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Everything posted by Anubhav

  1. I found one example at wiki of this.. function handleVehicleDamage(attacker, weapon, loss, x, y, z, tyre) if (weapon and getElementModel(source) == 601) then -- A weapon was used and the vehicle model ID is that of the SWAT tank so cancel the damage. cancelEvent() end end addEventHandler("onClientVehicleDamage", root, handleVehicleDamage)
  2. Anubhav


    Hmm sorry i edited the post i will give you the code. function timersetup() MissionTimer = exports.missiontimer:createMissionTimer (timersetup,true,"%m:%s",0.5,0.08,true,"default-bold",1,255,255,255) frozen = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFrozen(timersetup,true) RemainingTime = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerRemainingTime(timersetup,true) setMissionTimerHurryTime = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerHurryTime(timersetup,true) setMissionTimerFormat = exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFormat(timersetup,true) triggerClientEvent ( "setupNewMissionTimer",root, timer, getMissionTimerTime(timer), data.countdown, data.timerFormat, data.x, data.y, data.bg, data.font, data.scale, data.r, data.g, data.b,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime",root, timer, time,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerFrozen",root, timer, frozen,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", timer, time,timersetup ) triggerClientEvent ( "setMissionTimerFormat",root, timer, timerFormat,timersetup ) end
  3. Anubhav

    Help me please

    Are you sure when you typed /debugscript 3 you restarted/started the resource?
  4. Anubhav


    Ye. You missed one in triggerClientEvent ( source, "setNewMissionTimer") And the second argument of triggerClientEvent should be root.
  5. Anubhav

    Help me please

    Any debug errors?
  6. Anubhav


    Are you sure mission time is started? And.. You must use exports.missiontimer:setMissionTimerFrozen or blabla.
  7. Anubhav


    addEvent ( "setupNewMissionTimer", true ) addEventHandler ( "setupNewMissionTimer", root, function(duration, countdown, timerFormat, x, y, bg, font, scale, r, g, b ) setupMissionTimer ( source, duration, countdown, timerFormat, x, y, bg, font, scale, r, g, b ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerRemainingTime", root, function(remaining) setMissionTimerTime ( source, remaining ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerFrozen", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerFrozen", root, function(frozen) setMissionTimerFrozen ( source, frozen ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerHurryTime", root, function(time) setMissionTimerHurryTime ( source, time ) end ) addEvent ( "setMissionTimerFormat", true ) addEventHandler ( "setMissionTimerFormat", root, function(timerFormat) setMissionTimerFormat ( source, timerFormat ) end )
  8. Show us your code. Please don't show you full code or it can be leaked.
  9. Ok. I made the function and got what to do...
  10. What should i do in getResourceInfo first argument what should i write in it?
  11. Hmm. Is it possible to make a exported function to check if map start. Like : If its true then its started else if its false then not local map = exports.resourcename:isMapStart() if map == false then --My code end
  12. What do you mean? I din't understood anything.
  13. Remove local from local money = math.random ..
  14. Is it possible to check if map is started? Or i need to make a event. I don't need it for race . I need for my gamemode of rhino TDM. Please help. Remember if you know how to do then please show a example code.
  15. He did. Error is: the debugsdcript says this error on this line 9 Local MimgW, MimgH = dxGetMaterialSize (mapRadar) in MimgW Ready the whole message then reply.
  16. Anubhav

    Lock this

    ty EDIT: I know i am triggering .
  17. Anubhav

    Lock this

    Ok. If i use: local gang = getAccountData(source,"safr.Group") local text = guiGetText(memo) tostring(gang).memo = tostring(memo) Will this work properly? I will thank pack and Sam1er alot who helped me the most.
  18. Anubhav

    Lock this

    Wow. You gave me a perfect example. Thanks Man for solving my problem:) Question: How to add a column like [ "text" ] and its text? Using table.insert/
  19. Np. EDIT: Even i said to change it. You din't read-__-
  20. Add this to your ACL in Admin Group. Remember to replace the word ResourceName with your resource name.
  21. I found a better code on wiki. { [ 'maznn' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'mazn' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'max' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'khald' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", [ 'a7md' ] = "7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084", } addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', getRootElement ( ), function ( _, theCurrentAccount ) local Serial = Firewall[getAccountName(theCurrentAccount)] if ( Serial ) then if Serial ~= getPlayerSerial ( source ) then banPlayer ( source, false, false, true, getRootElement ( ), 'bye bye You'r not' ) end end end ) Maybe this will work.
  22. serials = { maznn= ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], mazn = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], max = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], khald = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"], a7md = ["7C27DEB93C7DCE0FEDF877294A46C084"] } function antiUser() for k,v in pairs (serials) do local serials = getPlayerSerial (source) if ( getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source)) == "serials" ) then if ( serials ) then outputChatBox ( "#FF0000* #00C4FFSerial was checked it is", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0, true ) else outputChatBox ( "** Warning ** #FFff00he is Tradition and not", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0, true ) banPlayer( nil, nil, serials, source, "bye bye You'r not" ) end end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,antiUser)
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