat ) end )
Show us your code. Please don't show you full code or it can be leaked.
Ty.... Lockthistopicpls
Ok. I made the function and got what to do...
Np. I told to do that..
What should i do in getResourceInfo first argument what should i write in it?
Hmm. Is it possible to make a exported function to check if map start. Like : If its true then its started else if its false then not local map = exports.resourcename:isMapStart() if map == false then --My code end
What do you mean? I din't understood anything.
Remove local from local money = math.random ..
Is it possible to check if map is started? Or i need to make a event. I don't need it for race . I need for my gamemode of rhino TDM. Please help. Remember if you know how to do then please show a example code.
He did. Error is: the debugsdcript says this error on this line 9 Local MimgW, MimgH = dxGetMaterialSize (mapRadar) in MimgW Ready the whole message then reply.
ty EDIT: I know i am triggering .
Ok. If i use: local gang = getAccountData(source,"safr.Group") local text = guiGetText(memo) tostring(gang).memo = tostring(memo) Will this work properly? I will thank pack and Sam1er alot who helped me the most.
Wow. You gave me a perfect example. Thanks Man for solving my problem:) Question: How to add a column like [ "text" ] and its text? Using table.insert/
Np. EDIT: Even i said to change it. You din't read-__-
Add this to your ACL in Admin Group. Remember to replace the word ResourceName with your resource name.
I found a better code on wiki. { [ 'maznn' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'mazn' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'max' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'khald' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'a7md' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", } addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', getRootElement ( ), function ( _, theCurrentAccount ) local Serial = Firewall[getAccountName(theCurrentAccount)] if ( Serial ) then if Serial ~= getPlayerSerial ( source ) then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, getRootElement ( ), 'bye bye You'r not' ) end end end ) Maybe this will work.
serials = { maznn= ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], mazn = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], max = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], khald = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], a7md = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"] } function antiUser() for k,v in pairs (serials) do local serials = getPlayerSerial (source) if ( getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) == "serials" ) then if ( serials ) then outputChatBox ( "#FF0000* #00C4FFSerial was checked it is", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "** Warning ** #FFff00he is Tradition and not", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) banPlayer( nil, nil, serials, source, "bye bye You'r not" ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,antiUser)
banPlayer not serial.