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No load maps
changed gridMaps = guiCreateGridList(17,51,315,285,false) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(gridMaps,false) guiGridListAddColumn(gridMaps,"Map name",0.9) addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", gridMaps, loadMaps ) Debug
did no understand, what do you mean?
has no error in debug
Hello,I have a problem in the list of maps maps no appear gridMaps = guiCreateGridList(17,51,315,285,false) guiGridListSetSortingEnabled(gridMaps,false) guiGridListAddColumn(gridMaps,"Map name",0.9) addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIClick", gridMaps, updateMapLabels ) function loadMaps(gamemodeMapTable, gamemode, map) guiGridListClear(gridMaps) if gamemodeMapTable then aGamemodeMapTable = gamemodeMapTable for id,gamemode in pairs (gamemodeMapTable) do if (gamemode.name == "Race") then for id,map in ipairs (gamemode.maps) do local row = guiGridListAddRow ( gridMaps ) guiGridListSetItemText ( gridMaps, row, 1, map.name, false, false ) guiGridListSetItemData ( gridMaps, row, 1, map.resname) totalServerMaps = totalServerMaps+1 if (string.find(map.name,"[DM]",1,true)) then totalDmMaps = totalDmMaps+1 elseif (string.find(map.name,"[DD]",1,true)) then totalDdMaps = totalDdMaps+1 end updateMapLabels(1) end end end end end function updateMapLabels(updateMode) if updateMode == 1 then guiSetText(lblTotalMapsOnServer,"Total maps on the server: "..totalServerMaps) guiSetText(lblTotalDmMaps,"Total DM Maps: "..totalDmMaps) guiSetText(lblTotalDdMaps,"Total DD Maps: "..totalDdMaps) else local row,column = guiGridListGetSelectedItem(gridMaps) local mapName = guiGridListGetItemText(gridMaps,row,1) if mapName == "" then guiSetText(lblSelectedMapName,"N/A") guiSetText(lblSelectedMapAuthor,"N/A") else guiSetText(lblSelectedMapName,mapName) if string.find(mapName,"[DM]",1,true) then guiSetText(lblSelectedMapAuthor,"Deathmatch") elseif string.find(mapName,"[DD]",1,true) then guiSetText(lblSelectedMapAuthor,"Destruction Derby") elseif string.find(mapName,"[FUN]",1,true) then guiSetText(lblSelectedMapAuthor,"Fun map") else guiSetText(lblSelectedMapAuthor,"UNKNOWN") end end end end
Test ....... function onClick () local x, y = guiGetScreenSize () fx = 30 fy = 251 edit_Login = guiCreateEdit(tx,ty,280, 35,"",false ) guiSetFont(edit_Login,"default-bold-small") edit_password = guiCreateEdit(tx,ty+80,280,35,"",false ) guiSetFont(edit_password,"default-bold-small") guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit_Login,25) guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit_password,25) guiEditSetMasked ( edit_password, true ) end addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), onClick ) function Win() local x, y = guiGetScreenSize () sx = x sy = y + 400 tx = 20 ty = 200 dxDrawRectangle ( tx, 200, 300, 25, tocolor ( 0, 255, 0, 255 ) ) dxDrawRectangle ( tx, ty, 300, 350, tocolor ( 0, 0, 0, 155 ) ) dxDrawText ( "Nick", 20+10, sy*0.2+20, sx, sy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold") dxDrawText ( "Password", 20+10, sy*0.2+100, sx, sy, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 1.5, "default-bold") end addEventHandler ("onClientRender", getRootElement(), Win )
Client GUIEditor = { button = {} } addEventHandler("onClientResourceStart",resourceRoot, function() myWindow = guiCreateWindow ( 0, 0.1, 1.0, 0.7, "test-panel", true ) guiSetVisible(myWindow, false) buttonRace = guiCreateButton ( 0.44, 0.31, 0.15, 0.24, "Race", true, myWindow ) buttonClose = guiCreateButton ( 0.43, 0.71, 0.15, 0.24, "Close", true, myWindow ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",buttonRace,Click,false) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick",buttonClose,close,false) end ) function Click( ) setElementDimension( localPlayer, 1 ) outputChatBox( tostring ( getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) ) triggerServerEvent( "racestart", localPlayer, localPlayer ) guiSetVisible( myWindow, false ) showCursor( false ) guiSetInputEnabled( false ) end function close( ) guiSetVisible(myWindow, false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end function open( ) guiSetVisible(myWindow, true) showCursor(true) guiSetInputEnabled(true) end bindKey ( "F2", "down", open )
Client function Click( ) setElementDimension ( localPlayer, 2 ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( getElementDimension ( localPlayer ) ) ) triggerServerEvent("racestart",localPlayer ) guiSetVisible(myWindow, false) showCursor(false) guiSetInputEnabled(false) end -------------------------------------------------- Server function Racestart (hitElement) if ( isElement ( hitElement ) and getElementType ( hitElement ) == "player" ) then setElementData (hitElement,"gamemode","[gamemodes]/[race]/race", true) end end addEvent("racestart", true) addEventHandler( "racestart", getRootElement(), Racestart )
No Work the problem and I am trying to activate the game mode in another dimension but will not
I know that it takes more lines, but the problem this this line, tried to correct, i could not, and I came here to ask for help setElementData (source,"gamemode","[gamemodes]/[race]/race", true)
but not a feature race can also be play, cmd, deathmatch, etc. ... and that the problem is not activating the gamemode type setElementData (source ,"gamemode","[gamemodes]/[play]/play", true) setElementData (source ,"gamemode","[gamemodes]/[deathmatch]/deathmatch", true) I just wanted to know why not activate the gamemode if not can respond here send me a private message (Please)